According to Statista, bananas and apples are among the most popular types of fruit among Germans. And no wonder, because they have many health benefits. But there are also many other fruits whose benefits should not be underestimated. Recent research suggests that kiwis are crucial for recovery after (intensive) exercise and helpoxidative stress in the bodyto reduce. The results were published March 3, 2021 in the journalSportspublished. The study focused on elite sprinters and found that regularly consuming two kiwis per day can reduce oxidative damage to cells caused by high-intensity exercise training.
What is oxidative stress?
Over time, oxidative stress can damage DNA and essential fat and proteins in your body. As a result, various health problems can arise, including high blood pressure, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and even Alzheimer's disease. Aside from intense exercise, oxidative stress can also be caused by exposure to pesticides on conventional fruits and vegetables, pollutants in the air, and even a diet high in sugar, fat, and alcohol.
With so many potential factors contributing to an increase in free radicals, it is importantantioxidant-rich foodsto eat to restore balance. And kiwis are full of antioxidants.
Athletes who routinely train at high intensity typically take in a large amount of oxygen. While oxygen is essential for muscle contraction, breathing in too much air can also increase the number of free radicals in your body. This creates so-called oxidative stress, i.e. an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body.
Participants and course
For the study, researchers in Japan recruited 30 college-aged male middle- and long-distance runners who were regularly exposed to exercise-induced oxidative stress. Half of the participants were instructed to eat two kiwis a day for two months without changing their diet, while the other half did not eat any kiwis at all. At the end of the study, researchers found that those who ate kiwis twice a day reduced the harmful effects of oxidative stress on their bodies by increasing their antioxidant levels.
Previous research has shown that kiwifruit has antioxidant properties that could combat oxidative DNA damage. One study even suggests that the antioxidant and vitamin C found in kiwis may help treat asthma.
References:Study in Sports magazine; “The Intake of Kiwifruits Improve the Potential Antioxidant Capacity in Male Middle- and Long-Distance Runners Routinely Exposed to Oxidative Stress in Japan”
Study in Thorax (2000); Consumption of fresh fruit rich in vitamin C and wheezing symptoms in children