One of the highlights during the Christmas season for the children is writing the letter to Santa Claus with the wish list. That joyful glow and sparkle in the eyes when the child then puts the Christmas letter in Santa's mailbox! We are sure that even you are grinning at the idea. With this in mind, we would like to help you with the preparations. Of course, a simple piece of paper is enough, but a colorful and child-friendly template for a letter to Santa Claus would certainly be much better.
The magical service from Deutsche Post
Many children around the world write letters to Santa Claus.
During the Christmas season, Deutsche Post has special branches to collect all letters (e.g. Himmelpforten) that are sent to Santa Claus. The dear old gentleman travels especially from the North Pole to respond to every child there with his helpers. Santa Claus is very busy now and has to fly home in time for the last onesGifts for the good childrento organize. That's why the letter to Santa Claus should be in his mailbox by the third Advent at the latest.
Don't forget:
- write the correct address on the envelope. You can find these on the Deutsche Post website.
- Please note the sender correctly so that the child can also receive the reply letter.
Write a letter to Santa Claus with a template
If you have a color printer, the task becomes particularly easy. Simply choose your favorite template, print it out and only label the free fields. There is also a version with enough space for a list if more than just one gift wish needs to be noted. We have created something suitable for you in every case.
If you only have a black and white printer, that doesn't mean your wish list will look boring. In this case, you can choose one of our variants with a coloring picture. This is practical because the child can take part in the design, especially if they can't write yet.
In this template you will not only findMotifs to color in, but also an incomplete poem that you can finish with the child so that you can encourage creativity in a playful way while writing the letter.
Design your own wish lists
You can also use our templates to design a very individual letter to Santa Claus - as inspiration, so to speak. Let the child himself draw any landscape or typical on a piece of paperDraw Christmas motifsand then paint and add any text you want. Before offering a finished text, you can also ask your child for a few ideas and suggestions. Let them take part in this tradition as much as possible so that the post is as unique as possible.
Text ideas for mailing to Santa Claus
Instead of just making a list of gift wishes, you can introduce it with a short text. Start with “Dear Santa Claus,” after which the child can briefly introduce themselves (name, age, place of residence). Alsothe classic poems, which are usually recited to Santa Claus by children, you can add to your Christmas wish list:
Dear, good Santa Claus,
put on the long boots,
comb your white beard,
Go on your Christmas trip.
More ideas for printable letter to Santa Claus
We are sure that your child will show impressive creativity when it comes to designing the letter to Santa Claus and formulating a nice text. Just in case, we have a few more templates and suggestions for you below – completely free of charge, of course!
Take an afternoon to send mail to Himmelpfort
Print template for girls with beautiful Christmas motifs
Template for a simple Christmas wish list
Letter to Santa Claus – example of wording
Address the text of the letter to the Christ child
Stationery to print out with space for a text you have written yourself
Idea with Christmas and winter motifs – stationery with snowflakes
Rustic stationery in a brown vintage look
Original idea for the letter to Santa Claus - What I want and what I need
Letter to Santa Claus with a poem or free text