Who loves classic gift wrapping?with simple wrapping paperIf it's too boring, you can choose one of our ideas today. We'll show you how you can pack fun gifts for children in the shape of different animals. Depending on the shape of the gift, you can choose between a penguin, shark or cat and make children's faces really shine. Get the boxes ready, wrap them with paper as usual and then transform them into the selected animal in a few steps.
Packing gifts for children in a fun way – materials
- Colored paper in different colors, depending on the animal
- Scissors
- tape
- Hot glue or glue for paper
- black felt-tip pen
- optional: punch for circles
Wrap gifts for children in the shape of a cat
- Take the box with the gift and wrap it with colored paper in the selected color as you would otherwise (yellow in the example). You can then go ahead and pack the gifts for children in a fun wayshape of cats:
- Cut the first oneOhrfrom: A triangle with rounded corners and a straight tab on the lower side of the triangle, which you can then fold over and use for sticking (can be seen in the picture above, to the left of the box).
- Use the first ear as a template for the second (or you can place two pieces of paper on top of each other and cut out two identical ears in one go).
- Then also cut out a smaller pink triangle and use it as a template for another one.
- Fold the flaps of the large triangles back, glue the pink triangles to the center of these ears and attach them to the box.
- For thePawsYou need two longer elements in a U-shape as well as three small circles and one larger circle in pink. You can also use punches for the circles.
- Glue the pink circles onto the yellow paws and the paws under the box so that they stick out in front.
- For thetailcut out a snake-shaped element and glue it to the back of the box with the tail facing up.
- Now all that's missing is a pink triangle for themNoseas well as two white circles and smaller black circles for eachEyes, which you glue together as shown in the picture. The small white squares represent reflected light.
- Draw it with a felt-tip penCanand theWhiskerson.
Tipp: If you want, you can also cut out a few strips of a different color for a tabby cat and glue them to the back and tail when wrapping gifts for children in a fun way.
Wrapping presents for children at Christmas
The penguin is a typical winter motif and is therefore also suitablefor Christmas presentsvery good. If you would like to creatively wrap gifts for children in the shape of a penguin, you can do so in the following ways:
- Wrap the gift as usual with white paper. Now you can pack the gifts for children in a fun way in the shape of a penguin:
- For theKopfYou will need a gray piece of paper that has the dimensions of the top of the gift wrap and then turns into a triangle on one side (tapering to a point). After cutting it out, glue it to the packaging.
- Then glue a triangle on the tip for itSchnabel.
- DieFinsare also made of gray paper. First transfer the dimensions of the top onto the gray paper (the same as for the head before) and then add long U shapes on two opposite sides. Fold the cut out element as shown in the picture above and glue it onto the penguin's head.
- Cut these out of yellow paperFeetfrom: First one foot, which you then use as a template for the second or place two pieces of yellow paper on top of each other and cut out both feet at the same time. Stick them under the box.
- Cut small circles out of black paper for theEyesout of.
- If you want, you can cut out an oval-shaped piece from white paper that you can use for theBellystick on the front of the gift. It's finishedfunny gift wrapping!
Also interesting:Make a penguin with cotton wool, toilet roll, paper plates and cups
Packing gifts for children in a fun way – Gray Shark
Boys in particular are sure to be happy about a wild predator. If you want to beautifully wrap gifts for children, you can also choose this impressive shark. It was used for a narrow gift box. And this is how you can pack gifts for children in a funny way in the shape of a shark:
- Wrap the giftas usual with gray paper. Then you can pack the gifts for children in a fun way in the following steps:
- Fold gray paper once to make two layers, draw oneSide finand cut them out. The two layers mean you get both fins in one go. Fold the straight sides once to create tabs for gluing. Glue the fins to the sides of the gift.
- In the same way as the side fins, you also place themDorsal finhere. Fold the bottom edges outwards to create tabs and glue the two fins together. Then glue the finished fin to the top of the gift using the tabs.
- Now you need another onetail. This should be the same width as the back of the gift. You can see a suggestion for the tail shape in the picture. Fold the straight edge back over to create a glue tab and adhere the tail to the gift edge to edge (the tab facing down).
- Punch or cut two black circles for theEyesand stick it to the packaging.
- Cut two zigzag strips out of white paper for themTeethas well as two small squares for the eye shine. Also glue these elements in the designated placesYour gift is ready!