Good morning expressed romantically: 20 pictures and sayings

Would you like to wish someone good morning? Surprise your boyfriend or girlfriend with a sweet picture and a loving message! This way he or she can start the day in a good mood. We offer you 20 pictures and sayings that will arouse great feelings.

Good morning in romantic terms: Inspirational sayings for a new relationship

If you're newly in love and have already been on several dates or are already a couple, then you probably want to spend as much time together as possible. If this is not always possible, be it because you are in a long-distance relationship or because one of you travels a lot for business, then there is the opportunity to express your feelings with a romantic good morning saying.

Under no circumstances should you underestimate this little oneGesture of attention. Nothing says “I like you” better than a good morning greeting. It is better to choose a neutral saying that is inspiring. Wish you a good start to the day and assure your partner that you are thinking about him or her and can't wait to see them again.

Which pictures are suitable for the occasion: Romantic pictures of couples holding hands or of flowers, or of a cool breakfast.

Sayings and WhatsApp images for long-term relationships

During a long-term relationship, the partners slowly get used to each other and romance gradually fades into the background. In this so-called habituation phase, the couple spends everyday life together and a routine develops.Little surpriseslike a good morning greeting can revitalize the relationship. In this case, you can send a greeting via WhatsApp or SMS. Declarations of love, romantic quotes and sweet love messages are particularly well received. You can express your feelings. Ultimately, you already know the other person very well and know what will bring them joy.

Which images are suitable: nature images, flowers, couples.

Morning greeting after the first date

You recently met someone you think is really great. A few days ago they went on a date for the first time. Now is the right time to show interest and positively surprise the other person with a good morning greeting. If the relationship is still in the first phase, you should definitely not overdo it with the SMS and WhatsApp pictures. It's better to say hello in the morning and wait. Depending on how the other person reacts, you can plan a second date together and wish each other good morning more often until then. Write a sweet greeting that comes from the heart yourself.

Which pictures are suitable for this: Cute cuddly toys, flowers, breakfast and coffee pictures. If a second date is already planned, then you can say in another sentence that you are really looking forward to it.

When should you not send good morning images?

Are you newly in love and now want to invite the other person on a date? Then you should avoid good day pictures and sayings. Ultimately, you don't know the other person. Many people feel pressured in this way and find the constant attention annoying. So please take your time with your greetings.

You can find more morning greetings here:Good morning greetings for Whatsapp, Instagram & Messenger