Saying to say goodbye to colleague at a change of work

Regardless of whether you voluntarily leave or have been quit a company, in most cases it is very difficult, since you usually find one or the other new friend that you will miss. A good cooperation is the result of a good corporate culture, specialist knowledge and helpfulness. It is all the more important to make the job change as pleasant, peaceful and respectful for colleagues as possible. Regardless of whether you have planned a farewell party for a colleague, want to give a farewell gift with a few nice words or have planned a short speech - a few inspirations for the right choice of words and nice wishes are certainly very welcome. Even in the event that you could not personally congratulate your colleagues on the new job, you can do it via WhatsApp. Then ours canGallery from great sayingsHelp. Guaranteed you will find one or the other saying to say goodbye to colleague when changing work that you can use or even several that can be combined. To download or send it on.

A saying to say goodbye to a colleague at a change of work aims to honor the person. You don't know your colleagues so well personally? No problem, then you can speak of the time together as a colleague. Even if she was actually not so close to your colleague, it is a nice gesture if you at least get a nice greeting card and label it with a nice saying. If you are not present on the last day to say goodbye to the colleague before the job change, you can also send an email with some words. Say “thank you”, wish “all the best” or work in your text a funny or nice memory from the working time together. No matter what way, whether on paper orelectronically via WhatsApp, Mail or another app, dear words to say goodbye, everyone is guaranteed!