Comforting quotes & sayings after a breakup

A breakup can be extremely difficult, especially if it is the end of a romantic relationship. But even if onelong-standing friendshipWhen things fall apart, it is usually anything but easy to overcome. Motivational or funny sayings can provide a little comfort after a separation. And because we know that this is the case, we have put together a selection for you in the following gallery. We would also like to give you a few helpful tips with which you can overcome the painful situation as quickly as possible.

Sayings after a breakup – tips for a quick new start

Separating from a loved one is never really easy. Even if we realize that it is better this way, it is difficult for us. But if you handle it correctly, you candifficult timesurvive faster and easier. Not only can you help yourself, but you can also turn to your friends and family. We have listed what you can do below. Afterwards, some good sayings after a breakup are waiting for you in the gallery.

Break up virtually too!

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger – on the one hand, all of these are temptations to constantly engage with theperson of your heartto get in touch. Furthermore, it will also be painful to have to constantly see this person in photos and possibly with a new partner at some point. The sight brings back memories of old times and prevents you from looking forward.

It's best to delete him or her from all apps and social media and avoid constantly browsing their profile. Take advantagesocial mediaInstead, choose to let out your frustration by posting breakup quotes that reveal your feelings.

If you don't want to delete the phone number right away, you can leave it to the apps for now. To resist temptation, your former love orgirlfriend or boyfriendTo call, you can install excellent apps that will forward your call to someone else of your choice instead.

Anything that reminds you of him or her is harmful

Gifts and other memorabilia, his/her clothes, and the like are all things you shouldn't have around you all the time if you want to get over the breakup quickly. Nobody says you should throw these away. Maybe one day you'll look back fondly on the relationship and enjoy the mementos. Simply take a box and then store it in a hard-to-reach place to avoid the temptation for a long time.

If necessary, you can also do thatRedecorate apartment. This is especially beneficial if you shared the apartment with each other and everything reminds you of him or her. You might even find suitable sayings after a breakup in our gallery that you can use for a wall tattoo so that you can look forward again with motivation.

Sayings after breakup - Distract yourself

Sure, it's hard and most of us need some time to grieve. But that shouldn't influence and take over our entire everyday life. Your friends and relatives are the best way toto distract yourselfand to enjoy the beautiful sides of life. You will quickly find that they are a wonderful help in overcoming such pain.

Have fun together or have a good cry if you feel the need, but be sure to avoid isolating yourself from everything and everyone. Then you just push yourself further and fall into a hole from which it will be difficult to get out. Finally do everything you wantalways wantedhad, but your ex didn't! And if you are alone at home, your friends can send you comforting sayings after a breakup to cheer you up. In addition, your ex-partner will probably even be secretly annoyed that you seem to be getting better again so quickly.

Stay healthy

It's certainly not unusual if you initially lose your appetite and have a few sleepless nights. But catch yourself as soon as possible, because in order for you to be well mentally, your body must also be well.Eat healthy, drink lots of water and tea and get enough sleep! This is the only way you can fully recover from the terrible breakup.

Don't forget fresh air and plenty of exercise. You can also combine this with our second tip: For example, meet oneGirlfriend for a walk, eat ice cream or shop and have a fun day together! Avoid drinking too much alcohol – both at home and at a diversionary party. It's more likely to make you depressed and could also lead you to do something you'll later regret.

Escape the pain in baby steps

Now is not the time for big, long-term planning. You may have had these with your ex-partner until recently, and it will be difficult to come up with new plans without being constantly reminded of them. Instead, focus on the “now” and “tomorrow.” In the morning or the evening before, come up with something for the new day and enjoy your newfound freedom. Step by step you will quickly find your way out of your pain and back againlearn to be happy aloneto be!

Sayings after a breakup to cheer you up and process the pain

No matter if youmotivating and positiveLooking for sayings after a breakup or simply ones that describe your feelings and help you process the pain better, regardless of whether you are looking for motivational sayings after a breakup for yourself or want to cheer up a boyfriend or girlfriend - we have some such sayings in our gallery and quotes compiled. Our sayings are intended to provide comfort and strength and help you quickly find your way back to normality.

There are things you don't do for anyone else anymore

Sayings about new phase of life after separation

Good sayings after a breakup make it easier to process our feelings

Sometimes you hate the one you love the most

New beginnings after a separation – sayings that motivate

Saying after separation - It's time to be happy again

People change every second

Loving you isn't hard, but being without you is

Better an ending with horror than a horror without end

The pain of losing you made me stronger

The nature of the separation shows the true personality of a person

Uplifting words after a breakup

New beginning sayings after separation

Without love there would be no pain

Some don't even realize how much they hurt you

You don't forget what you love

Get rid of everything that prevents you from developing

Now you're happy without me

What is truly yours cannot be taken away from you

A coming and going

One day you'll regret losing me

Sad sayings after a breakup

You can't erase memories

Sayings after a breakup - feeling regret

Sayings from France about love

You have finished with a person when you neither love nor hate him

Breakup sayings help overcome the pain