The 18th birthday is a special occasion to celebrate. Many beautiful moments are imminent: your first own apartment, the first car, maybe an apprenticeship or the first job. No wonder that the young people like to celebrate the age of majority. While some let it go in the club and organize a huge party, others prefer to celebrate in the close family or friends and spend a nice afternoon with coffee and cake. No matter what you choose, everyone is guaranteed to be congratulated on the 18th birthday. You can of course send the birthday child to the 18th birthday via WhatsApp, but it is much more personal if you make a birthday card yourself and provide you with a warm congratulations on the 18th birthday. You may need inspiration for your loving message? We are happy to help and offer you 20 cool, inspiring and funny sayings for the 18th birthday.
Sayings for the 18th birthday: Inspirational wishes for the age of majority
It's not always easyThe birthday wishesTo think of it yourself. Maybe you ask yourself the question "What do you write in a birthday card for your 18th birthday?" We try to give you some ideas what the text can include. However, if you do not come up with suitable birthday sayings for 18, you can browse through our picture gallery and download one of our greeting cards.
The 18th birthday sayings should first deal with the topic of “growing up”. The age of majority symbolizes a new beginning. For most adolescents it means that for the first time they leave their parents' house and in theirsmove in first of your own apartment. At 18 you want to experience, learn and experience so much. The teenagers see life through the pink glasses and look optimistically into the future. Of course, mistakes are also made, but you learn from it and slowly get your life under control. This optimism is the most exciting thing about this age, the opportunity to make all decisions for the first time.
Try to formulate your 18th birthday wishes so that you give the birthday child courage to realize his dreams. A successful saying for the 18th birthday could therefore begin with recognition of his success: the child is no longer a child. He / she is an adult who has made an important milestone in his life. Has the Abitur examination already held and passed? Then the birthday wishes for 18 can start.
Then you can look into the future. What is ahead of the birthday child? Does it have plans, want to do an apprenticeship or go to the university? Then the congratulations for 18 birthday must also address this topic.
ShouldThe birthday childDo not yet know exactly what is imminent or should it have not told them its specific plans, then creativity is required. In this case, the Sayings 18 Birthday can concentrate on the coming year. Would you like young health, happiness and lots of love. Birthday sayings 18 are particularly cool, which address all important points, but at the same time do not sound like a cliché.
The 18th birthday congratulations can include one last point. When the years pass, most people like to remember their youth and leaf through the photo albums. Write the last sentence of your sayings for 18 with the ulterior motive that one day you will read your message as an adult and will remember the time together. The 18th birthday can therefore end with a sentence that expresses your anticipation of everything you want to do together with the birthday child.
Funny sayings for the 18th birthday
If you know the birthday child well, the next ideas for funny sayings for 18th birthday are just right for you. Let your imagination run wild and think of the time you spent together with the birthday child and all fun moments. Combine funny congratulations for the 18th birthday with cool pictures. On request, you can even create a photo collage of both of you and provide each photo with a heading. So the greeting card looks much more personal. Otherwise you can decorate the birthday card with pictures of animals or with funny caricatures. You can also find in the articleSome funny sayingsFor the 18th birthday that you can send the birthday child via WhatsApp.
Especially if you want to send a greeting card online, you should pay particular attention to how to design you and when you will send you. If you know the birthday child well, send the greeting card early in the morning. So it will read you first after getting up. From 10 a.m. to noon you can get a friendcongratulate. Most people send their birthday cards in this period. This means that your greeting card is guaranteed. There is also a good chance that the acquaintance will report to you and thank you for the 18th birthday. In the late afternoon, you should only congratulate good friends or family members for your birthday. Most 18 year olds are then in a party mood and will most likely not see their greetings.
You can of course formulate sayings for the 18th birthday and send it via WhatsApp. But if you want to notice and want to give the birthday child joy, then you should consider an alternative to the online greeting card. For example, you can prepare a surprise and make a if book. If books are perfect asBirthday giftAnd guarantees good mood. We have already shown you some ideas for a creative WED book, you can certainly find many more inspiration on the net on how to design the pages. A self-made trailer is of course the icing on the cake. Of course shouldfunny congratulations on18 birthday.
By the way, most young people will appreciate funny congratulations on the 18th birthday. Especially at this age, one is proud that his friends call him “crazy” or “uncomplicated”. Or make fun of his habits or his life situation. If you want to congratulate a boy with a funny 18 birthday saying, you can also make it with a drink.
Funny congratulations for the 18th birthday are only suitable if you know your feeling for humor. Also try to protect his privacy. Instead of making fun of shared experiences or his character traits, you can draw conclusions for all eighteen year olds. In the photo above you will find a good example of a neutral 18th birthday funny saying that is suitable for both boys and girls.
Finally 18: Congratulations on the age of majority in rhyming form
Finally 18! Most young people can hardly wait to become of legal age. Then you are not only allowed to drive a car and drink alcohol, but also give up your vote as a voter and have a say in your future. An exciting time. Maybe that's why the teenagers are so much happy about “finally 18” sayings. If you want to surprise the godchild or the nephew, you can get the poetry genius out of you and write your loving message in rhyme. The 18th birthday poems enjoy great popularity. If you find it difficult to find the right rhymes, you can use a rhymes search engine. There is a large selection of pages on the net that support you in the task. Simply write down the first part of the sentence and enter the last word in the search engine. Select a suitable rhyme from the results and write the second part of the sentence. Celebrate with a poem for 18 years since you know your godchild. Review the past years and wish him a nice celebration that it will remember for a long time.
There are many cool sayings for the 18th birthday in rhyme form. They all only have one disadvantage: poems are usually longer and they need a large greeting card for the long text. Large greeting cards are not suitable as a trailer and often have to be packed with the gift. So there is a risk that the birthday child will overlook the greeting card because of the joy of unpacking or even accidentally throws away with the packaging. If you choose to formulate your lucky wishes briefly, you can attach the birthday card to the gift and the recipient will be guaranteed.
Short and cool lucky wishes
In short, but deeply touching, very personal or super funny. Sometimes you can do a lot with just one sentence. If you want to write cool sayings on the greeting card for the 18th birthday, then you should adhere to some basic rules.
- A good start is the be -all and end -all of every short message. Let yourself be inspired by wisdom of famous people.
- So that the second part of the 18th birthday sayings is short, concentrate on the essentials. Do not let the details distract you and try to give an answer to the following questions: "What do I want to say?" "What details can I leave out?" So formulate each of your 18th birthday sayings briefly and to the point.
- Pay attention to the number of words, it should not be more than 20 words. Spread the filling words, you make the sentences unnecessarily long. By the way, short texts still have a decisive advantage: you can send them via Twitter or old -fashioned via SMS.
- Try to convey only one message per set.
- A picture that fits the topic brings variety. You can download free of charge for the 18th birthday or integrate your own pictures into the layout of the greeting card.
Sweet texts for girlfriend for your birthday
It suddenly begins, like a love at first glance, runs harmonious or turbulent and lasts for life or ends with Zoff: friendship among women is a complicated topic. Best friends are real soul mates, many women are even more important than the relationship. In numerous cases, friendships from adolescence prove themselves as an eternal covenant that has lasted time.
So if you have a best friend, you should definitely take care of the relationship. It is difficult at 18, especially because ties to friends change particularly intensively. So it is all the more important that you send your birthday sayings best friend every year and that you contact her. What do you write in a birthday card for a special person? Try to concentrate on your friendship and explain how much you love you and how much you look forward to the coming years. In our article you can find several funny sayings for the 18th birthday for girlfriend that you can re -formulate. If you send a free greeting card online, take your time in the search and do not download the first you saw.
Sayings for the 18th birthday of friends
If you do not write a birthday card text for girlfriend alone, but are supported in the task of the whole circle of friends, then you should be willing to compromise. Not everyone has the same feeling for humor and not all find certain texts. Put together and think about what you want to write about it. You know the birthday child best and can best assess how it will react to certain funny sayings for the 18th birthday of friends. Some young people will be happy, others are sensitive and will appreciate more touching and inspiring congratulations on the 18th birthday of friends.
Boys wholoving birthday congratulationsWant to send her friend, should you choose sweet texts and keep your fingers away from funny sayings. Instead, try to focus on the relationship and express your feelings. With a loving message, you will certainly touch your girlfriend deeply.
For the niece and the nephew from the aunt
If the niece has a birthday, it is a special occasion. In hectic everyday life, most aunts are difficult to spend time with the godchild, the nephew or niece. That is precisely why it is very important that the family is composed at least on festive occasions. At the same time, most aunts and uncle face a big challenge. With regard to the gift, you can ask the parents and get one or the other insider tip. But what do you write in a card for your birthday? The answer will surely surprise you, but it is: Better not to write anything specific about it. The congratulations on the 18th birthday of the aunt should be formally formulated. Health, success in career and happiness in love, for example, are suitable congratulations for the 18th birthday for nephew.
If you have a godchild, you can also write a longer text on the greeting card and remember the first day when you saw your godchild as a baby. Assure the child that they will always be at his side with advice and action. The greeting card naturally includes congratulations on the 18th birthday for sponsored child, but in the fitting you can hide another surprise - a amount of money or a voucher for several tank fillings or a grant on the Abitur trip. The birthday child will certainly be happy about it and money gifts are well received at this age.
From the parents
The relationship between parents and children is considered to be unbreakable. Especially in the first 12 years, parents and children are very close, as a teenager, the first attempts by the toddler begin to give his character an expression. In the age of 18, the time has finally come and the young people are ready to leave the parents' house and make decisions independently. This important milestone in development is worried to many parents because they lose control. Most also find it difficult to understand that the child is already an adult and that they no longer need them. The 18th birthday therefore plays a major role in the further development and care of the relationship between parents and children.
Parents write poems
Congratulations 18th birthday daughter: When the daughter becomes eighteen, creativity is above all asked. Many parents want to congratulate the 18th birthday daughter. Poems for the 18th birthday from the mother to the daughter look very personally. That is why we recommend that you write the poem yourself. Take your time, especially if you are a beginner. Try adding a line every day. Read the text again the next day and correct it if necessary. Give your child courage and explain to him that he has a good time and that, no matter what obstacles in his way, it will overcome you. When the text is ready, you can make a greeting card made of construction paper yourself, then put it in a large bouquet of flowers and give it to the birthday child. Girls are particularly happy about happy flower arrangements. Choose fragrant seasonal flowers or buy a single flower - your daughter's favorite flower. She will certainly appreciate the nice gesture.
Give the flowers and gift in the narrow family circle. If your daughter has invited to her 18th birthday girl at home, then you should never read the greeting card. The young people are ashamed when their parents express their feelings or when they remember their childhood in details.
Instead, try to surprise birthday wishes for the 18 daughter in the morning with WhatsApp.
Congratulations to the son with WhatsApp congratulations on the 18th birthday
Boys are also happy about birthday wishes from the parents, even if they don't admit it. Rather do without jokes and jokes and concentrate on the essentials. EncourageHer sonto grab the stars and live at any moment. You can also write quotes or wisdom on the greeting card, or add a family motto if you have one. Let your imagination run wild and you will think of a suitable congratulations. In this case, too, we advise you to think about the saying in advance and not to label the greeting card at the last moment. Take your time, because one day your son will remember this valuable moment.
18th birthday quotes
There are many suitable quotes or wisdom for the 18th birthday. Look for one that best describes your family situation or your faith and hopes. Concentrate on the positive.
Loving congratulations on the age of majority of the grandparents
The grandparents are particularly happy to be able to celebrate their 18th birthday together with their grandchildren. A family celebration gives you the opportunity to congratulate the grandchildren personally and hand over the gifts. Of course, the birthday card 18 should not be missing.
When young people are 18, there is a special occasion to celebrate. Whether in the close circle of friends and family with coffee and cake or at the disco: every teenager can decide about it for himself. One thing is certain in any case: Everyone is happy about a lovingly labeled greeting card. We offer you numerous free examples of greeting cards for the 18th birthday. Let yourself be inspired and select your favorite design.
And what the future will bring the eighteen year will be shown. Because from now on the children are no longer children, but adults. And are treated accordingly by society and the parents. This is the first and perhaps the most important step towards independent life. From now on, the youngsters can vote, search for a permanent job or study, move into their first apartment, drive a car and of course drink alcohol. No wonder that you often feel overwhelmed by so many tasks or rights. That is why the parents should continue to support them and support them with advice and action. However, you should avoid interfening with and let the children make mistakes and then get their lives under control.