Wrapping gifts in a funny way – 9 DIY instructions and many other ideas!

Original and creative gift packaging gives every gift a unique and very personal touch. While for most people it is pure horror, for many others gift wrapping is a great way toLet your creativity and imagination run wild. Have you finally found the perfect gift and now all you need is the right packaging? Then read on - in this article we have an excellent collection of many great and not at all complicated ideas on how you can pack your gifts in a fun way!

Sweet bunny bag for children

The first idea we have for you is this cute bunny bag that will delight every little princess! The best thing about it is that you already have most of the materials at home and theBag really made in no timebecomes!


  • Wrapping paper
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon for tying
  • Lackmarker

And this is how it works:

  • Get all materials ready.
  • Cut the rabbit ears into the desired shape.
  • Then draw the mouth, nose and eyes with the paint marker.
  • Place the gift in the bag and tie it tightly with a cute ribbon. This also gives the rabbit ears the right look.

Pack gifts for children in a funny way - funny animal gift boxes

In most cases, wrapping beautiful gifts in a funny way can be done very quickly and without much effort. With these simple gift boxes you will be able to create an entire zoo for your children in no time - below we will show you simple instructions for a super cute mouse gift box.

Materials required:

  • small rectangular box
  • white or gray paper for the body of the mouse
  • pink paper for the nose and ears
  • black marker
  • double-sided tape
  • Scissors

Step by step instructions:

  • First cut out two small circles from the gray paper and two smaller ones from the pink paper for the ears. Glue the pink pieces to the gray ones.
  • Lay out the wrapping paper and place the box on top. Trace the box bottom onto the wrapping paper and cut along the drawn lines.
  • Carefully tape the paper around the box.
  • Cut out a small triangle for the nose from the pink paper and attach it to the box.
  • Attach the ears to the top corners with the double-sided tape.
  • Cut a small strip of paper for the tail and glue it to the back.
  • Then draw the eyes and whiskers of the mouse with the marker and there you have itfunny giftbox ready!

Pack funny emoji gifts for young and oldJung

Chocolates, handbags and various accessories – emojis and smileys have been very popular lately. So why not give your loved ones a real treat by presenting your gifts in a cool emoji gift box?


  • rectangular boxes
  • Wrapping Paper - Black, White, Red, Blue and Pink
  • Double-sided tape


  • Think about what emojis you want to make and cut out the appropriate shapes for eyes, mouth, etc. Are you a little clumsy with your hands? Don't worry - you can find thousands of smiley templates to print out online!
  • The box with wrapping paper in colorPack according to your choiceand then attach the emoji parts to it with the double-sided adhesive tape.

Packing small gifts for children is fun

Would you like to give a child money or a small toy? Then you are very well advised with our next suggestion.

Materials required:

  • Tonkarton
  • paper napkin
  • Gift ribbon
  • Bastwolle
  • Compass, pencil, ruler
  • Glue, scissors
  • black and red marker

Step by step instructions:

  • Cut out a circle with a diameter of 5 centimeters from the cardboard.
  • Draw a smiling face with the black marker.
  • Next, draw and cut out a collar about 8 centimeters wide.
  • Punch a hole in the middle of the forehead and at both ends of the collar.
  • Then pull the gift ribbon through the collar.
  • Place the gift on the napkin and tie it tightly with the collar.
  • Knot a few strips of raffia wool for your hair.
  • Finally, glue the face to the collar and you're done!

Pack money gifts in a fun and creative way

No matter whether old or young –Everyone looks forward to receiving monetary gifts. The next time you come up with an idea for funny gift wrapping, the birthday child is sure to be happy.

For this you need:

  • 10 egg box (or a box of 6 if you don't want to give away so much money)
  • 10 Kinder surprise eggs or other chocolate eggs
  • Brush and acrylic paint
  • Gift ribbon

Here's how it's done:

  • Carefully and slowly remove the paper label from the egg carton. Since it is completely painted, it won't be a problem if something sticks or the paper is easily torn off.
  • Paint the packaging with acrylic paint of your choice - whether just the lid or the entire box is up to you.
  • Allow the paint to dry completely.
  • In this step you can use the egg cartonDecorate as you wishor just leave it like that.
  • Unpack the surprise eggs and be careful here - don't eat them all at once!
  • Fold the banknotes in half lengthways, roll them up and place them in the inner egg.
  • Repeat the process with all eggs.
  • And finally, tie the finished egg box with a beautiful gift ribbon.

Funny gift wrapping for adults

The adults have to have fun opening presents too, right? Our first suggestion is perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth – a bouquet of sweets. Isn't that a dream?


  • Various sweets of your choice
  • Gift ribbon
  • Tissue paper
  • Shish kebab skewers
  • Double-sided tape
  • a large mason jar

Chocolate Bouquet Instructions:

  • Place the tissue paper in the jar and cut off a little if necessary.
  • Stick the sweets individually onto the shish kebab skewers.
  • Arrange and secure the skewers in the mason jar with the tape.
  • Tie the gift ribbon around the glass and you're done!

Beautiful wine gift basket for all wine lovers

This gift basket consists of 12 different types of wine and this way you will ensure that your loved ones think of you and your amazing gift every month.

What you need:

  • 12 bottles of wine – different types
  • Wrapping paper in colors of your choice
  • Gift ribbon
  • 2 cardboard sheets – color matched to the wrapping paper
  • large wooden box - remember that it must fit 12 bottles of wine
  • small decorative blanket for the bottom of the boxes


  • Wrap each bottle of wine in wrapping paper.
  • Cut labels out of the box and label them with the respective months.
  • Tie the labels to the wine bottles with the gift ribbon.
  • Place a small blanket on the bottom of the wooden box and arrange the bottles in it one after the other.
  • Have fun giving gifts and tasting the wine!

Pack the presents in bread

Yes, you read that right! It couldn't be more fun and creative than that! Fresh bread and of course the gift - that's all you need!

And this is how you do it:

  • Cut the bread lengthwise and hollow it out.
  • Put the gift in a plastic bag and hide it in the bread.
  • Then press the bread together and wrap it with wrapping paper of your choice.

Pure relaxation with a wellness gift box for youDamen

The right gift for a womanIt's always such a thing to do. But which woman doesn't long for some relaxation? This gift box can be individually customized – depending on how old the recipient is and which products they like.


  • a box
  • Wellness products of your choice, such as bath pearls, face mask, face cream, body lotion, candle and of course a chocolate and a drink to pamper yourself
  • Wrapping paper
  • Washi Tape
  • Gift ribbon
  • Paper tags

Wellness gift box instructions:

  • Place the selected products in the box.
  • Depending on your mood, you can also think of a few nice messages and sayings, write them on small pieces of paper and then stick them to the respective products.
  • Finally, wrap the box with wrapping paper and wrap it with ribbon. Write something nice on the paper tag and attach it to the finished box.

More ideas and inspiration for funny gift wrapping