Sayings about grandma and grandpa starting school: 30 loving congratulations on starting school

The time has come soon: school is starting. For the first graders it is a special moment, the start of a new and exciting phase of life. And of course the family is looking forward to it too. The grandparents are especially keenfirst day of schoolexcited and try to make the day even more special with sweets, small gifts and a nice greeting card. But what should Grandma and Grandpa write on it? We offer you 30 loving sayings for starting school.

Sayings about starting school: What do you wish for your grandchild when they start school?

The summer holidays will soon be over and then all the first graders will be celebratingat primary schoolreceived. A special occasion that is celebrated extensively by the whole family. Traditionally, children receive many gifts for their first day of school. Presents that also have a nice greeting card are particularly well received. This can then remain as a nice memory. This is a good opportunity, especially for grandparents, to personally congratulate their grandchildren on starting school.

Also read our article:What do Grandma and Grandpa wear to school?

What should I write to my grandson for the start of school?

But what do grandparents actually write at the start of school? The right words don't always come to mind. Luckily, numerous sample congratulations come to your rescue. The sayings about starting school basically consist of three parts.

  • The festive occasion is mentioned first. “Your first day of school will soon be”, “School starts today”, “Back to school”.
  • Then the congratulations follow. In addition to good luck in school with reading and arithmetic, you can also wish the child lots of friends and a nice teacher.
  • At the end, you can reassure the child that he or she will overcome all hurdles and have a lot of fun at school.

What do grandparents write at the start of school: Keep the congratulations short

When you write the congratulations, remember that a small child should understand it. So no long quotes from your favorite author. Hold theCongratulations rather brieflyand humorous. You can also choose poems - these are particularly well received by six-year-old children.

What do you want for the start of school? An unforgettable first day of school

Colorful and large school cones, proud parents and lots of greeting cards: the first day of school is something very special. Therefore, you can talk about the festive occasion in the greeting card. Ultimately, it will remain a beautiful memory of the celebration.

School enrollment sayings for grandchildren who are now among the “big ones”.

Every child wants to be “big”. Therefore, every first grader will be happy if you address the topic in the greeting card. Ultimately, school is the first step to becoming an adult. The time in kindergarten is over, now core skills are learned. This includes not only reading, writing and arithmetic, but also the right learning techniques, increasing concentration and analytical thinking.

What motifs for the school enrollment card?

Not only the congratulations are important, the greeting card itself should also appear cheerful and fit the theme. School enrollment cards with pictures of children and their favorite heroes from the cartoons are well received. Colorful crayons, textbooks and a black board also make children look forward to school.

If you dare, you can make a greeting card for the first day of school. We have in our article “OneBack to school card“Craft” and have already put together several ideas. Let this inspire you and maybe you will find an idea that you can implement. Then you can hang the greeting card on a gift. It doesn't have to be anything expensive: sweets, small stuffed animals, various lucky charms or a stamp with a suitable motif.

Alternatively, you can download and print one of our free greeting cards and then send it by post or via WhatsApp or Facebook. If the child already has a cell phone, then he or she will definitely be happy to receive a message from grandma and grandpa.

Happy back to school: Keep the message short

Alternatively, short poems are also well received

Reassure the child that you are proud

Explain clearly that kindergarten is already behind the child

And that school begins a new chapter in his life

Everyday school life will be a lot of fun for him

And bring lots of new friends

Learning is important because we learn for ourselves

School time is an adventure

Every day the child will learn something new

Everyday school life trains discipline and concentration

But it also brings a lot of joy

The child is also protected during school hours

Therefore, he doesn't have to worry and can enjoy the first day of school

and make lots of new friends

It's finally starting!

The child receives many greeting cards for this festive occasion

Congratulations on grandma and grandpa starting school

All the best for starting school: sayings for grandma and grandpa starting school

Congratulations on starting school and nice sayings for the first day of school from your grandparents

What should I wish my grandson for starting school: sayings and quotes for the first day of school

Congratulations on starting school from your grandparents