How to remove dark circles under the eyes? – With our make-up tips you can skilfully conceal dark circles under your eyes!

We all want to have fresh and radiant skin and to achieve this we spend a lot of money on cosmetic procedures and care products. But partying too long for one night or watching Netflix until the early hours of the morning and you'll see them right in our faces in the morning: nasty dark shadows under our eyes. Dark circles under the eyes make us look worn out and tired, and don't look particularly flattering. Whether tea bags, cucumber slices or ice cubes - there are actually many effective home remedies for dark circles that really help. But when time is short and things have to be done faster, make-up is an excellent way to conceal small imperfections. So that you can start the day with sparkling eyes, we have done some clever research for you and will explain below how you can remove make-up from dark circles under the eyes in just a few steps.

What are the most common causes of dark circles under the eyes?

“You look really tired today.” – How many times have you heard this sentence? That a long night or too little sleepdark shadows under the eyeswe all know. However, there are other factors that could be to blame. Before we explain to you how to remove makeup under the eyes, we have summarized some of the most common causes for them.

  • Hyperpigmentation of the skinis also a common cause of dark circles under the eyes. Our skin has melanins, which determine the color of the skin and the more there are, the darker it appears. If the eye area is severely affected, it will appear in the form of blue-gray or bluish dark circles under the eyes.
  • Translucent vessels –Since the skin underneath the eyes is usually thinner, the blood vessels can show through, especially in people with pale skin. How severe these occur varies greatly from person to person.
  • Unhealthy diet –Yes, our diet also contributes to the development of dark circles under the eyes and dark shadows under the eyes are a common sign of a vitamin or iron deficiency.

Whether it's to conceal small pimples or remove dark circles under the eyes - make-up is our secret weapon that we can always rely on. But to achieve the best possible results, you need to know how to apply makeup correctly, because there are actually manyMakeup mistakes that make you olderand make us look even more tired. But don't worry, we'll explain to you step by step how to conceal dark circles under your eyes.

Prepare the skin

Flawless makeup always starts with a healthy and hydrated base. Since the skin around the eyes is much thinner than the rest of the facial skin, we need to moisturize it regularly. A normal face cream is not enough in this case. To do this, use a moisturizing eye cream and dab it along the eye area with the tip of your finger. Another advantage of the eye cream is that the primer cannot settle in the dry wrinkles.

Apply primer

To remove dark circles under the eyes and thatSkin on the makeupTo prepare, an eye primer is essential. It also ensures an even complexion and can conceal other small imperfections. Apply carefully with gentle circular movements around the eyes and on the forehead.

Remove dark circles under the eyes with Color-Corrector

While you might think that using concealer and foundation is enough to get rid of deep dark circles, we're sorry to disappoint you. Have you ever seen these makeup palettes in vibrant rainbow colors? We're talking about color corrector and this step is essential for anyone who wants to remove very heavy dark circles under the eyes. As you know, complementary colors neutralize each other and that's exactly what we're going to take advantage of. But in order to successfully conceal the dark circles under the eyes, you also have to choose the product that matches the color of the dark circles under the eyes.

  • Bluish or purple shadows under the eyesYou can neutralize it with a yellow corrector.
  • Red circles under the eyesconceal with a shade of green.
  • Yellowish dark circles under the eyescan be wonderfully covered with make-up with cool blue or purple tones.
  • Brown circles under the eyesneutralize with orange concealer.


After you have evened out the discoloration of the dark circles with the color corrector, you now need to apply an undereye concealer. So that it doesn't settle in the small wrinkles under the eyes and to achieve a more natural look, it's best to use light and liquid concealers. When choosing the right concealer color, you should make sure that the product is one to two shades lighter than your actual skin color. Apply the concealer in a V shape under the eyes and gently pat it with your finger from the outside in.

Fix with powder

To ensure that your make-up lasts for a long time, you also have to fix it at the end. After all, you don't want all your hard work to go to waste. It is best to use a colorless powder and apply it gently to achieve a natural look. And voilà – it’s so easy to remove dark circles under your eyes.

This is how to make up dark circles under the eyes

The instructions described above work perfectly for light shadows under the eyes. But if you want to remove very dark circles under your eyes, you have to do it differently. Here too, primer and color corrector are used first, but then foundation is not applied, rather than concealer. To create a “mask” effect, blend the foundation with either your fingers or a sponge. Then apply the concealer in a triangle shape and finally fix the make-up with powder.