It's hot, you've been on your feet all day, and you know what's coming - unpleasantly swollen feet and ankles. This common problem is not unexpected when you spend a lot of time on your feet, especially during the summer months. Swollen feet in summer are sure to bring discomfort and pain. To learn what you can do about it, read on!
Natural options for swollen feet in summer
If your feet swell in warmer weather, know that this is completely normal. This is a result of your body's natural cooling system, which is exacerbated by factors such as age and diet. If your swelling is caused by the heat, there are several natural ways to cool your lower limbs, improve poor circulation, and restore fluid to your blood vessels.
Put your feet up
This is one of the first things you should do to reduce the swelling. Place your feet higher than your heart about 3 or 4 times a day for 30 minutes each. Gravity isn't your friend when it comes to swelling, and here's how to negate its effect on the limbs.
Stay away from the heat as much as possible
If you tend to swell in the heat, try to stay as cool as possible. Avoid heat whenever possible. Stay in shaded areas or air-conditioned rooms whenever possible. Avoid excessively hot showers/baths and saunas as these may worsen swelling. Use a small fan to stay cool. Use a cooling foot spray. After showering, run a stream of cold water over your legs to stimulate circulation.
What to do about swollen feet in summer: Stay active
Although intense and excessive exercise can contribute to swelling in the lower limbs, quiet exercise such as walking and swimming is good for you because it improves circulation and loosens fluid retention. Try to exercise at cooler times of day, such as early evening or morning.
Stay hydrated
If you don't drink enough water, the concentration of salt in your blood can increase, causing your body to retain the water you drink and causing swelling! Too much salt contributes to swelling. By drinking more water, you can reduce the amount of salt in your body. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of pure water a day, and if you find this difficult, try adding cucumber and lemon slices.
Pay attention to your diet
About the riskswollen feetand ankles, you should look for low-sodium alternatives or low-salt foods that are usually high in salt, such as sauces, chips, smoked meats and soups. Try to avoid highly processed foods as these are often high in salt. Some foods are natural diuretics and can relieve water retention. Foods that have this effect include leafy vegetables such as spinach and lettuce, green beans, asparagus, pumpkin, onions, pineapple and lemons.
Support your feet, ankles and legs
Compression stockings or support tights can help you prevent swelling by applying the right pressure to reduce the size of enlarged veins, promote blood circulation, and prevent fluid buildup in ankles and feet.
Avoid sedentary activities
One way to do this is to take regular walking breaks when standing for long periods of time to ease the discomfort and restart blood flow and fluid transport.
Massage swollen feet in summer
Massaging the feet and ankles is a good way to get fluid moving and reduce swelling. It's best to massage them gently with both hands, working your way from your feet to your knees in a circular motion. It's best to have someone else massage you so that you don't bend your knee and restrict blood flow.
Essential oils such as peppermint oil and grapefruit oil mixed with a carrier oil such as almond oil are suitableexcellent for massageswollen feet and ankles.
The power of magnesium
Magnesium is an important mineral for blood circulation. Therefore, it is not surprising that a lack of magnesium in the body often leads to swelling. A dose of 200 mg taken twice daily can make a big difference. You can increase your dietary magnesium intake by eating more magnesium-rich foods such as dark leafy vegetables, e.g. E.g. eat spinach and kale, nuts and seeds, fish, avocado, bananas and dark chocolate.
Make cooling foot baths
There are numerous other ways to relieve swelling, such as: B. applying ice packs to the swollen areas, wrapping the ankles and feet in damp towels andcooling foot bathswith Epsom salt.