How swollen feet occur, what the causes are and what you can do about it

Swollen feet are not uncommonhealth problem. Although they are unpleasant, they are usually harmless and can have various causes and occur under different conditions. Today we would like to list some of the most common reasons for this and give you a few tips on what you can do about it.

Swollen feet – cause

The causes of swollen feet can be of different nature. Swollen feet are particularly common in the summer before and during pregnancy. Other triggers for swollen hands and feet can also be the following:

  • certain medications
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • heart failure
  • Kidney disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • too salty food

No matter which one forswollen hands and feetThe reason is that the same thing always happens in the body - water collects in the feet, legs and/or hands and more precisely in the connective tissue as follows: The pressure in the blood and/or lymphatic vessels becomes strong, which is why they are forced are to release water. However, the same pressure also prevents this leaked water from draining away again. At the same time, the kidneys try to compensate for the lack of water in the vessels by retaining fluid.

Are swollen feet and hands dangerous?

As a result, edema can occur over time. To prevent this, it is advisable to do something about the water in your legs or swollen feet. Depending on the cause, various remedies can help against swollen feet. In some cases, however, it is recommended to see a doctor who will determine the exact reason and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Thick, swollen feet in the heat

Swollen feet and ankles are not uncommon in the heat of summer. The reason for this is that the body cannot fully cope with the additional stress. Its job is to get rid of excess heat. To do this, the veins expand, increasing blood supply. However, the veins are unable to pump the increased blood completely back to the heart (Venous insufficiency or weakness), water collects in legs, feet and ankles.

Heat-related water in the legs – what to do?

Drink a lot of water so that the liquid can flow back more easily. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the amount of salt you consume, because too much salt makes you thirsty and causes the body to retain more fluids. In this case, drinking a lot as a result is not beneficial. Plenty of exercise is also important. The muscles in the calves support blood circulation and are therefore also called the calf pump.

During pregnancy

Hormonal fluctuations are usually the cause of feet and ankles swelling during pregnancy. The walls of the blood vessels become thinner, which allows fluids to reach the surrounding tissue more easily. As already mentioned, increased pressure can also be the reason for swelling of the legs and feet. As blood volume increases during pregnancy, pressure also increases, which can result in swollen feet.

Swollen feet rarely occur in early pregnancy. If at all, they usually only appear from the second half of pregnancy onwards. In addition, swollen feet caused by pregnancy are usually worst in the evening.

Are swollen feet dangerous during pregnancy?

Most of the time it is a normal side effect of the changes in the body during pregnancy. However, if the swelling does not go away overnight despite various measures or even occurs in other parts of the body, it may be a more serious problem and a gynecologist should be consulted.

Swollen feet during pregnancy – what helps?

There are various home remedies for swollen feet that you can try as a preventive measure, but also if you are already suffering from them. On the one hand, you can prevent swelling by wearing compression stockings, but regular massage with a body brush that stimulates blood circulation, as well as contrast showers, drinking lots of water and getting enough exercise are also good preventive measures. You should also put your feet up as often as possible. At night, for example, this works very well with a pillow.

Also consult your doctor if necessary. If necessary, they can give you onehelpful ointmentfor swollen feet or prescribe other medications and therapies. Light exercises for the legs also prove to be very helpful. With these remedies you can reduce or even prevent the problem. Typically, swollen feet should no longer be a problem after giving birth.

Swollen feet after sitting for a long time

Not moving for a long time can cause your legs to swell. The reason for this is that the calf muscles are resting and therefore cannot help with blood circulation. The result is that more fluid accumulates in the lower body, i.e. in the legs, ankles and feet, causing them to swell. This is why swollen feet are common after a long flight.

What can you do about swollen feet caused by lack of exercise?

It goes without saying that exercise is necessary here. Whether in the office, on a long car ride or on a long-term flight - try to move as often as possible to get your blood circulation going. There are also special travel socks you can wear if this is not possible. You should also avoid crossing your legs, as this compresses the veins, disrupting blood circulation.

After an operation

Swollen feet after surgery are possible if you have specifically had foot surgery. The body then produces inflammatory substances, which causes fluids to leak from the veins into the tissues. In addition, since you can only move so much in this situation, the calf muscles cannot help blood circulation. But even after other types of surgery, movement is not always easy.

What to do about swollen feet after surgery?

Instead, you can simply elevate your leg, as gravity will then allow fluids to flow back and toward your heart. Elevate your leg for about 20 to 30 minutes several times a day. It should be above heart level.

Diseases as a cause

Sometimes illnesses are the cause of swollen legs and feet. For example, a soft, swollen back of the foot can be a sign of heart muscle weakness. Chronic kidney failure, liver cirrhosis or protein deficiency (e.g. due to eating disorders) can also cause swelling. When you have an underactive thyroid, areas on the back of your foot and shinbone usually swell. Other possible causes include Graves' disease (hyperthyroidism), as well as hormonal and metabolic diseases.

Swollen ankles and feet on one side

If only one foot is swollen, you should pay more attention to it because then it could be a more serious problem. If you can rule out an accident as the cause of swollen ankles (e.g. sprain after twisting an ankle), it could also be an allergic reaction as a result of an insect bite or tendonitis. Varicose veins, gout or thrombosis can also cause swollen feet on one side, which is why you should see a doctor.

Effective home and other remedies

In summary, we would like to list the home remedies already mentioned and other home remedies that you can useagainst swollen ones, thick feet can be used:

  • Foot baths with cold water: The feet are briefly dipped into cold water several times and then pulled out again. This alternation of warm and cold causes the arteries to dilate and lightning circulation is stimulated. According to studies, even deposits in the vessels can be reversed in this way.
  • Sufficient exercise: It doesn't have to be intensive training in the gym. Casual jogging, cycling or brisk walking promote blood circulation and prevent water in the feet.
  • Low-salt dietis beneficial for better water exchange as the body does not retain water.
  • Cold leg wrapsare effective, but not suitable for all vascular patients and are only permitted after consultation with a doctor. Check with him tooabout quark wraps. The cold water can also be combined with fruit vinegar.
  • Put your legs up: This is how gravity helps drain the accumulated water.
  • Swollen feet medication: If necessary, your doctor may prescribe diuretics. These support the kidneys in drainage.
  • Leg exercise: Lie on your back, stretch your legs in the air and circle your feet.
  • Lymphatic drainage: This is a massage in which the lymphatic system is stroked and the blood flow towards the heart is stimulated.
  • ThroughCompression stockingsThis creates pressure in the leg and foot, which prevents water from accumulating in these areas.
  • Herbal remediesare just as effective and more specifically they are the lily of the valley, the oleander and the hawthorn. But keep in mind that this is...poisonousPlants, which is why independent collection, drying and use are prohibited. Instead, consult your doctor or pharmacist. There are safe, ready-made medicines that you can purchase.

Foot swelling in children

Swollen feet in children, just like in adults, can have a variety of causes. Since children are particularly active, an injury can occur. This could be a sign, especially if the swelling is in the ankle area. If it is an injury, it would also have to be swollen, painful feet. In this case, cool the area and elevate your leg.

Swollen feet without pain, on the other hand, could also be the result of oneInsect bites with allergic reactionbe. In this case, the puncture site is usually visible and red. The swollen foot can also be warmer than the other one.

If you are unsure about the cause, do not hesitate to consult a doctor who can rule out more serious problems or prescribe appropriate therapy and medication.

When to see a doctor?

Even though swollen legs and feet are usually harmless and can be relieved with the remedies mentioned, they can also be a sign of kidney problems or heart disease. See a doctor for the following conditions:

  • The swelling lasts longer than 24 hours.
  • You often have swollen feet.
  • The swelling occurs suddenly and is accompanied by symptoms such as burning and pain or the feet becoming hot.
  • You also have chest pain, shortness of breath, a racing heart, poor circulation or fever.
  • The skin changes color or changes.
  • You have varicose veins.
  • Only one leg is swollen.