Home remedies for wrinkles: These anti-aging miracle cures really help against wrinkles on the face!

Wrinkles are the most common signs of the loss of our youth. As women get older, they opt for wrinkle treatment or experiment with different cosmetic products to reduce wrinkles. Discover tips and natural remedies that can curb skin aging here. These home remedies for facial wrinkles really help!

Reduce wrinkles on the face with natural remedies – peeling with lemon

The sole aim of a beauty treatment is to maintain the health of the skin and its appearance. Exfoliation is one such process that plays a key role in maintaining skin health. Insteadof peeling methods, which contain harmful chemicals, it is recommended to use acids found in common foods such as oranges, lemons and yogurt, which are wonderful natural exfoliators. They help dissolve old skin to reveal younger, firmer skin.

Simply mix a tablespoon of sugar with the juice of half a lemon and stir in the peeling. You can also add some honey to get a nice consistency. Apply the mixture all over the face and leave it on for 20 – 30 minutes. Wash it off with water and gently scrub your skin.

Anti-aging miracle cure - night mask with aloe vera combats mouth wrinkles

Aloe vera is known to be the magical miracle cure,when it comes to anti-aging facial care. It has anti-inflammatory properties, heals damaged skin, reverses sun damage, combats the effects of free radicals, moisturizes the skin and improves skin texture. Vitamin E gives the skin a further boost of moisture and promotes cell regeneration, which helps eliminate wrinkles.

What you need: Aloe vera gel, 3 – 4 drops of vitamin E oil

Mix equal amounts of aloe vera gel with vitamin E oil and massage in with gentle circular movements. Leave this face mask on overnight and wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning. You can apply them daily.

Home remedies for wrinkles – facial massage with coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the safest and most affordable natural anti-aging remedies. It stimulates collagen production and cell regeneration. Massage it onto your face and neck and leave it on overnight. Wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning.

Home remedies for wrinkles under the eyes and dark circles

In our hectic everyday lives, we hardly find time for a peaceful sleep and this leads to crow's feet and dark circles under the eyes. The banana mask is one of the easiest and best natural remedies for treating eye wrinkles. Applied as a mask to the eye area, bananas combat the signs of aging and reverse the damage caused by free radicals. Mash a banana and make a smooth paste in a bowl. Apply evenly around your eye area using your hands. Pat gently and leave for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cold water.

Yogurt face mask for women over 40 and 50

This face mask brings incredible benefits. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which dissolves dead skin and brightens the complexion. Vitamin E accelerates skin repair andeliminates skin impurities, Lemon acts as an antioxidant that firms the skin, and honey moisturizes. Extract the juice of one lemon and add two teaspoons of yogurt. Add two capsules of vitamin E and a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Apply the mask to the face and let it dry. After 15 minutes, wash your face with cold water. The maskhelps against wrinklesaround the mouth and improves the complexion.

Home remedies for wrinkles – rejuvenate and smooth forehead

Call them forehead wrinkles or frown lines, either way, they are not good. Just like your eyes and face, forehead wrinkles are a result of aging and stress. Every hour you spend in front of the computer creates wrinkles on your smooth skin.

Although it is called jojoba oil, it is actually a liquid wax. The structure of jojoba oil corresponds to the skin's natural oils and thus penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. That's why jojoba oil is one of the best home remedies for wrinkles. It helps you fight signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. Apply 2-3 drops of jojoba oil to your fingertips. Massage your forehead in upward motions for three to four minutes. Relax for 20 minutes and then remove the oil with lukewarm water.

Reduce wrinkles on the neck and décolleté

In addition to the face, caring for the neck and décolleté is equally important as they are prone to stubborn lines and wrinkles. In case you didn't know, the skin on your neck is actually more sensitive than that on your face. Constant sweating, stress and UV radiation take a heavy toll and eventually lead to wrinkles on the neck.

Pineapple is an effective anti-aging home remedy. This tropical fruit is full of antioxidants that can reverse the damage caused by free radicals. The antioxidants in pineapple improve the healing process, while vitamin C boosts collagen production and increases skin elasticity. Mash the pineapple pieces and extract their juice. Massage your neck and décolleté with the juice in an upward direction. Wash your skin after 5 minutes.