Removing witch hair with IPL: How facial hair removal works & whether it is permanent

No matter whether you are already the happy owner of your own IPL device for your home, are considering purchasing one, or would like to have professional treatment - questions about the different areas of the body and especially about the less typical ones are sure to arise from time to time . How toHair on legs, arms, armpits, in the intimate area and facial hair on the upper lip can usually be lasered away in the description of the product. But can you also remove witch hair with IPL and should you pay attention to anything?

Removing witch hair with IPL – What is the laser?

IPL is the abbreviation for “Intense Pulsed Light”. It is carried to the roots via the color pigments in the hair and converted into heat, which in turn destroys them. You can also laser witch hair this way. But anyone who thinks that IPL will get rid of their hair forever is unfortunately mistaken. However, regrowth is significantly slowed down and shaving, regular epilation or frequent waxing are no longer necessary. So you will probably still have to pluck after the IPL treatment, just much less often due to the slowed regrowth.

How much the time periods change depends on individual factors such as personal hair growth and the brightness of the hair. As a rule, you can assume that the first results will appear after three or four applications. Since the growth of only those hairs that are in the growth phase during the treatment slows down, several treatments are necessary until the desired effects can be seen. Depending on whether you do it yourself or in a studio/at a dermatologist, every 2 weeks or every 4 treatments are necessary at the beginning. This is then reduced to four to twelve weeks. Professional treatment promises lasting results for women's beards on the chin and if youWitch hairwant to remove after about five to six treatments, i.e. after about 40 weeks.

Women and witch hair – cause of unwanted facial hair

Until recently you didn't have to worry about it, and suddenly there it is, those annoying witch hairs on your face, especially on your chin and sometimes on your forehead. The reason for this is usually hormonal changes, i.e. when the estrogen level changes. The lack of the female hormone in particular leads to an excess of testosterone, which in turn promotes hair growth on the face.

Removing witch hair with IPL – What should you pay attention to?

Plucking the annoying hair is one thing, but if you want to permanently remove the witch hair, IPL is ideal. Whether you can do this at home depends primarily on whether the hair on your face is growing from a mole. If you have a mole with hair or a wart with hair, you can either use classic tweezers. Take extra care when removing to avoid skin irritation. Or you can have the witch hair removed with IPL by an expert or after consultation with a dermatologist.

Such moles can also be surgically removed by a dermatologist so that you can then have the desired onesPerform laser treatmentscan.

If you laser the witch hair on your chin yourself or on anotherspot on the face, be sure to use the attachment intended for this purpose and not a setting that is too high. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Is it located?Hair growth on the facenear the eyes, stay away and consider professional hair removal or tweezing.

Before you laser the hair away, whether in the studio or whether you do the hair removal with IPL yourself, also pay attention to the following:

  • That youno sunburnhave. If the skin is already inflamed, laser treatment is taboo. You should avoid exposure to direct sunlight at all before treatment. All of this can make the treatment more painful and even lead to crusting.
  • It is mentioned in the description of the IPL device, but we would like to point it out again: You should shave your hair before the treatment - at least a few days before. This also applies to professional treatment to remove witch hair from the face. Although it is not mandatory, it improves the process because the light pulses have a shorter path to the root and are therefore more effective.

Removing witch hair with IPL – Is it painful?

If you take into account and adhere to the precautionary measures described above, you can usually remove witch hair with IPL without any pain. You just feel a certain warmth with every impulse. In addition, the device is adapted to the natural skin tone, which also regulates the heat intensity. Home devices in particular may cause the feeling of a slight sting. With the right settings, this isn't painful either.

BUT: Ladies with very light hair or dark skin sometimes report slightly more pain during professional treatments. In this case, numbing creams are applied in salons. Very sensitive skin may also experience temporary swelling after treatment. However, the home devices use a lower light intensity.

Important!In some cases, discoloration, blistering, redness, and temporary or permanent scarring may occur. To avoid this, you should always consult a dermatologist beforehand. Ask for safety glasses in the salon, do not look directly into the light when treating at home and avoid use in the eye areas.

Remove hair with IPL or laser

The only option you have at home is to use IPL if you want to remove witch hair. In the salon, however, you are spoiled for choice. The laser works more selectively. The beam of light focuses solely on the hair follicle, which contributes to faster progress when removing hair with laser. During IPL, the light is diffused and also lands on the surrounding areas. The factors that determine effectiveness are: energy, frequency and hair color. The darker the hair and lighter the skin, the better the results.