Removing a woman's beard: These methods are ideal for getting rid of annoying facial hair!

While we find a beard extremely attractive on men, it often represents an aesthetic problem for women. Even though facial hair is generally something completely normal for women, most of us find it very unpleasant and embarrassing. Of course we should accept ourselves as we are and every woman is beautiful in her own way. But if your self-confidence is suffering and you would like to do something about it, then you have come to the right place. We have looked around for you and will tell you the best methods on how to remove a lady's beard.

What are the causes of women's beards?

First of all, we would like to say that there is nothing wrong with having facial hair. It's natural, normal and we all have it - whether men or women. Just like hair on the head, fine hairs on the upper lip are just part of life and are nothing we should be ashamed of. The hormone testosterone is responsible for the beard in men and we women also produce it - but in much smaller quantities. But if for some reason more male hormones are produced, a lady's beard can develop. The medical term for hormonal imbalance is hirsutism and it affects more than 4 million women worldwide. Below we have created a small list for you with the most common causes of a woman's beard.

  • Hormonal imbalance and diseases such as polycystic ovarian syndrome or increased testosterone levels.
  • Menopause and menopause
  • Taking certain hormone preparations
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Anorexia
  • Hypothyroidism

Depending on the reason for a woman's beard, you have various methods to choose from to get rid of it. If it is a hormonal imbalance, you should first consult a doctor and treat the problem medically. If, on the other hand, it is purely aesthetic in nature, then below you will discover the best methods for removing a woman's beard.


Do you only have a few small and very fine hairs visible on your upper lip? Then using tweezers is probably the easiest and quickest way to remove your beard. But anyone who has ever plucked their eyebrows knows that it is not particularly painless. If you have sensitive skin, minor redness and irritation may also occur and it is particularly important to care for the area with moisturizer afterwards. Another disadvantage of plucking is that the hair unfortunately grows back relatively quickly and within 2-3 days.


Similar to plucking, epilating is also an effective way to remove a woman's beard including the roots. If used successfully, the results last up to 3 weeks, but this method can also be particularly painful and cause skin irritation on sensitive skin. To prevent the hair from breaking off, be particularly thorough and careful. For the best possible results, we recommend using a dedicated facial hair epilator.

Grow a lady's beard

Whether with cold wax, sugar paste or warm wax - waxing is an equally popular method for removing women's beards and the skin stays nice and smooth for around 3-4 weeks. Waxing is not particularly pleasant, but the hairs and roots are completely removed and then grow back much more slowly. The only requirement, however, is that the hair is at least 3 millimeters long. So you could say that we are definitely rewarded for the torture. However, the sugar paste or warm wax should never be too hot, otherwise serious burns can occur. Also remember that sensitive skin can react irritably to waxing and in this case it is better to contact an experienced beautician.


Absolutely painless, but very effective - hair removal creams are probably the classic way to remove women's beards and get rid of annoying hairs. Only the smell takes a little getting used to, but it's worth persevering. Depending on how dark and thick the hair is, you may need to use the hair removal cream twice in a row for best results. To avoid irritation and inflammation, always stick to the exact exposure time on the packaging.

With thread

Whether to remove a woman's beard orthe eyebrows in shape- the thread technique, also known as threading, has been one of the biggest beauty trends for years. The hair and roots are removed from the skin and the method is relatively painless. A thread is twisted quickly with your fingers and then passed over the skin so that the small hairs get caught in it and are twisted out of the skin. Using the thread technique yourself at home is not particularly easy, but more and more studios are offering it.

Shave a lady's beard?

Shaving is probably the most popular and quickest way to remove a woman's beard. The result is always smooth skin, but reaching for a razor also has a major disadvantage. Anyone who has ever shaved their legs knows how quickly and thickly the hair grows back afterwards. And it is precisely for this reason that we would advise you not to use this method or only use a special razor for removing beard.

Are there natural methods to remove facial hair?

If waxing, shaving, etc. aren't for you, then we have good news for you. There are a few natural methods that could help you remove your beard. Unfortunately, we can't guarantee you 100% whether these will really help, but it wouldn't hurt to try them once.

  • honey and sugarare among the home remedies that are supposed to help remove women's beards. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of water and heat the mixture for 1 minute in the microwave. Apply the paste to the upper lip and place a clean cotton cloth over it. Allow the mixture to cool completely and then pull in the opposite direction.
  • lemon and sugarshould also help against facial hair. To do this, mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with a little sugar to form a thick paste and apply the mixture to your upper lip. Massage lightly, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.