With everything that's going on in the world, you'd think that all these beauty worries would stop and the pressure around our appearance would lessen. In fact, a 2021 study shows that the number of people who feel bad about their body image has actually increased. So it's no wonder that, in the wake of the high gaps trend, the world of social media has invented a new dangerous beauty ideal to worry about: hip dips.
The hip dip trend has gained momentum in recent years, but has become an even bigger physical fixation during lockdown, with the hashtag #hipdips being used more than 50,000 times on Instagram alone. Obsession with high gaps, in turn, is often a sign of body dysmorphia, which can lead to severe anxiety disorders.
What is the difference between hip dips and thigh gaps
Hip Dips (Hüftdellen): Hip dips are colloquially referred to as the inward depression or bulge on the side of the body, directly below the hip bone. These depressions are also known as the “violin hip” or, in scientific parlance, the “trochanteric depression.” Many are calling them the new thigh gaps, a fad from 2010 that has stuck around over the last decade. However, interest in hip dents has increased significantly in recent months, with searches on Google even doubling.
Thigh gaps: Thigh gaps occur when the insides of the thighs do not touch when the legs are together. This essentially means that the inner thighs cannot rub against each other. For some people, there is no way to get a thigh gap because it depends largely on bone structure.
The term has been appearing on the Internet since 2010, but only became widespread in 2013. During this time, photos of women with thigh gaps - mostly models - were shared on social networks and blogs. The photos called “Thinspiration” are intended to motivate viewers to have a slimmer body. Thigh gaps are a dangerous beauty ideal that can lead to excessive exercise, extreme diets and anxiety.
Bone structure causes hip dip andThigh gap
In short, hip dimples are genetic and are a normal anatomical phenomenon. They occur when the hip bone is higher than the thigh, causing fat and muscle to sink inward. Recently, more and more people believe that hip dips - or lack thereof - are a sign of their health. Although fat accumulation in this area can make the thigh pockets more prominent and additional muscle mass can give them a more pronounced appearance, losing body fat in this area will not make the dimples disappear. This is because they are caused by the bone structure, which cannot be changed.
The thigh gap is also mainly determined by bone structure. It is also caused by genetics, particularly where your body stores fat. Therefore, in most cases there isn't much you can do to make a difference in your hips, nor should you try. This is how doctors comment on these two dangerous ideals of beauty.
Fitness trainers also emphasize thatThigh Gap und Hip Dipsare not a sign of overweight or lack of physical fitness. Nevertheless you will find heresome exercisesthat reduce the dents.
Gap in legs as a dangerous beauty ideal and health risk
When you drastically change your lifestyle to achieve a dangerous ideal of beauty, through excessive dieting or over-exercising, you endanger both your physical and mental health. Unfortunately, there is a close connection between the pursuit ofThigh gapand eating disorders. A 2019 study of female students ages 18 to 25 found that unrealistic beauty standards can lead to body dissatisfaction, which is associated with unhealthy weight control behaviors, low self-esteem, eating and anxiety disorders. These diseases carry an increased risk of infertility, hair loss and constant feelings of anxiety.
An unrealistic beauty standard is a very dangerous beauty ideal
Hip dents are more common than you think. Almost everyone has some degree of “hip swing.” In some people it is simply more pronounced. However, due to the location of the hip bones and the genetic distribution of fatty tissue in women, they occur more often in them. However, it's impossible to calculate how many people have them and how many don't - and instead of thinking about it, it's much wiser to celebrate their uniqueness.
Instead of obsessively asking “What are hip dips?” to google, give yourself some love and hug your hips. The human body is amazing and beautiful. This is the only truth that matters.
Тhigh Gapsis an unrealistic beauty standard because not everyone is genetically predisposed to it. Trying to achieve a thigh gap can lead to overeating and/or exercising, which can be harmful to physical and mental health and even lead to an eating disorder. It is much healthier for your physical and mental health to eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep and be physically active than to strive for unrealistic beauty standards.
Important:If you feel like your desire for a thigh gap is causing you to have an unhealthy relationship with food or your body, you should see a mental health professional. This can help you find the best treatment plan for you.
A collection of photos in the fight against today's ideal of beautycan be found here.