Removing pigment spots with baking soda: Can you really get rid of age spots on your face with this home remedy?

Admittedly, no one is happy about age spots on their face. They practically catch the eye and cannot be completely hidden even with make-up. Another solution has to be found! Maybe a home remedy can help? Can you remove pigment spots with baking soda? We try to find the answer to this question and list the pros and cons of the method.

What are age spots on the face and how do they arise?

Age spots occur when the skin produces too much melanin. This overproduction has various causes: strong sunlight, normal aging processes after 50, hormonal problems. A sunburn or small wounds and even invisible injuries to the upper layer of the skin can promote pigmentation. Most people perceive the resulting age spots as a beauty flaw.

Dermatologists can treat them with laser therapy or chemicalTreat peels. Certain active ingredients in specialized cosmetic products can prevent the formation of pigment spots and reduce the spots that have already formed. However, not everyone can afford such treatment. Therefore, most people look for alternatives with home remedies.

Home remedies for age spots

There are various home remedies that should be effective against age spots. The effects of acetic and fruit acids have even been proven in studies. The apple cider vinegar, when applied to the spots twice daily for at least 40 days, can fade the pigmentation. 10% vitamin C should also be effective. This should be used to treat age spots for at least 90 days.

Some people swear by combinations of several home remedies: For example, they apply not only vinegar but also castor oil to the problem area.

Removing pigment spots with baking soda: The most important things at a glance

First of all: You shouldn't try home remedies if you have allergies. It is also important to first test the effect on a small, hard-to-see area. Baking soda is said to have healing properties. But can it really have a positive effect on our health and improve the complexion? The home remedy offers several benefits for the skin.

Benefits for the skin

The following positive effects are attributed to it:

  • reduces coarse pores
  • removes greasy shine and mattifies the skin
  • removes dead skin cells
  • dehydrates the hair follicles and thus helps in hair removal
  • removes sweat smell
  • can be added to bath salts (good for the feet)
  • exfoliates the lips

Whether and to what extent baking powder really does what it promises remains questionable.

Removing pigment spots with baking soda: disadvantages for the skin

However, there are also disadvantages, because baking soda has an alkaline pH value, which at 10 is significantly higher than the pH value of human skin. The home remedy can therefore damage the skin's natural protective layer and lead to redness or allergic reactions. The skin then heals much more slowly and wounds also close more slowly. This negative side effect becomes stronger the more and for longer you treat your face with baking soda. However, baking soda therapy against age spots can take several months. In addition, the effect of the home remedy has not been scientifically proven. Other disadvantages include:

  • dries the skin and damages its protective layer
  • accelerates the aging processes
  • promotes the formation of wrinkles
  • more pimples than before
  • if used regularly it can inflame the skin
  • if used for long periods may worsen skin rashes

You can find various recipes for facial masks with baking soda online. The quickest and easiest way is to add a little water to the baking powder and mix the whole thing to a creamy consistency. Then the baking soda paste is applied to the problem areas or problem areas. After a short time of action (about 5 minutes), the skin is washed and dried with a gentle cloth. Apparently this process should be repeated morning and evening until the first results are visible. Then you can prepare and apply the mask once a week.

Conclusion: Does the home remedy work?

Whether and to what extent the age spots are actually removed remains questionable. However, it is not advisable to use baking soda on the skin. Because it can irritate the skin and even trigger allergic reactions. The possible negative effects on the skin outweigh the positive ones. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with your health and decide against oneFacial mask with baking sodadecide.

Prevent pigment spots: This is how you can protect your skin over 50

Pigment spots appear with age. To prevent this, you should apply a sunscreen with a high SPF. Don't forget that you can get sunburned even in the shade!

Next, change your eating habits. Eat more citrus fruits and prepare the food with sunflower oil to provide your skin with antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements.

If pigment spots suddenly appear, you can seek advice from your family doctor. New spots can appear, especially in summer, when the skin is exposed to strong sunlight for long periods. But it is also possible that these will disappear again in winter. However, if the old spots gradually change shape or become larger over time, you should seek advice from your doctor.