Rice water for the hair: What are the advantages, are they proven and how can you do it yourself at home

Women in China, Japan and Southeast Asia have been using rice water for hair for centuries. But are there scientifically proven advantages for beauty? In this article, the beauty effects of rice water hair treatments are discussed and whether the alleged results are supported by scientific studies.

Application of rice water for hair

Rice grains contain 75-80 percent strength. Reis water is the starchy water that remains after the soaking or cooking of rice. It is believed that many of the vitamins and minerals contained in the rice contain it. This includes:

  • Amino acids
  • B-Vitamine
  • Vitamin e
  • Minerals
  • Antioxidants

Story:According to researchers, women in the Heian era (794 to 1185 AD) had soil-length hair in Japan, which they kept healthy by swimming in rice water. A modern equivalent of this story can be found in China. The Yao women who live in a village called Huangluo in China are famous for their an average of 1.8 m long hair. In addition to their incredible length, the hair of the Yao women allegedly also keep their color longer because they only start getting gray hair at the age of 80. The Yao women attribute the length and color of their hair to bathe them in water from rice.

In recent years, websites with beauty advice and product developers have taken up this tradition. Now the rice water trend is spreading.

Advantages: Proponents of using rice water for hair believe that it:

  • Developed the hair
  • Makes the hair smoother
  • increases the shine
  • Makes the hair stronger
  • Let the hair grow longer

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What research says

The popularity of the use of rice water for hair increases and there is more and more anecdotal evidence of its advantages. But are the claims also scientifically proven?

At first glance, some articles indicate that they could be. The authors find that water from rice can reduce the surface friction and increase the elasticity of the hair. However, the study is based on historical examples to draw unoccupied conclusions. Elsewhere, a research facility in Japan has developed an imaging process that makes the strengthening effect of inositol visible on the hair. Inositol is contained in water from rice.

Еs is important to know that this research is published directly by a facility that may follow commercial interests. To date, the benefit of rice water for hair has not been proven. Further examinations are required to confirm the anecdotal information.

Soaking is the fastest method

When soaked, the rice is rinsed thoroughly. This is the fastest way to prepare water from rice. To apply this method:

  • Take ½ cup of uncooked rice.
  • Rinse it thoroughly.
  • Put the rice in a bowl with 2-3 cups of water.
  • Let him soak for 30 minutes.
  • Say the rice water into a clean bowl.

Normal vs. fermented rice water for the hair

Some supporters claim that fermented rice water has more advantages than normal. According to a study, fermented substances have a higher proportion of antioxidants. Antioxidants can combat damage to hair and skin cells, which is why they are typical ingredients in beauty products.

To ferment rice water, carry out steps 1-4 of the sovereign method. Before you strain it, leave it up to 2 days at room temperature so that it can ferment. Before using the fermented water, pour it into a clean bowl.

Cooking the rice is another alternative

Another option is to cook the travel: cover ½ cup of rice with the double amount of water that is normally used for cooking. Cook the rice in boiling water and offset the rice water in a clean bowl before use.

How do you use rice water for the hair

Court water can replace a commercially available hair rinsing. To do this, a person should:

  • Wash the hair with shampoo.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Spread water from rice on your hair and massage your scalp.
  • Let it take effect for up to 20 minutes.
  • Rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water.

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Positive effects on the skin

In addition to its potential blessing advantages for hair, rice water can also benefit the skin. A study has shown that the strength supports the healing of damaged skin in people with dermatitis.


  • Rinsing the hair with rice water is a traditional beauty treatment that is popular in many regions of Asia.
  • After this alternative cosmetic remedy has attracted attention on the Internet, it is now popular all over the world.
  • Many people consider this beauty care to be soothing hair treatment. Historical examples and anecdotal evidence indicate that water from rice can improve the strength, the texture and growth of the hair.
  • Most of the scientific knowledge about the treatment is not conclusive, so that more research is required to demonstrate the advantages of using rice water.
  • Even if the advantages for the hair have not yet been proven, you can try out a hair rinsing from rice safely at home and also use it for the skin. It has been shown that it promotes the health of the skin in people with dermatitis.