Make Christmas elves from natural materials for outdoor use: Decorate your entrance or balcony!

Create great outdoor decorations this season by making festive Christmas elves from natural materials. Gnomes have been a classic trend in Christmas decorations for centuries. Although they have always been popular, in recent years the bearded characters have been popping up everywhere. To decorate your entrance or balcony with a few friendly figures, we'll show you how you can make a Christmas gnome using just a few natural materials. You can also complete a whole group of them so you can decorate for the holiday season in no time.

Make a simple forest gnome as a Christmas decoration

This forest gnome is so adorable and because it's so easy to make, you'll love it! You can make it as a Christmas decoration with the children, have a lot of fun and create a festive atmosphere at home!

Materials and tools required

3-4 cups white rice
Small clear elastic bands
Wooden buttons
Pink lipstick
White, black or light felt
Floral patterned foam cones
Multi-colored super soft socks for adults, gray, black and white
White quarter sock for children
Sleeves of an old sweater
Dark brown raffia cord
Hot glue gun and hot glue

Instructions for making the Christmas gnome

  • Fill a white quarter sock with rice by spooning it in and pressing down to get the rice as full as possible. Fill the sock to the brim. Use the heel side for the face. Use your fingers to make a large nose out of the heel.
  • Take 2 tiny clear rubber bands and use one to secure the nose, wrapping it twice if possible. Use the other to secure the top of the sock, wrapping it twice. Place the multicolored, soft sock over the white body of the sock.
  • Using scissors or a knife, hollow out the bottom of the foam cone so that it fits over the white sock and rests on the head in the desired shape. Place one of the red, soft socks over the foam cone.
  • Prepare the beard by cutting a piece of felt into the shape of the desired beard. Trace a small, circular cutout for the nose.
  • For the whiskers, use a hot glue gun to glue tufts of moss onto the felt. These can be trimmed around the edges to shape when finished. To create a fluffier beard, separate the moss strands to create as much fluff as you want.
  • Cover the foam cone with a sweater long enough to create a generous cuff around the base of the hat. Secure the top with a small elastic band and trim to get a hat top look.
  • Carefully glue the moss beard onto the dwarf's face.
  • Pull the multi-colored sock to the top of the body and glue it around the head.
  • Glue the sweater-covered foam cone to the gnome's head. Hold the mold until it hardens.
  • Decorate the hat with the dark brown raffia by wrapping and crossing it.
  • Glue a wooden button to the hat or use another embellishment of your choice, such as: B. with a raffia bow.
  • Color the dwarf's nose pink by applying some light pink lipstick to the fabric of the nose. A helpful tip is to put the lipstick on your fingers first and then swipe it onto your nose. It's so easy to make a Christmas gnome out of natural materials!

Not only is it easy and fun, but making a Christmas gnome from natural materials is a creative and eco-friendly craft idea. You can delight the whole family and also impress your friends who will be visiting you over the holidays.

Materials for cute crafts made from moss and fir

  • Pots (various sizes)
  • Hot glue/glue gun
  • Moos
  • Scissors
  • Fir or various greenery
  • Wool dryer ball
  • Berries – optional
  • 3 dowels
  • Cable ties
  • Fluffy white fleece

Follow step-by-step instructions

Follow these simple instructions to make a natural Christmas gnome for your outdoor space or other inviting space. You should be able to complete this Christmas craft project in under an hour.

Step 1: Stack pots

The first step is to decide how manySecret Santa you makewant and how big they should be. For example, you can stack a 20cm pot on top of a 30cm pot to make a large dwarf, and just a 30cm pot for the smaller dwarf. When stacking the pots, place them open side down and hot glue the small pot to the larger one. Allow the glue to dry completely.

Step 2: Attach moss

Once you have prepared the pots, glue the moss to the pots. Starting at the bottom of the bottom pot, glue the moss vertically to the pots using hot glue and a glue gun. About 5 cm remains free at the top. Glue so that the pieces overlap slightly on the sides until the entire body of the pot is covered.

Step 3: Add a beard of greens

Next, cut off some stems with greenery, such as: B. fir tree. Hot glue them to the front of the pot to form a beard. Once you've glued the greenery on, trim the edges as needed. When the beard is finished, stick a wool dryer ball directly over the beard (this will create the gnome's nose) and use berries to decorate the beard for a festive look.

Step 4: Shape the hat structure

To create a structure for the hatto shape the elf, attach three dowel rods to one end with a cable tie to create a tripod shape. Insert the ends of the dowels into the pot's drainage holes so that the wide part of the tripod is at the bottom and the ends secured with the cable tie are at the top. If your pot doesn't have drainage holes, you can simply attach the ends of the dowels to the top of the pot with hot glue.

Step 5: Put the hat on

To make the signature tall, pointed hat for your Santa elves, start with a square of fleece fabric. Start by folding the square in half and cutting diagonally from the inner folded edge to the outer open edge. Then glue the right sides of the fabric together at the cut seam and allow the glue to dry. Then turn the fabric right side out and place it over the dowels, creating a hat. As an alternative, you can make the hat out of moss if you don't have non-woven fabric. Make the hat shape out of cardboard and cover it with moss by attaching it with the glue gun.

Step 6: Add Arms

Giveyour little elfArms: Wrap two sections of dowel rods with fleece and secure the fabric with hot glue. Cut a small piece of fluffy white fleece to form the cuff of each sleeve and glue this to each dowel. Attach the fleece-covered arms to the dwarf's body with hot glue. Add other decorations as you wish and place the friendly decoration on your balcony or next to the front door!

Also read:Making autumn gnomes: 2 instructions for young and old