Summer is just around the corner and with it the time for sandals, short summer dresses and shorts. But when we slip into our summer favorites, our pale skin comes to light. And let's be honest - a sun-kissed complexion literally makes us glow and light-colored clothing looks much better on slightly tanned skin. And now we ask ourselves the question: how can we tan quickly? Are there any home remedies and tips to help us get a healthy and beautiful summer tan? We've done some research for you and will tell you how to get a tan quickly this summer.
Some of us only need to lie in the sun for what feels like 30 minutes to get a beautiful, sun-kissed complexion. And then there are people who only get color very slightly even after bathing for hours and hours every day. Whether you tan quickly or not depends primarily on your skin type and not everyone can tolerate the same amount of sun. People with very fair and pale skin can get severely sunburned and turn red rather than tan without adequate sun protection. Very dark skin types, on the other hand, tan more quickly and almost never get sunburned.
Get a tan quickly: home remedies and tips for a healthy summer complexion
In addition to numerous special cosmetic products, there are also a few helpful tips and home remedies for getting a tan quickly. So that you look nice and sharp in your shorts and summer dresses, we'll tell you below how you can achieve a radiant summer complexion.
Natural oils to tan faster
If you want to tan quickly, you have to spend more time in the water - we all know that. Similar to water, natural oils also reflect the sun's rays. Oils such as coconut oil, olive oil and grape seed oil not only taste good in salads, but are also excellent home remedies for getting brown quickly. However, these are not particularly cheap. A slightly cheaper but equally alternative alternative would be milking fat, which we can get in any drugstore for just 5 euros. Natural oils help us achieve beautifully tanned skin and at the same time provide it with plenty of moisture. For best results and for the oils to penetrate the skin, wear it approximately 30 minutes before going to the beach. But be careful! About a bad oneTo prevent sunburn, you should always apply sunscreen over it.
Drink lots of water
What is an effective home remedy to tan quickly? Water, of course! Especially in the heat, it is very important that we drink enough fluids. Every adult should drink at least 2 liters a day! Water not only plays a major role in our health, but also ensures that the skin is well supplied with blood and soft. As already mentioned, water acts superficially on the skin as a kind of sun reflector and can help us tan faster. Before lying in the sun, splash your skin with water or simply lie directly in water and relax.
Get a tan quickly with this home remedy
And here is a great and effective home remedy to protect your skin from sunburn and tan quickly. However, we would advise you to only use it on skin that is already slightly tanned. However, this home remedy is unsuitable for very light skin types and people with a sun allergy.
- Mix 100 ml olive oil and 200 ml freshly squeezed carrot juice in a blender and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
Foods to brown faster
Yes, you read it correctly – our diet also contributes to a beautiful summer complexion. To tan faster, include foods rich in beta-carotene in your diet. The antioxidant stimulates cell growth and protects the skin from free radicals. At the same time, it also serves as a natural sunscreen and if you consume 30 mg of beta-carotene daily for about 1 month, your skin will become slightly darker. Popular fruits and vegetables that are rich in beta-carotene include carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, apricots, mangoes, peaches, spinach and strawberries.
Gentle skin peeling
A gentle skin peeling is an equally effective home remedy for tanning quickly. This removes dead skin cells that prevent an even tan. For best results and to avoid sunburn, it is better to start exfoliating 3-4 days before sunbathing. Furthermore, with smooth skin, the tan lasts longer and that's exactly what we want, right?
Drink cold cocoa
Does cocoa make you brown? The answer to that is surprisingly yes! Cold cocoa tastes really delicious in the summer heat and can actually contribute to a healthy tan. The reason for this is the mineral copper it contains, which has a tanning effect on the skin. The following applies: the higher the cocoa content, the better the effect.