Growing a beard – duration, care tips and styling ideas

Nowadays, not only women but also men undertake to look neat and well-groomed. Chic clothes, a trendy hairstyle and of course a beard that is very trendy - it's not possible in 2016 anyway. Sometimes it takes quite a long time to achieve the desired result. In this article you will find several important care tips and styling ideas if you want to grow your beard.

Grow a beard – the decision when?

It's no wonder that a beard, for example, makes a special impression and catches women's eyes. This is how men express their personality and masculinity. Unfortunately, care can be very tedious, but it's worth it. First, you need to find the right time to start growing a beard: it can be in autumn or winter, but also when you are on vacation, having a great time and not busying yourself with work. The decision when to stop shaving is up to you.

the full beard

What's important is that you patiently grow your beard in the first 4 to 6 weeksFull beardLet it grow and don't trim it too early. Shaving will in no way speed up the process of growing a beard, on the contrary - it will only do harm and the new beard will even grow sparsely and patchily. That's why you have to give your beard a little time to develop.

InBring shape and maintain

How and in what form you style your beard is best decided after the first month has passed. You definitely need to focus on two areas: neck and cheeks. The more you try to shave the contours, the more well-groomed the beard will look. Keep in mind the following: to avoid itching, you need to use a moisturizer, beard oil or olive oil.

Important tips

Use a comb or brush to shape the unruly beard hairs. Then we point out the cheeks - they must be shaved so that this area has straight or slight curves and the line continues over your beard to the chin.

3 day beard hairshaveand maintain properly

To create some symmetry on the neck, shave along the jawbone using a shaving gel. You could allow several beard hairs on the chin, so that a thicker beard growth is permitted here. Shaving in this area can also be either “U” or “V” shaped.

Hipster-Look zumImitate:the beard

A hipster beard trend has become more and more noticeable lately. This style is closely related to the full beard - it is practically the same, only styled in an interesting way. If you have a hipster beard, you need to wash it regularly in the shower using special care products and shampoos designed for this purpose. Daily combing is also essential and this way you and your beard look neat and tidy.

The styleshouldto you

It is logical that the beard should also fit the shape of your face. If you have a narrow face, a full beard is completely fine as this style adds more volume and majesty. The Henriquatre is more suitable for a round face. This beard style is characterized by a combination of mustache and goatee and was so named because it was worn by the French King Henry IV.

TheHenriquatreat a glance

A key feature of this beard hairstyle is that both the neck and cheeks can be shaved completely smooth. Furthermore, the royal beard can be difficult to style. You must always keep in mind proper care - for example, washing in the shower with hair conditioner so that it becomes softer and does not scratch.

Mustache suits men with a long face

If you have a long face, a mustache (also known as a mustache) can look good and be particularly attractive to women. Grooming and trimming is not as easy as you think because, firstly, the beard needs to reach the right thickness.

Cut,maintainand styling mustache

How you cut your mustache hair depends primarily on your personal preferences. However, there are two options to choose from - either shorten the hair with scissors or a beard trimmer. In addition, you only have to trim the beard when it is dry and only use beard wax if the hair is unruly. The styling variations are numerous, choose what you like most.

Fu Manchu-Bartstandsavailable

The Fu Manchu beard is an alternative to the mustache. The main difference is that this style has two strips of beard running down next to the mouth. To make this look look good, you need to let the beard grow longer. If your beard is rather thin and not thick enough, you should choose a different beard style.

Thin beard:Beard growthpromote with home remedies

To stimulate beard growth, some home remedies can be much more helpful than drugstore products. There are also no side effects, meaning you just have to try it out. According to theory, your beard will grow faster if your body has a lot of male hormones - such as testosterone. The rule of thumb is a healthy diet, exercise and love.

Silica and Minoxidil

In addition, vitamins such as biotin and minerals such as silica contribute to faster hair growth. Herbal oils can be considered additional aids as they increase blood flow to skin. Minoxidil is more commonly used as a hair loss medication. Through its use, skin vessels are dilated and the beard hair is supplied with nutrients.

goatee isattractiveand creates masculinity

We firmly believe that if you grow your beard, you will instantly become a lady magnet. A cool goatee also arouses the interest of women and you can theoretically achieve the same result as with a full beard in just a few weeks without any effort. After it grows, you need to decide on the beard style.


In turn, you can choose a style that suits your face shape and temperament. For example, if you have decided to have a goatee because your face is oval, the first step is to shape it. Second comes trimming, which only needs to be done once a week and is best done with an electric beard trimmer.

JackSparrowImitate a beard hairstyle

The Sparrow beard type was named after the famous Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. This beard style comes as a combination of a mustache and goatee and appears to be very similar to the goatee because of the length. In comparison, the sparrow beard is worn braided or twisted.

Hollywood-Starslovethe Sparrow beard

The Sparrow beard not only gives you charm but it adds fierceness and because of this it has been loved and often worn by some Hollywood actors. However, caring for your beard is not that easy as washing it itself takes some time.

MorePro tipsall about trimming

You can trim the beard with scissors or a trimmer. If you use scissors, you should comb the beard with a beard comb or brush. This makes it impossible for you to cut off too much beard hair. Only hair that extends beyond the comb is removed.


Two thirds of all men in Germany have a beard. Ultimately, you decide for yourself depending on your taste and your face shape whether you want to wear a trendy full beard, a cool upper lip, a wild goatee or a classic sideburn. If you take into account our tricks and tips about grooming and trimming, the mission of a perfect-looking beard will be completely accomplished.