Our article today offers interesting reading material for men who want to accelerate their beard growth. The question is often asked why so many men want to stimulate their beard growth. The desire for faster beard growth is certainly legitimate. Although facial hair is often only perceived as an expression of masculinity, wearing a beard is more of an expression of individuality and attitude to life. If you have decided to let your beard grow, we have summarized useful information and tips on the subject of beard growth for you below.
Accelerate beard growth – what to do, treatments and beard growth products
Regardless of whether you are interested ina new beard hair styleIf you have decided or have noticed some places on your face where your beard is irregular, growing your beard requires patience and time in the first place. Whether or not you have a magnificent full beard to begin with is genetically predisposed. This in no way means that beard growth cannot be improved. For example, if you are under the age of twenty and your beard hair grows thin and soft only above your upper lip, there is no cause for concern. For some men, significant beard growth only occurs at a later point in time. Popular wisdom says that regular shaving promotes growth. After shaving, your beard hair feels stronger because the hair no longer tapers. It is cut off at its thickest point. The speed of growth is practically unaffected by shaving and the beard hairs do not really become thicker. The hair roots are responsible for the quality of the beard hair and its growth, which is why the impression that shaving can accelerate beard growth is an illusion.
The hormoneTestosteroneAllows your hair to sprout as well as your beard hair. But that doesn't mean that more testosterone can stimulate hair growth, the existing hair simply becomes stronger. There is a widespread opinion that hormone treatment makes beard hair grow faster and more evenly or hides small gaps. It is best not to take hormonal supplements. They can affect the strength of the beard, but not the distribution of hair follicles.
You must also not forget that an increase in this hormone can cause increased hair loss on the head, as testosterone levels affect hair growth. If you are concerned about hormone treatment, it is essential to seek medical advice. Instead of interfering with your hormonal balance, there are many natural ways to positively influence the body's testosterone production without risk. We will discuss these below.
Gaps in the beard and irregular beard growth can occur with some hair diseases. Therapeutic treatments can be carried out for circular hair loss or congenital short hair growth, but these do not work miracles and can lead to undesirable side effects. These include fractional laser treatment, high-dose zinc treatment and topical immunotherapy by applying cortisone. Similar to the scalp hair transplant, one can alsoBarthaar Transplantationbe performed. If your head hair is strong enough, it can serve as a beard replacement. The treatment lasts approximately one to one and a half hours. During the operation, tiny pieces of skin with hair roots are removed from the head and transplanted onto the face. Healing takes around ten days and after around twelve weeks the new beard hair begins to grow.
Also with different onesBeard growth productsyou can accelerate beard growth. You can ensure an optimal supply of nutrients with biotin, for example. The biotin and silica promote healthy hair growth. L-cysteine makes hair more voluminous and silicon has a positive effect on hair and fingernails. If you have an unbalanced diet, you won't get enough silica. Silica contains silicon and can accelerate beard growth. It is a natural hair growth promoting agent that cannot harm the body.
You can purchase special beard growth vitamins that contain other vitamins and minerals cheaply in drugstores. Men often turn to the hair growth product minoxidil. By using this active ingredient, the skin should be better supplied with blood, which promotes hair growth. While men with hair loss can report a positive effect, it is controversial whether minoxidil can influence beard hair growth if the beard grows irregularly.
Stimulate growth with natural means and care
Before you resort to drastic measures and various preparations that stop beard growthshould accelerate, you can try with a healthy and balanced oneNutritionto optimize the conditions for faster beard growth in a natural way. Fruit and vegetables are also at the top of the diet here. You should also include protein-rich foods such as eggs, milk and cheese in your diet. Common beard myths include the foods mustard and garlic. Rubbing the skin with garlic or mustard is said to accelerate beard growth. Instead, you are welcome to incorporate these foods into your menu and thereby increase testosterone levels. Other such foods include oats, vanilla and celery. A natural way to increase testosterone secretion is sport. Facial massages and hot compresses also stimulate blood circulation, which promotes beard growth. Herbal oils, such as eucalyptus oil, also influence blood circulation in the facial skin and have the same effect as massage.
If you are impatient and want to see yourself with a magnificent beard as quickly as possible, you can achieve quick results with the right beard care. GoodBeard care productscan only make your beard appear voluminous and larger. If you clean your face as usual and wash it regularly, the hair will become noticeably softer. Feel free to use a good beard oil and create a little optical illusion. However, do not apply the beard oil to the hair roots as the beard hair will become heavier and flatter. Avoid messing with your beard as this will damage the hair follicles or cause inflammation. After applying the beard oil, comb your beard downward and slightly forward with a brush or comb.
With the right beard style for your face shape anddaily care, you can undoubtedly make the most of your beard growth. There are also several alternatives to a full beard that will definitely make you feel comfortable, at least until your beard reaches the desired length.