Blue hair like the ocean – the new hair color trend

Blue is associated with the vast sea and a crystal clear sky. This color also stands for freedom, peace and harmony. Perhaps for these reasons it is also the Germans' favorite color, a study has shown. Now the azure blue or turquoise stands for all relaxed, freedom-loving and harmony-loving ladies who want to convey these characteristics through their hair color. The current trend is blue hair like the ocean. The diversity of nuances and the color gradient is what defines this hair color trend. What's popular is not to dip your entire head in blue, but rather to make your hair playful with the shades of blue.

Ocean Blue Hair is trending!

This new hair color trend is all about combining shades. Shades of blue such as cobalt, azure, ultramarine, turquoise and baby blue stand out very well in light hair. If your hair is naturally blonde, you can go straight to coloring it. Otherwise, the hair must first be bleached white to achieve optimal effect. Women who want to incorporate the trend more subtly into their styling canwith strandsset effective accents in blue nuances.

Blue hair definitely stands out. To test the trendy look, you can first try hair mascara or graffiti hairspray in ocean blue. The result works best on blonde hair and lasts through shampooing. In addition, the ombré or balayage variant is ideal for brunettes who do not want to bleach their hair completely. Color accents are only placed in the hair lengths.

Who suits the trendy look?

Blue hair definitely doesn't suit every type. Natural brunettes with tanned or rather dark skin are characterized by a warm undertone. This usually doesn't harmonize with the cool blue. If you still want blue hair, it is advisable to incorporate several shades in the form of strands in different dark tones. Purple accents create a smooth transition between the warm undertone of the skin and the rather cool-looking hair color.

Is blue hair permanent?

Since it iswhen coloring hairBecause blue is an artificial pigment, it doesn't hold well in the hair. A permanent anchoring of thecolorful hair coloris currently not possible for chemical-physical reasons. After washing your hair, the rich color fades and you often have to recolor it. After washing your hair for the fourth or fifth time, you need to add new pigment if you want your hair to be rich and shiny.