A tattoo should adorn our skin forever and ever - actually. But tastes change and the tattoo on a former flame's arm, which was a really great idea years ago, is now a bit embarrassing. So the tattoo has to go again. This is of course possible, but it is anything but easy or cheap. And the treatment itself poses significant health risks. But if you still want to do it, read on. What you should pay particular attention to, the different methods, many aftercare tips and everything about removing the tattoo - we'll tell you all of this in our article!
Removing a tattoo – important factors
It's a good idea to research the entire tattoo removal process thoroughly so you know exactly what you're getting into. The good results depend on the following factors:
- The size and depth of your tattoo.
- The colors of the ink - black ink is the easiest color to remove.
- The location of the tattoo – feet and hands fade a little slower due to the distance from the lymph nodes.
- Your age – younger people have a faster metabolism.
When should you not have the removal done?
If you are pregnant or breastfeedingWe would advise you against tattoo removal. Why? It cannot be ruled out that skin irritation will occur afterwards, which will put additional strain on your body. In addition, the smallest of the dissolved color particles travel through the pathways of your body. In breastfeeding mothers, these could be passed on to the baby through milk.
If your tattoo is fresh –They wanted a tattoo and knew exactly which one. But you did the math without the tattoo artist. Unfortunately, he misunderstood you or simply has no talent - unfortunately this happens more often than you think. In order for you to have your tattoo removed, the skin must first have healed completely.
Laser tattoo removal
This is the most popular and common way to remove a tattoo. Most people know that light can brighten a tattoo in connection with the sun. With a tattoo, color pigments that are foreign to the body are stored in the middle layer of the skin (dermis). Lasering heats these pigments so much that they break down into smaller pieces. If necessary, the doctor could apply an anesthetic ointment to the area in advance. The color particles are then transported out of the tissue via the lymph and enter the blood. The liver and kidneys are responsible for the subsequent detoxification, which of course should be fully functional. Laser treatment often only takes a few minutes and feels similar to getting a tattoo. But many people find it much more uncomfortable and painful. However, since everyone's pain threshold is different, we cannot give you a detailed answer to the question of how much laser treatment hurts.
The type of laserThe method used to remove a tattoo depends on the pigment colors. Because each color of ink absorbs different wavelengths of light, different lasers must be used to create colorful tattoos. In most cases, a large and multi-colored tattoo cannot be lasered away 100 percent. Black, red and blue are the easiest to remove. Unfortunately the situation is different with yellow, violet and brown.
The number of treatments requiredvaries depending on size, puncture depth and color intensity. If you want to get rid of a small tattoo, you should plan around 5 to 7 sessions. Larger tattoos, on the other hand, require at least 10 treatments. Since the affected areas of the body should heal completely, a healing time of 4 weeks between sessions is recommended. Therefore, tattoo removal can unfortunately take longer than 1 year.
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You should come withquite high costscalculate. These vary depending on size, number of colors, depth, age, etc. A small tattoo, for example, costs between 50-150 euros per treatment and larger ones can cost around 600 euros. Since tattoo removal is purely a private service, the costs are not covered by health insurance.
Although laser treatment is much safer than other methods, it is still an attack on the skin and can lead to scarring. Swelling, blisters, crusting, pain, and bleeding may occur immediately after the procedure. In addition, increased or decreased pigmentation may occur - the skin in the treated area becomes paler or darker than the rest of your skin.
Operative Tattooentfernung
The surgical removal of a tattoo has been well established for decades and has always been used before the era of laser treatment. It is particularly suitable for smaller tattoos because they can be removed in just one session. It is literally an “incisive” method where the tattoo is cut out using a scalpel. However, scars remain. Various techniques from plastic surgery are used. These include skin transplants, skin advancement plastics or skin transplants. The procedure is almost always carried out under general anesthesia. However, surgical removal proves to be extremely difficult in the area of the upper back or the front of the lower leg.
In order to remove the tattoo, the surrounding skin is stretched so that it can be stitched together. The more elastic the skin on each part of the body, the easier it is to put it together. For larger tattoos, it is recommended to pre-stretch the skin a few weeks beforehand using an expander. This procedure works particularly well for small tattoos in an elongated shape - the piece of skin can be easily removed and the skin can be sewn up easily later.
Additionally can alsoSkin grafts or skin graftsbe used. A thin layer is removed from a healthy part of the body and placed on the area where the tattoo is cut out. Although skin transplantation is possible for large tattoos, it is not recommended for aesthetic reasons.
The costsPrices for these treatments are usually in the low to mid four-digit range.
With a good oneCare,Hygiene and dressing control will heal the wounds fairly quickly and the stitches can be removed after about 2 weeks. However, scars remain.
Removal with dermabrasion
Another form of surgical tattoo removal is called dermabrasion. This method is used whenever the tattoo is too large to cut out. As the ink colors become more and more light stablethe tattoos more colorfuland become more difficult to laser away, this method is becoming increasingly important. The top layer of your skin is actually removed and depending on the size of the tattoo, local or even general anesthesia is always necessary. During dermabrasion, the upper layers of skin are sanded down using special high-frequency grinding devices until the color pigments are exposed and can be removed.
A deep abrasion then forms, which oozes and takes several weeks to heal completely. The color particles are embedded in the wound scab and fall off along with the crust at the end of healing. A scar appears that resembles that of a fourth-degree burn and can remain red for months. So if you want to have your tattoo removed using this method, you should definitely pay attention to your hygiene so that a serious infection does not occur.
Use cryotherapy
Cryotherapy is also known as freezing and is still not that common among tattoo removal methods. During the procedure, the tattooed area is exposed to an extremely cold temperature by spraying a freezing agent. The upper layer of skin dies and can gradually be sanded down using dermabrasion. Depending on how you feel, the whole procedure can be quite uncomfortable and is therefore always carried out under general anesthesia. The resulting bubbles are comparable to those of a burn. In addition, depending on the color intensity, multiple sessions are possible. Although cryotherapy is much cheaper than laser removal, it is unfortunately not as efficient. The only advantage of this method is that the scars that form are not visible at first glance.
Tattoo removal using the diathermy method
As a counterpart to icing, a tattoo can also be removed using diathermy. This method is quite new and not that popular yet. The tattoo is treated with high-frequency electrical current, which is converted into thermal energy in the tissue layers of the skin. The heat causes the liquid to evaporate into the skin cells and the colored cells die. During this treatment, the skin is specifically burned, which is also associated with greater pain. The procedure should therefore only be carried out by doctors, otherwise burns, scars and infections can result. It takes some time for the stained cells to die and fall off, during which time a crust forms. The itching can sometimes be very severe, but scratching is definitely taboo. While each laser is responsible for different colors during tattoo removal with laser treatment, this does not play a role with diathermy.
Do creams really do anything?
A tattoo is traditionally considered permanent, so the idea of simply rubbing cream on it to remove all the ink sounds a bit far-fetched. But there are currently many different creams on the market that promise us that the tattoo will be completely removed and completely painless and scar-free. There are macrophages in our body, also called phagocytes, which break down foreign substances in our body. When colors are pierced under our skin during tattooing, the macrophages recognize them as foreign substances and break them down via the lymphatic system. And now the creams come into play: These are intended to cause new and, above all, more macrophages to be formed, which in turn eat up the pigments.
Unfortunately, tattoo removal creams do not deliver what they promise. Since these activate the body to eat the tattoo pigments, not all colors may be captured. Therefore, it is very likely that your tattoo will fade somewhat, but will still remain visible, at least in shadows. The method can also cause a lot of skin irritation, with unsightly scars likely to remain. In addition, with a price of around 80-100 euros per cream and long-term use, this method is neither quick nor cheap.
Is removal possible with home remedies?
There are many methods that some people try at home.These include salt peelings, chemical peels, lemons and honey and putting together various bizarre ingredients. However, we would only recommend tattoo removal by a doctor. However, if you believe that the natural route is the best way, then we have a few suggestions for you. But be careful - some of these methods are some of the most painful and distressing and if you have a low pain threshold you shouldn't even consider them!
Lemon and honey:Since lemon is a natural bleaching agent and honey is known for its skin-regenerating and nourishing properties, this is one of the most popular methods of removing tattoos using home remedies. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a spoonful of honey and apply the mixture to your tattoo daily until you achieve the desired results.
Salt and lemon juice:Mix 100 grams of salt with 3 spoons of lemon juice. Using a cotton pad, rub the solution over the tattoo for 3 to 5 minutes and repeat the process every day.
Remove tattoo withSalt peeling? –Even though you often hear about people trying to simply rub off their tattoo using salt, we strongly advise you not to do so. This method is not only very painful but also pointless. The tattoo ink sits in our lower layer of skin, which cannot be reached by a salt peeling. The end result is bleeding colors and a slightly faded tattoo. In addition, the affected area can become badly inflamed.
The right care after tattoo removal
When removing a tattoo, the skin is subjected to a lot of stress, which can lead to many undesirable side effects, such as infection. Therefore, proper aftercare is extremely important.
- After treatment, your skin may be red and swollen. In this case, you can clean the affected area with acool with a clean towel.
- In the first 3 days it is very important to treat your woundto keep dry.When showering, be careful not to direct the shower jet directly onto the treated area. You should also avoid visits to the swimming pool, solarium or sauna.
- AvoidClothing,which causes friction on your skin.
- Avoid the sun –Lasered skin is much more sensitive to light than before. UV radiation increases the risk of inflammation and can lead to pigment spots.
- No sport –A week's break from training after treatment is strongly recommended. Through manyintensive sportsYour blood flow will increase, which just adds more stress to your body.
- Drink 2 to 3 glasses dailyfresh pineapple juice.This contains many important enzymes that support the healing process.