Sooner or later every woman has the urge to try something new with her hair. And there are countless variations for everyone to choose from. However, in addition to trends, you should also consider the shape of your face. Every face has certain characteristics that make it either suitable or unsuitable for a certain hairstyle. The right hairstyle should achieve a balance between the different proportions. We would therefore like to explain to you which variants of hairstyle are suitable depending on the shape of your face.
If you have long hair, you should avoid adding additional volume to the hair in the upper front area. Ideally, the hair should not be longer than the face. The reason for this is that the elongated face lacks width, which is compensated for in this way. Is specifically thatForehead up, short bangs are very suitable. Curls are also very suitable. These ensure a balanced appearance.
Triangular (heart-shaped) face
With this face shape, the area of the forehead is wider than the area above the chin. So it becomes narrower towards the bottom. But you can also compensate for these uneven proportions with the right hairstyle depending on the shape of your face. One option is to make your broad forehead less noticeable by wearing bangs or pretty curls. You can leave your hair long without any problem. However, if you do twist them, the curl or waves should only reach halfway down the ears. Curls that you comb through to make them wider will help balance out the lower, narrow area of the face.
Reese Witherspoon has a heart-shaped face
Square and round face
What is typical for these face shapes is that they are slightly wider than they are long and coarser. Square faces, as the name suggests, have edges and corners that need to be balanced out with the right hairstyle depending on the shape of the face. Therefore, hairstyles that radiate more femininity are appropriate. So if you want a new cut or just style your own, you need to create the illusion that the forehead is rounder and higher. You can achieve this either with side bangs or by adding volume. This looks especially great when you add volume to the back of the head area and tuck the side strands together to create a half-up hairstyle.
Trapezoid face
This face shape is exactly the opposite of the triangular or heart-shaped face. The forehead area is therefore narrower than the chin area. So to make your forehead appear wider, you can make the hair in this area more voluminous. In this case, curls or waves in the front area under the ears should definitely be avoided. With these examples of a hairstyle depending on the shape of the face, you can well balance the proportions of the face.
Sloping forehead
When the forehead slopes backwards instead of straight up, the chin is usually pointed and not very pronounced. So it is necessary to balance both the lower and upper part of the face with the right hairstyle. Comb your hair back but at the same time let it fall down the sides. You should also cover part of your forehead. This way you even out the forehead. Add curls to the back of the head to again balance the chin.
A very high or low forehead
The lack of balance can also be compensated for in these two face shapes, so that they ultimately appear more oval. There are a few tricks for this. With a very high forehead, it is common for it to steal the show from the face itself and therefore not be particularly noticeable. To counteract this effect, the illusion that the forehead is shorter must be created. This works best with bangs or a few strands over the forehead. Your face will immediately look more proportionate.
On the contrary, if you have a very low forehead, you can balance it out and make it appear larger by combing the front hair back and pinning it. A quiff, for example, is suitable for this.