Attractive, cheerful, youthful – blonde is usually associated with these positive attributes. Unfortunately, maintaining this beautiful and highly sought-after hair color can prove to be quite a difficult task. However, the first attempts to lighten your hair can end in disappointment. If you're already blonde, then you know all too well that yellow is your number one enemy. Read on and follow our tips on how to remove that annoying yellow cast without damaging your hair!
Remove yellow tint - where does it come from?
With permanent coloring, color pigments get into the hair and with tinting, the pigments are only deposited on the surface. Even though people often talk about coloring when bleaching, this is not entirely true. To achieve a light blonde, the hair is bleached and its melanin pigments are removed. A problem often occurs due to premature rinsing. Many women check their hair and are shocked to see that it has turned orange and end the exposure time much too early. Simply repeat the bleaching process with the same product and simply make up for the missing time if you want to remove the yellow cast.
Did you stick exactly to the exposure time and your hair still turned out a different color? Then the brightener may have been a little too weak for your original color. Before you buy a color, you should first check the packaging to see what the color result will be for you. If you are dissatisfied with the color of your hair and want to remove the yellow tint, you can repeat the bleaching process. However, you should use a weaker lightener because the hair is already pre-bleached.
Purple shampoo helps against this
The classic if you want to remove an annoying yellow tint - the purple shampoo. These are particularly popular with blondes, and for good reason. They contain blue or purple pigments that are deposited in your hair when you wash it, neutralizing the yellow tones and leaving your hair looking clean and radiant. Purple shampoos with different levels of pigmentation can be found in every drugstore. The higher the degree of pigmentation, the stronger and faster the yellowish discoloration is neutralized.
Why purple shampoo you may ask? If you look at the color wheel, you will see that it is the direct opposite color of yellow. This means that purple and yellow cancel each other out. Depending on which product you choose and how much yellowness you want to remove, you can use a purple shampoo daily or weekly. If your hair desperately needs a refresh, we recommend leaving the shampoo on for 5-10 minutes. However, if you are struggling with a minimal amount of yellow tones, 2-3 minutes is enough.
White or violet tints as aids
If you have your hair colored at a hairdresser, then you have probably already had experience with so-called tinting. These little miracles are a cult product for good reason - hairdressers use them to give the hair the desired undertone after bleaching, such as a beige blonde, sandy or ash blonde. The tints are usually based on blue, purple and green. If you want to remove your yellow cast, white or purple toners work best. Ideally, you should use this immediately after bleaching, when the cuticle layer of the hair is still open and you have not yet used a hair treatment or something similar. You can also easily carry out the procedure yourself at home. Simply mix one or two spoonfuls of a semi-permanent purple tint into your favorite hair conditioner until a light purple mixture is formed, then wash your hair as usual.
Remove yellowness with lemon juice
Do you want your blonde hair to look sun-kissed? Natural and a real miracle weapon if you want to remove a yellow cast is lemon juice. The citric acid removes the yellow pigments and gives your hair a fabulous shine. You will achieve an even better effect if you go out in the sun with your lemony hair. So the best time for this hair treatment is summer. Depending on the length of your hair, you should get one to three lemons, then squeeze them and distribute them evenly over your hair. Now you could make yourself a coffee, sit on the balcony and...Hair treatmentleave on for an hour. However, using lemon juice can dry out your hair slightly and make it look a bit strawy. So if you have damaged hair that has suffered from some hydrogen peroxide treatments, we advise you not to use lemon juice.
Fix the problem with aspirin plus C
The painkiller that everyone actually has in the house doesn't just help against headaches! It contains the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid, which removes color pigments from the hair and helps you in this way! To do this, dissolve two effervescent tablets in 500 ml of cold water and slowly pour it over your hair. Leave the mixture to work for about 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Another variant for this unusual hair treatment is to mix a few crushed vitamin C tablets with a little shampoo. To do this, crush 5 tablets into a fine powder and mix them inenough shampoo– usually in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting paste evenly to your hair and leave it on for at least 1 hour. Then rinse your hair as normal with warm water.
Baking soda against yellow tint
Baking powder is the all-rounder among home remedies - you can use it to bake more than just delicious cakes. If there is a mishap during...Coloring your blondeIf it happens to hair, it can also be used and helps remove yellow tint. All you need is a packet of baking soda that you probably have somewhere in the cupboard. Mix this with lukewarm water until you reach the consistency of a paste and distribute it through dry hair. Leave it on for about 20-30 minutes and then rinse your hair carefully.
Use apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of nature's most versatile foods. Being rich in acetic, citric and malic acids, it will help you fight those pesky yellow tones in your otherwise gorgeous blonde hair. To do this, you should dilute 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of water, pour the mixture onto your hair and let it work for about 15 minutes. For an even better effect you can add some herbs. Rosemary, for example, stimulates hair growth. Lavender and marigolds have a calming effect on the scalp.
Chamomile tea for radiant blonde hair
Chamomile is a good home remedy in many areas, for example for blemished skin. A tea made from fresh chamomile flowers can also work wonders in removing yellowness. Let the flowers steep in the hot water until the water becomes lukewarm. Massage your hair with the chamomile tea and rinse it out after about 5 minutes. Since these herbs are gentle on hair, you can repeat the procedure as many times as you want if the result is not satisfactory right away.
AlsoHonigis a well-known home remedy that is worth trying if you want to remove your yellowness in a natural and chemical-free way. Mix honey with water in a 1:1 ratio, spread the mixture on your head and let it work for an hour. Then rinse your hair thoroughly.
Remove yellowness with olive oil
An intensive treatmentwith healthy olive oil is also particularly helpful with this problem. To do this, massage the vegetable oil into damp hair, wrap a towel around your head and let the oil work overnight. The fat removes the unsightly yellow pigments from the hair and at the same time makes it particularly soft and supple. The next day, you should thoroughly shampoo your hair several times to completely remove the olive oil.