Washing your hair with rye flour – the new beauty secret!

In our time, shampoo is a necessity. Everyone has it and everyone uses it. Most shampoos are made up of a number of ingredients, almost all of which are chemicals. If you read the ingredients you will find potential carcinogens, thickeners, artificial fragrances and colors. The good news is that there are many alternatives for those of you who want to do something good for your hair. Like rye flour, for example. Yes, you read it correctly! Are you curious? Then read on and we will explain to you how to wash your hair with rye flour and what benefits it brings.

Rye flour is rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals. It contains all vitamins from the B group, vitamin 3, omega-3 fatty acids and many other nutrients that support your hair in regrowth and regeneration. It is also naturally PH neutral and with a value of 5.5, it corresponds to that of our skin, so subsequent rinsing is not necessary.

Your hair will benefit much more from rye flour than most cosmetic products on the market today. If you regularly yourHairWash with it, you will notice the following results:

  • Your hair has great shine anddon't add fat as quickly
  • Strengthens the follicles andhelps against hair loss
  • Your hair is only cleaned and not degreased. After a few weeks, your scalp should produce less sebum and the intervals between hair washes will also increase
  • Heals the scalp andfights fungal infections
  • Accelerates hair growth

Instructions step by step

To prevent your hair from ending up sticking, you need to know a few little tricks - which flour is best, how to prepare it and how to rinse your hair after washing it with rye flour. Even after the first use, you will realize that the whole process is a bit complicated, but it is really worth it!

  • Best to usefinely ground organic rye flour.To ensure that there are no lumps in the mixture, it is best to first sift the flour or let the finished mixture steep for 10 to 15 minutes
  • TheWatershould be at most lukewarm, but not too hot either. It will be oneTemperature of 35 – 40 degreesrecommended.
  • The flour mixture should not be beaten, but should only be mixed carefully with a whisk.

Make rye flour shampoo for all hair types

Basic recipe:

  • 3-4 tbsp rye flour
  • Add a good splash of lukewarm water until the flour mixture resembles a liquid paste.

Recipe for dry hair:

  • 50 g rye flour
  • dried herbs of your choice (chamomile, nettle or sage)
  • A spoonful of mustard powder
  • A spoonful of ginger powder or a pinch of fresherGinger
  • Essential oil of your choice

Preparation:First, let the chopped herbs ferment in boiling water for 30-40 minutes. Add the dry ingredients and stir well until a creamy consistency is formed.

Wash oily hair:

  • Rye flour – shampoo prepared according to the basic recipe
  • A spoonful of mustard powder
  • Essential oilof your choice

Preparation:Mix everything together, apply it to your hair and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. This recipe also stimulates hair growth.

If you're out and about and don't have the opportunity to shower and wash your hair, you couldRye flour as a dry shampoouse. To do this, simply take a handful of rye flour, rub it gently over the hair roots and then comb through. You will be amazed at how shiny your hair will be afterwards.

And how about one tooHair mask with rye flour?

  • 2 tbsp rye flour
  • 1 EL Honig
  • 1 tbsp sour cream with 20% fat content
  • A few drops of essential oil
  • Some lukewarm water

Preparation:In a bowl, mix the flour and honey with the water. Add the sour cream and oil and let it steep for about 5 minutes. The mixture shouldn't be too watery. Apply to your wet hair and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water

We have another recipe for youHair mask with rye flour and nettle for dry hair:

  • 4 tbsp rye flour
  • 1 No
  • Dried nettle leaves


  1. Add the dried nettle leaves to a glass of boiling water and let them steep for 4 hours.
  2. Add the rye flour and the egg, stir everything well.
  3. Apply the mask to dry hair and leave it on for 1 hour. It is best to rinse with slightly cool water

Instructions on how to apply it

It is best to apply the paste to your hair in stages. Since the texture shouldn't be too thick, application is a little more complicated and takes around 5-10 minutes. If you have ever used natural cosmetics shampoos, you should also know this - you shouldn't hope for foam either. And here's a secret tip from us to make it work better - divide individual parts and give some of itRye flour– Shampoo both on the scalp and a little in the lengths. It is best to leave the paste on for 20 minutes. Don't forget your ears, as flour residue tends to collect there. If there are still residues left after rinsing, shake your hair upside down or you can do it even faster using a coarse comb. The husks will all come back out, so don't panic! Since the flour evaporates quickly with the water (this must not be too hot), you should not worry about whether your drain will become clogged.

Switching from normal to rye flour shampoo: tips

Do not expect immediate results after washing your hair with rye flour for the first time. Both your hair and your scalp will need some time to get used to this change because they are already exposed to enough stress from various styling agents and other chemical elements. It will take a while to revive your hair after all the damage caused by the harsh ingredients in regular shampoos. Your beautiful curls might look a bit dull, straight and lifeless at first. So be patient and follow our tips that will help you overcome this transition phase!

  • Do not comb your hair too hard or aggressively after applying the rye flour mixture.
  • A bit of dandruff may appear after the first few uses, but you shouldn't worry about it. In this way, your scalp frees itself from dead cells and chemical residues.
  • You should wash your hair with rye flour a maximum of 2 times a week.
  • After about 5 applications you will notice the difference - your hair has become lighter and shinier and has completely regenerated.
  • Regularly add new ingredients to your homemade shampoo because our hair quickly gets used to certain ingredients. For example an egg, lemon juice, herbs, etc.

Many of you may be wondering if you could use regular shampoo every now and then. During the adjustment period, we will advise you against this - your scalp needs to learn that washing with rye flour is not a one-time exception, but that it will stay that way from now on. Once your head and hair have adjusted properly, you could exceptionally use shampoo orHair soapuse. However, we want to warn you that sometimes you can get dandruff as a side effect! We advise against constantly switching back and forth, especially if you have problems with your dandruff. In doing so, you are essentially sabotaging yourself and your hair cannot fully and permanently adjust to one or the other.

Who is it not suitable for?

Despite the huge amount of positive properties, washing with rye flour is unfortunatenot suitable for everyone.

  • People who have oneGluten intoleranceYou should definitely avoid using rye flour as a shampoo. It is believed that a negative reaction can also be caused when used externally, as the flour is absorbed into the scalp.
  • Not suitable for colored hair.The granules have an abrasive effect on the hair, washing away the pigment and fading the artificial color.
  • For dry seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitisRemains of flour could remain under the scalp, which can lead to micro-irritations and increase itching. Before you switch to rye flour shampoo, you should first consult your doctor