Remove red stitch from brown hair: With the help of these home remedies and tips, neutralize it!

Do you try to hide the unsightly, red highlights in your once so beautiful, dark hair? Perhaps you tried to color your hair brown, but you have received an unwanted, reddish color. How can you remove the red stitch from brown hair?

Your hair can regain its natural, brown color, regardless of whether the change has suddenly occurred after a coloring process or gradually over time. If you follow these simple steps, you can remove the unsightly red tones from your brown hair. There are also helpful home remedies that you can use! Read on what you can do against the red stitch.


Would you like to find out how you can get this problem under control with the hair color?

Color damaged hair

If your hair is porous or damaged, a brown color may not be enough on her dark hair on nature to hide the red pigments. For this reason, the hair can appear after coloring reddish or brass -colored.

Oxidation of hair dyes

The oxidation of the hair color is a gradual process that occurs when the hair is exposed to air and light. The hair color fades and changes due to a chemical interaction between the hair color and oxygen in the air. For example, if you dye your hair brown, the pigment molecules of the dye can oxidize and lose electrons, which fades the color. In this case, the red pigments in their hair can shine through the brown color.

Oxidation is a normal process, but can be accelerated by certain factors such as sunlight, intensive use of heating devices and sharp hair care products.

Deposits of minerals

The hair color can also be influenced by the water with which you wash your hair. The hair color can be falsified by hard water or water with a high mineral concentration. Minerals such as iron, copper, calcium and magnesium in hard water can be deposited on the hair and lead to discoloration and red sting.

Hair dyes usually take a reddish or orange tone when you come into contact with the minerals in the water. The more of these minerals accumulate, the more clearly the problem can become. To prevent the accumulation of minerals, it is advisable to use a deep cleaning shampoo every now and then.

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Neutralize red stitch in brown -colored hair - tips and home remedies


Let us hit your way to your naturally beautiful, brown hair!

You should use a colored shampoo

While their blonde friends have success with a silver shampoo (also called Blaushampoo), their red tones will not have the same effect. The secret to get rid of an unfavorable color is to choose a complementary color. You need a product with green or blue -green undertones to counteract redness.

Green is the complementary color too red, so it is best to buy cool shampoos with green tinge, which are designed for reddish colored stitches. But thinkcare. These shampoos can dry out the hair, so it is important to use a care mask then.

Remove the red hair of brown hair with white vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is often used in natural hair care products. Because of its alleged advantages for theHealth and hairit is often used as the last rinsing after washing. According to reports, the pH of the scalp is normalized and a healthy shine is given to the hair. People also use it to keep their hair color alive as long as possible.

You need:

  • 250 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 250 ml distilled water
  • 2 – 3 Tropfen Teebaumöl


  1. Combine the apple cider vinegar, water and the essential oil.
  2. Use the solution after hairdressing to rinse your hair.
  3. You should then leave the solution for 10-20 minutes. Then wash your hair with cool water.

Baking powder against red sting in hair

Baking powder can be used to neutralize unwanted red sting in dark hair.

Please note the following:However, if you use baking powder too often, it can dry out your scalp and make your hair brittle.

You need:

  • 2 tablespoons of baking powder
  • A sulfate -free shampoo, about 1 - 2 pump bumps


  1. Mix the shampoo and baking powder together until they form a uniform liquid.
  2. Massage the mixture into your hair.
  3. Let it take effect for about 5 - 10 minutes before washing your hair.
  4. As the last step, apply a rinsing.

Black tea also helps

Pull the tea in boiling water for 8 - 10 minutes. Apply the cooled brew as the last rinse after hair washing. Leave it for half an hour with a towel around your head. Then you should wash the black tea out.

Find the right hairooner

Photo: Stockfilmstudio/ Envato Elements

It is important that you find a toner that fits your hair color and the intensity of the red tones. Ash or violet tones can be useful if the red tones are not too strong. In the case of dark brown hair, a stronger toner may be necessary to emphasize the red under tones. You have to apply the toner again every few weeks, since its effect is only temporary.

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