Who says smoky eye makeup always has to be dark? This example shows how you can add some bright, happy colors into your usual smoky makeup. For those of you who would like to try more color but aren't sure, this is a perfect way to start. It is perfect for both the day and the evening. The amount of bright colors in the crease gives your eyes that warm summer look you've been longing for.
Products used for this:
– “Mercury” eyeshadow byMakeup Geek
– “Stealth” eyeshadow by Makeup Geek
– “Sea Mist” eyeshadow from Makeup Geek
– “Latte” eyeshadow by Makeup Geek
– “Ice Queen” eyeshadow by Makeup Geek
or similar colors that you already own.
This is how it is applied
Makeup utensils used:
– Brush for applying eyeshadow
– V-Brush
– Stiff Dome Brush
– Eyelid crease brush
– black eyeliner
Step-by-step instructions
1. Apply the Mercury with a brushEyeshadowon the inner half of the lid.
2. When you're done, apply the same to a third of the length of the lower eyelid.
3. Using the same brush or another suitable one, apply the Stealth eyeshadow to the outer half of the lid.
4. Using the V brush, apply the Sea Mist eyeshadow to the outer V area of the eye and spread it to the crease. Be careful not to cover all of the stealth, after all you want all the colors to show. If necessary, use a soft brush to blur any rough lines.
5. Apply the Sea Mist eyeshadow to a third of the lower lid in the same way, meeting the Mercury eyeshadow.
6. Now it's the turn of the latte eyeshadow, which you apply with a soft brush over the Sea Mist in a windshield wiper motion back and forth to avoid and smooth out rough lines.
7. Apply Ice Queen eyeshadow under the eyebrow as a highlight and on the inner corner of the eye to make the eyes appear brighter and more open.
8. Use your favorite eyeliner and an angled oneEyeliner-Brush to create a soft, curved line on the upper lid.
9. Highlight your eyes by applying your favorite eyeliner to the lower lid. Connect the upper eyelid line with the lower eyeliner along the inner corner of the eye. This gives the eyelashes a fuller effect.
10. Now shape your eyelashes with an eyelash curler and apply a mascara and you're done.
The possibilities are endless:
With a slight gold shimmer
For a more dramatic effect, apply some “Corrupt” eyeshadow to the outer V area of the eye. Add some false eyelashes and a glittery eyeliner on the lower eyelid and you have a perfect smoky eye makeup for the city nightlife. To make the look even more dramatic, apply some glitter over Mercury eyeshadow.
The make-up in steps
Adding some color to your look is easy and fun with this impressive look. So whether you leave the eye make-up delicate and soft or spice it up a bit, it will quickly become one of your favorite make-up options. And with so many different options, you'll fall in love with it really quickly.
In green and some gold shimmer
In blue-gray
Blue eye makeup with green eyeliner
Eye make-up instructions: make-up tips for a party look
Green and gray with glitter
Gold, green and gray
A strong make-up of dark and light blue
White, light and dark blue with eyeliner