How to apply eyeshadow correctly if you have droopy eyelids: How to apply make-up to droopy eyelids to open up your eyes

Every eye shape has its own characteristics that you should follow when applying make-up in order to achieve a flawless look (okay, except for the seemingly uncomplicated almond shape, perhaps). The hanging eyelids seem to pose a particularly big challenge. Nothing seems to really stick, the eyeliner is barely noticeable, not to mention the eyeshadow. Are there a few tricks on how to properly apply eyeshadow if you have droopy eyelids? Absolutely and we explain what you should keep in mind.

The right combination of high-quality products, preparation and technology

When you have droopy eyelids, it's the hanging flaps of skin that make applying make-up so difficult. These lie on the eyelids and blur pretty much everything you apply. In order to prevent this or at least reduce it as much as possible, not only the right techniques are important, but also high-quality products (waterproof!) and especially the right preparation are important. You should include this in your make-up routine so that you can apply eyeshadow correctly if you have droopy eyelids:

Applying make-up to drooping eyelids – foundation is essential

To get smudge-proof makeup on the upper lid, it is very important to start with a primer. This later provides the eyeshadow with a perfect base to which it can adhere. To make it work, apply this primer all over the upper eyelid: from the inside out and up to the eyebrows, i.e. over the entire brow bone.

Then apply a skin-colored eyeshadow over this foundation. On the one hand, this fixes the foundation and also provides a good basis for later blending different eyeshadow shades and colors better together.

Apply eyeshadow correctly if you have droopy eyelids – conceal the droopy eyelids

You want yoursMake your eyes bigger, so that the droopy eyelids are less noticeable. For this purpose, this eyelid must be made up. This is the only way to conceal the excess skin flap. To really achieve this, you shouldn't, as usual, close your eyes and apply eye make-up. Instead, you should apply the eyeshadow correctly if you have droopy eyelids by leaving your eyes open. This way you can perfectly estimate where your natural eye crease begins and apply the accent up to that point.

The visible crease of the drooping eyelid does not match the actual crease of the movable eyelid, but don't let this mislead you and stick to the drooping eyelid. Create a “false eyelid crease,” so to speak. There (above her natural eyelid crease andnotof the movable eyelid!), apply a light eye shadow (in windshield wiper movements), which can have a little shimmer, but should not be more than two or three tones darker than your natural skin tone. The eyeshadow can also be a little darker towards the outside.

This trick ensures that your make-up is really visible. If you closed your eyes to apply make-up, the color would end up sinking under your droopy eyelids.

Hanging eyelids apply make-up in the right colors

As already mentioned, you should be too bright andnatural color nuancesgrasp, which shimmer. This opens the view and conceals the droopy eyelids. Light or darker matte shades tend to add depth to the eye, which is why they are well suited to the outer eyelid area. You can use it to create the popular cat-eye look.

Apply eyeshadow correctly if you have droopy eyelids – create more make-up space

When it comes to eyeshadow for droopy eyelids, you have to be content with relatively little space because the movable eyelid is covered. However, you can add a little makeup space with a few simple tricks. How do you make up droopy eyelids for this purpose?

  • A very thin eyeliner opens the eye visually, but leaves enough space for the eye shadow
  • Using the natural crease of the eyelid instead of the actual movable eyelid crease as a guide, as described above, also gives you a lot of makeup surface that you wouldn't have if you were just doing makeup on the movable eyelid
  • If you apply eyeshadow correctly when you have droopy eyelids, do so not just in the area of ​​the eyelid crease, but beyond it
  • Finally, apply a highlighter to the brow bone and the inner corner of the eye to visually enlarge the eye

Make-up tip for droopy eyelids: The straight line technique

The cat-eye look mentioned above is ideal for a darker outer corner of the eye. This can be achieved quite easily with a little help: Take a pen, a piece of paper or something similar, hold it at the corner of your nose and place it so that the other end runs along the outer corner of your eye and beyond. This means you can use a brush and eyeshadow to create a straight line on your hooded eyelid in exactly the right place, which you then blend with the lighter part.

Look at how in the picture above the eyelid crease has been blended by the droopy eyelid instead of being used to define it.

Smokey eyes for droopy eyelids

The popular eye make-up is also possible for droopy eyelids, with the right technique. How to properly apply eye shadow if your eyelids are droopy:

  • Start with foundation, then apply a light gray glittery eyeshadow to the movable lid and almost to the eyebrows.
  • Using an applicator, dab black eyeshadow onto the gray eyeshadow, but only onto the area of ​​the movable eyelid. When your eye is open, the black part should only be slightly visible. If necessary, you can pull it up a little further, depending on how pronounced the drooping eyelids are.
  • Also outline the rest of the eye with the black color.
  • Blend the black with a brush (just soften the hard edge towards the gray color).
  • Below the brow bone, i.e. on the bone, apply a light eye shadow, which you also blend well towards gray.
  • Apply black eyeliner (let it dry first, then open your eye) on top and kohl on the lower waterline.
  • Apply mascara and you're done!

What are the do's and don'ts when applying make-up to droopy eyelids?You can find out here.