Eyes with droopy eyelids are a challenge when it comes to make-up. If you do it right, you can hide droopy eyelids wonderfully and visually open your eyes at the same time. In the same way, eye make-up can have the opposite effect and even emphasize a drooping eyelid, not to mention that the make-up can also quickly smear. We have summarized the do's and don't's that you should keep in mind if you want to get rid of droopy eyelids.
Conceal droopy eyelids with these do's
You can and should even introduce these things into your make-up routine so that you can make up your droopy eyelids correctly. This is how droopy eyelids can be concealed without surgery:
The right basis is essential
Due to the hanging eyelid, which is constantly over the movable eyelid, make-up is more likely to smear than on other eyes. For this reason, a good primer is simply a must. It provides a good base on which the rest of the make-up can adhere better because it also isolates the natural oils that the skin produces. Still prevented
Apply an eyeshadow base after cleansing your face and drying the skin. After that, you can continue with the rest of the makeup.
Remove make-up from droopy eyelids – highlight the eyelash line
Apply a thin layer of eyeliner underneath or between the lash hairs of the upper lash line. This way the eyelashes appear thicker and the focus is on them. If you want to wear a little more eye-catching make-up, you can also emphasize the lower lash line. But this time you use it for thisan eye shadowin a darker color (not the eyeliner) and run it over your eyelashes.
Lots of mascara or fake lashes
While we're on the topic of “emphasizing eyelashes”: If the eyelashes stand out, the drooping eyelids are less noticeable. So don't be afraid to apply multiple coats of mascara. Fly legs don't have to be the same, but volume and length will definitely benefit you. Alsoartificial eyelashesare a way to highlight the lash line.
Bright colors, subtle shine
Shimmering eyeshadows are ideal for drooping eyelids, you probably already know that. However, caution is advised if you want to remove make-up from droopy eyelids and not emphasize them further. The eyeshadow should only have a slight shine and should only be applied to the movable eyelid. The inner corner of the eye can also be emphasized in the same way.
Remove droopy eyelids with matte, dark tones
And how do I make up my droopy eyelids? They are best concealed with darker colors with a matt look. Shine would emphasize them and draw the eye to them, while dark and matt eye shadows would make them fade into the background and become less noticeable.
What helps against droopy eyelids - Don'ts that you should avoid
Some make-up techniques are ideal, but others have the exact opposite effect when applying make-up to droopy eyelids. What are the no-gos if you want to get rid of droopy eyelids?
Make up droopy eyelids - too much shine
The following applies to both the highlighter and the eyeshadow: subtle shimmer, yes, but not an exaggerated shine and especially not on the droopy eyelid and the “false” crease itself. You want to draw attention away from the eyelid. Therefore: Slight shine below the eyebrows, on the inner corner of the eye and on the visible part of the movable eyelid. Make up the hooded eyelid itself matt and slightly darker, which creates a...Lifting effect achievedbecomes.
Lift your eyelids when applying makeup
You want to apply make-up to your eyelid and automatically pull the hooded eyelid upwards to get to the entire area. But apart from the fact that this is completely pointless because the eyeshadow will then be covered by the hanging eyelid again. In addition, sooner or later the make-up will smear.
Therefore: When applying make-up, look straight ahead in the mirror and lift at most your forehead, but not your drooping eyelids. This way you can better assess where you should create a “false” eyelid crease and which area of the movable eyelid is ultimately really visible and can be made up.
Thick eyeliner for droopy eyelids
The eyeliner is beautiful, no question. However, when it comes to droopy eyelids, you should apply the right one in the right way. It is ideal to use dark eyeshadow for this purpose as it blends easily. Kajal and eyeliner are also suitable, but only in a very thin form and directly above the upper lash line. Due to the hard edge of the line in this make-up, a line that is too thick would create a tired and oppressive look.
How to apply make-up to droopy eyelids – emphasize the waterline
Drooping eyelids automatically make the eye appear smaller and more closed. Applying eyeliner to the waterline only increases this effect and is therefore doing yourself a disservice. Instead, omit this step or use a white eyeliner, which, in contrast to the dark eyeliner, visually opens up the eyesmakes it look biggerso that you can successfully remove the droopy eyelids.
Neglecting your eyebrows and applying incorrect makeup
Incorrectly shaped and made-up eyebrows emphasize the droopy eyelids instead of concealing them. That's why you shouldn't neglect them and have them professionally plucked and shaped first. Do not choose a color that is too dark, as this will make your eyes look tired. Apply highlighter below the brows, on the brow bone.
You will receive make-up tips for droopy eyelids over 50in this article.