When we get older, our skin and our facial structure change in a subtle but noticeable way. With increasing age, the skin loses part of its suppleness and gains texture. Folding, sagging skin and drought are part of aging. It is therefore important to re-evaluate the methods and products with which you apply your make-up from 70 from 70.
Would you like to conjure up a hint of pink on your cheeks? The type of application makes the difference. Experts say that it is important to consider a few things when applying cosmetics as an older woman.
Make-up from 70-helpful tips for mature skin
As a general rule of thumb: the moisturizing the formula, the better. Since the natural oils of the skin lose weight with age, you should generally avoid matting, oil -absorbing products. Instead, prefer to use rich, velvety textures.
What are the best skin care products for older women?
If you want flawless skin, you don't need ten different skin care products - you only need three. Eylish vitamin C, retinol or vitamin A and hyaluronic acid are the active ingredients with the greatest effect on their skin.
Retinol stimulates cell turnover, which in turn reduces lines and wrinkles and ultimately contributes to improved skin health, while vitamin C is a nourishing antioxidant, a brightener and a moisturizer. Hyaluronic acid, the last ingredient, is a natural, up -to -polarity remedy that gives a youthful radiation when used regularly.
Provide the skin with moisture
Most cosmetic experts will tell you that good skin care is the first step into a perfect make-up. The best way to make mature skin look young, radiant and bright is to supply the skin with moisture. Applying a thick moisturizer before applying foundation or other complexion products is essential for aging skin that loses its ability to store moisture. A face cream not only helps to maintain the elasticity of your skin, but also prevents your care products from setting up in the existing wrinkles.
The right primers and foundations
Applying a primer can help compensate for your skin tone and prevent your foundation from slipping. Consider the use of a tinted primer that can also serve as a foundation, moisturizer and make-up. Avoid thick cream foundations. Instead, choose a slight wording to achieve an unaffected appearance.
Apply make-up from 70-blush
We also lose muscles with increasing age, which leads to a less defined facial structure. Rouge should be applied to the highest point of the cheeks, not in the recesses. When looking for the best blush for older skin, pay attention to a creamy shade that resembles your natural skin color.
Eye make-up for ripe skin
When we get older, the delicate skin behind the eyes becomes thinner. This makes dark circles and wrinkles more clearly visible, and it is more difficult to achieve a natural look by blinding a concealer. The problem can be resolved by switching to a liquid cover pen, applying it with a brush and onlyOn the dark circlesfocus. Put a little of it into the inner corner of the eye because they are among the darkest places on the face and are often not noticed.
- Eyeliner
Before you apply an eyeliner, you can use a small brush to apply a carbon -colored eyeshadow along your eyelash. This creates a smoky effect and blurs the sharp edges of the eyeliner. Alternatively, you can also apply the liner and then the eyeshadow, which also looks good with a muted color application.
Keep an eye on your eyebrows
Your eyebrows become thinner and brighter with increasing age, just like the hair on her head. You should always make sure that your eyebrows are cared for because you are the "frame" of your face. Use oneEyebrow pencil or powder, to quickly fill up and emphasize your eyebrows.
Make -up lips from 70
The lips become drier and thinner with increasing age. Lipsticks and glosses with moisturizing ingredients help you to stay smooth. If you apply a clear gloss or lip oil over your lipstick, reflect the light and make your lips appear larger.
In addition, with increasing age, your natural lip line can recede, so that your lipstick runs out or blurred. If you surround your lips with a lip contour pencil, the probability is greater that the color will hold.
Tip for fuller lips: First apply some highlighter above your upper lip. Instead of surrounding the inside of your lips, you then surround the outside with a natural -colored lip contour pencil. This trick not only ensures that your lipstick lasts longer, but also for the fact that yoursLip appear larger.
Fix make -up
Use a moisturizing fixing spray to seal the look. A spray that keeps everything in place and supplies the skin with moisture and shine is the right one for you. Make-up fixing sprays are designed in such a way that they incorporate the individual products into the skin and ensure a natural, flawless finish. If it also contributes to the fact that you are supplied with moisture all day, all the better.
Read too:How you can look for 10 years younger with simple tricks