Makeup tips you didn't know about

With a fewMake-up TippsandTricksyou will achieve a professional and fabulous make-up. It sometimes takes years for every woman to discover which colors, how much make-up and how best to apply it on which face shape. In the end you will find your routine and in a few minutes you will be emphasizing certain facial contours and concealing your others. In today's article you will find 12 good tricks and tips for successful daily make-up.

Makeup tips - how to liquefy a clumpy mascara

Every woman can admit that her mascara dries out quickly over time and forms unsightly lumpy masses. The professional onesMake-up Tippssay that you have yourMascaraDon't try to pump out every time. Although you should change them every third to fourth month, the ladies try to get out what little is left with the applicator. To do this, you should add one or two drops of a good eye drop agent and mix the inside well with the applicator. You won't believe how liquid it becomes. Almost like a new mascara!