What would you say when you see these designer shoes? The Japanese designer Masaya Kushino creates unique pieces and never ceases to amaze his audience. Take a look and get inspired.
Designer Masaya Kushino creates an amazing shoe collection that includes elements from the Baroque style, as well as animal ornaments such as fur and feathers, as well as flowers and plants from nature. It's a line of hisTrend,to put animal ornaments in the foreground and to be inspired by nature.
Shoe collection by Masaya Kushino
Designer shoes that are richly decorated with peacock feathers and a real ponytail and with a round ball heel, the journey continues into the imaginary image with horns of a ram. Would you like that?Shoeswear it at some point? Rather not. But they are without a doubt worth a look!
The extraordinary design
The animal aspect comes to the fore
The imaginary vision
One step closer to the shoe from the imagination
The born shoe
Would you like a ponytail?
Animal inspiration
Wood and snake pattern decorated with ponytail
Moss on it