Fatty-making fashion mistakes you should avoid to flatter your figure

Many women find one or two flaws in themselves that they are not at all happy with. Fortunately, most of this can be concealed with the right styling or outfits. And that doesn't mean that you aren't beautiful just the way you are. But it reduces insecurity immensely and makes you more self-confident when you can present your best side. One or two pockets of fat in particular get on our women's nerves and need to be well hidden. But in desperation, some achieve exactly the opposite with the wrong styling. What fattening fashion mistakes should you avoid?

Oversize is not good fashion for fat women!

It is a misconception that loose clothing makes you look slimmer because it hides everything you don't want. That doesn't mean that you should choose the opposite, i.e. very tight-fitting pieces. However, you should remember thatOversize Modehas the effect of making you appear wider. An exception is a loose jacket, provided you wear it with a tighter top and open. In this case, the jacket creates a certain balance that you cannot achieve with a sweater, for example. However, in this case, you can wrap a belt around the waist to emphasize a slim midsection.

So the rule is: always balance loose clothing with something tight!

By the way: The layering trend also has the same effect as oversize.

Fashion mistakes that make you fatter - It shouldn't be too tight either

Aside from the fact that the size fluctuates for most of us, it can also vary from brand to brand. Just because you wear a size 36 in this one store doesn't mean it will match the sizes in the other. It can happen that you should actually choose a size larger. Out of spite and in order not to feel fuller than you are, you mistakenly choose the small size and this can have a fatal effect. Buying the wrong number out of pride is one of the biggest fashion mistakes that make you fat! So don't rely on any numbers, just try on the item of clothing. Does it look good? That's the most important thing!

Avoid colorful patterns

Checked, striped, animal prints, flowers - patterns of all kinds are undoubtedly trendy and make our outfit so much more versatile, colorful and interesting! But not if it doesn't fit your figure! Wrong patterns are one of the fattening fashion mistakes often made by ladies. straight checks,Animal Printsand stripes have this quality in themselves and should not be worn if you are already chubbier. Large motifs that go over the chest and stomach are also taboo. If the item of clothing is also wider (see oversized), you can intensify the effect even further.

Instead, opt for less flashy patterns (or none at all) and also balance things out with a simpler top or pants. The compensation piece should also be cut a little straighter to reduce the widening effect of the pattern.

What you should pay attention to when choosing jeans

Whether jeans are bulky or slimming depends not only on the cut, but also on the wash - something that most people don't pay attention to. One of the fashion mistakes that makes you fatter is choosing a model with a wash that has a strong contrast. The light part, which is also located in the middle area of ​​the thigh, is particularly noticeable and makes it appear wider.Dark denim colorsare therefore the better choice, if possible without or with subtle washing.

Fashion mistakes that make you fatter – choose blouses correctly

Blouses are often cut rather wide and airy. That's not a problem as long as the pants or skirt are tighter. However, what you should also know is that a blouse without buttons tends to make us look wider. A button placket creates an optical illusion. The vertical line elongates the body, so to speak, which automatically makes it appear slimmer.

Emphasize the naturally slim parts of your body

There are parts of the body that simply naturally always appear slim. These include the wrists, ankles and neck, for example. If you put the accent on it instead of covering it, you can cheat off a few pounds. So instead of wearing long pants with a long-sleeved blouse, opt for shorter sleeves/trouser legs for one of the two or roll them up a little. The same applies toofor the turtleneck.

Fashion mistakes that make you fatter – There are rules when it comes to shoes too!

Flat shoes, as comfortable as they are, make us appear smaller, but that doesn't necessarily apply to their width. Instead, it has the effect of making us appear fatter than we actually are. This is especially true for those that are rounded instead of tapered. That's why models that visually stretch the legs are the better option. But that doesn't mean it necessarily isHigh Heelsmust be. Just make sure that the shoes are pointed or have a small heel. Platform sandals also stretch, but at the same time are comfortable to wear compared to high heels.