Tying a tie with extravagant knots – 8 instructions for advanced users

“How do you tie a tie?” – A question that not only frustrates men who rarely wear a suit. Even those who always wear a tie for work reasons are often looking for more unusual tie knots with which they can improve their outfit. If you belong to the second group, you have come to the right place in this article, because this is not about the classic Windsor knots, but about some more extravagant but no less chic variants that you can choose if you want to tie a tie. Check out the instructions below and try out your favorites now!

Learn Eldredge knots

With the Eldredge knot you get a visually very attractive knot that falls into the medium to light category for beginners and is therefore ideal for a more upbeat knotHerren Outfitcan be tried out. If you want to tie the interestingly structured tie knot, as always, first place the tie around your neck and over your shoulders. The wider end should hang a little further down than the narrower end. Now follow the individual steps that can be seen in the instructions. If it doesn't work the first time, don't despair. After all, practice makes perfect!

Dapper knot

This variant is also extremely elegant and original. You can find the exact description of how to tie a tie in the video instructions. The special thing about this variant is that this time the narrow end is not hidden behind the wide one, but is in front of it and is visible. It is enclosed by a seemingly loose knot that exudes elegance and style. Use a plain solid color tie or a patterned one as desired. However, the tie knot looks better if you choose the simpler model.

Tying a Tie – Instructions for a Fibonacci Knot

Use a tie made of any fabric when choosing this tie knot. He canat willbe designed in two directions. It all depends on how you put the tie around your neck. How exactly you can tie ties with such a knot can be found in the instructions in the video. One of the first steps is also important for aesthetics. This is a fold that is created on the side of the wide end. If you want to tie the tie correctly, simply follow the simple and clear instructions in the following video. The wide end is the shorter one for tying a tie in this version.

Loose tie knot – The nomad knot

The interesting thing about this variant is the loose look. At first glance, the knot appears to be hanging loosely, as if it wasn't tightened at all. This creates an elegant yet more casual look. But how do I tie a tie to create such a knot? You can find out more about this in the instructions. Place the thin side over your left shoulder and let it hang further down than the wide side of the tie. Here again an interesting wrinkle is made. If you are a beginner and cannot cope with the reflection in the mirror, you can also get someone else to help you.

Make Bermuda knots

The relatively round shape of the Bermuda knot is what distinguishes this style. This comes into its own even better if you choose a color for the tie that contrasts with the color of the shirt. The wide side is again the shorter, but only a few centimeters. The fold you make at the beginning aims to create a neat look. If you didn't design these in advance, a rather chaotic fold would automatically result when you tied them. Take your time when tying the knot and always continue the fold the way you started. This makes the process easier in general and you don't have to repeat certain steps to make corrections.

The complex matrix knot is also extremely unusual and worth a try. However, we recommend it to more advanced tie makers. Do you have courage and desire? Then take a lookInstructions for tying a tieand try it out! You start by deciding how deep the knot should be. To do this, take the thinner end of the tie and form a loop of the desired length. This can and should depend primarily on the cut of the jacket. A deeper neckline is required so that the tie knot can be seen.

This time you don't tie the knot directly on your neck but on your fingers. Only after the first steps do you put the tie around your neck and continue with the final steps. This very elaborate variant is guaranteed to be an eye-catcher no matter what the occasion.

Tie a rosebud in a tie

How to tie a tie with such a knot that resembles a rosebud? You can find the answer here again in a clear video guide. Even beginners can try these instructions for tying a tie knot, as it is very similar to the classic Windsor knot. So if you are looking for a way to tie a tie for beginners, you are welcome to try it out. The wide side is the shorter. This more subtle knot is ideal for business lunches or similar occasions and can also complement a lady's flower bracelet at a prom.

Double Harley Quinn Knot Instructions

This eye-catcher impresses not only because of its interesting pattern. There is also the interaction of two colors. This means you can match the tie not only to your own shirt, but also to the wardrobe of your companion. If you want to achieve this knot, you will need two ties, which is quite unusual. Take the first tie and place it over your shoulders with the bottom facing up. The thin end is also the longer one. Then place the second tie on top, but this time the right way round. In the neck area, twist the thin ends around once. Now you have one color of tie at the top on the right side and the other on the left.

After this short preparation, you can get started and tie your tie. It starts again with a skillful fold in the wider end. You can look at the rest in the instructions. The tie knot may be more for the braver gentlemen among you. Also onCarnival or Halloweenit can come in handy for a costume.