Tie tie - the 4 most important knots with simple instructions

A tie is part of the business wardrobe, but also to the elegant style of clothing. With the shirt and suit, it is an indispensable accessory that sets an accent and individual touch. Not only is the dessin of the tie that should be tailored to the outfit, but also the knot with which it is bound. Often it happens that you can quickly stress you on festivities, special occasions, an interview or fundamentally in time shortage situations if you are not really practiced in the tie. So that you can stage your new tie perfectly, we provide the 4 most important knots with simple instructions.

Successfully bind the tie

A tie can be done on a total of 85Bind species, in 1999 the English physicist Dr. Thomas Fink found out. Do not be put off by this variety. Of course, you don't have to master all tie knots, but the two most important should be able to bind every man-the Four-in-hand and the simple windsor node. On festive occasions, the somewhat more complex binding types come into their own.

Four-in-hand node

The Basic tie knot is the Four-in-hand node and it is one of the most popular. It mainly owes its popularity to the simple binding and timeless look. It is equally suitable for every opportunity, for leisure, but also for business meetings. Whether thin or rather wide, every tie can be binded beautifully in this way. In addition, the Four-in-hand node is both large and men with medium height. It is clear pro point that you can bind it with one hand and maybe that's why it was called "easier knot".

  1. Place the broad end of the tie over the narrow.
  2. The broad end of the tie behind the narrow to the right and then continue to the left.
  3. Pull up the wide end to the neck and then pull down through the resulting loop.
  4. The knot is already finished. Now simply push it up to the top shirt button until the tie is correctly sitting.

EasierWindsor node

This simple tie knot is an elegant all -rounder that the Duke of Windsor made particularly popular in the 1930s. The Windsor node is somewhat more voluminous and more bulky than the Four-in-Hand node. It is characterized by a conical, symmetrical form and is particularly suitablefor shirtsthat sit tight on the neck. It comes into its own for a shark collar. To do this, you should choose a narrow tie made of a not too voluminous fabric. Whether festive or professionally, the gentleman look is perfectly completed by a simple windsor node.

  1. Place the wide end of the tie over the narrow and then pull towards the neck.
  2. The wide end behind the narrow lead.
  3. Next, lead the wide end back in front of the narrow and pull it back towards the neck.
  4. Now a loop is being built. As a result, the broad end of the tie down.
  5. Pull to the top shirt button and now the simple windsor node is sitting.

DoubleWindsor node

The double windsor node is actually not very easy to bind due to the many consumers. But with a little practice, the beginners will certainly succeed in doing it. The ideal model for this is narrow, uneasy and long, because the knot itself fails a bit more voluminous. The pattern and the color should be subtle and the shirt - with a not too narrow collar, otherwise the top of the collar will lift due to the size of the knot. The double windsor node is best medium-sized or small men. Large gentlemen with a rather wide face and neck should basically do without it and prefer to choose a narrower knot variant like the Four-in-Hand.

  1. Leave a large part of the wide end on the right side. The broad end of the tie with your right hand leads to the left over the narrow end and then grasp your left hand.
  2. Cover the wide end from left to right under the narrow, in the direction of the neck and then pull through the loop down to the right.
  3. Grab the broad end and strike to the left around half the knot. Now take the same end with the left hand, lead it from below through the loop around the neck and at the same time on the back of the knot.
  4. Pull the wide end over the semi -finished knot. Take its tips, put it under the external position of the knot and pull through completely.
    Finally, carefully align the knot.


As an alternative to the tie, more and more men are becoming a fly to stand out from the crowd, to show style awareness and cheerfulness. In addition, a crossbinder is much more conventional than a tie and can not only be worn classically black for tuxedo or white to the tailcoat, but on almost every occasion and it always looks chic. Although this article is about tie, we would also like to explain how the easiest way to bind a fly.


  1. Pull up the collar of the shirt. Place the fly around the neck.
  2. The left end of the loop continued four centimeters than the right pull. Guide the right end over the left and pull through the noose from below.
  3. Form the shorter end with the index finger and the thumb of the left hand into a horizontal loop.
  4. Let the longer end fall forward and put the index finger of the right hand on it, then push up behind the front loop and put it through the knot.
  5. Align the two ends and tighten the knots.

A chic tie should not be missing for an elegant, smart look. Narrow or wide, monochrome or patterned - that is a lot. Just as not every tie is appropriate for every occasion, not every tie knot looks good with every tie. So that this exciting partnership really succeeds, a little more attention is required when choosing. A large knot like the double windsor combined with a shark collar shirt gives seriousness. Elegant versions made of silk or from an opulent fabric that are preferred on special occasions achieve a balanced effect if they are narrow and are bound in Four-in-hand or simple windsor nodes.