Make your own maritime nails or simply get inspired

In summer, the marine look is a real trend again! Even on the nails! If you're looking for inspiration for your holiday nails, you've come to the right place. We'll show you how you can paint beautiful maritime nails yourself. This tutorial may take some time, but the result speaks for itself. And if you want, you can also incorporate small nail art elements such as nail stickers, rhinestones or stamping as a highlight.

Maritime nails: How to do a manicure at home

You need the following:

Unterlack, Base Coat
Nail polish in white, navy blue and red
Thin nail brush (fineliner)
A small piece of a makeup sponge
Nail polish remover and flat nail brush
Decorative strips for nails
Dotting tool (or just some toothpicks)
Top Nagellack

1. First, paint your nails with the transparent base coat. Now apply 2 layers of colored varnish. White and navy blue work best for this. Here the ring finger and little finger are painted white. The thumb, index finger and middle finger in dark blue.

2. Use the thin brush and white paint to paint an anchor. It is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

3. Now take thisDotting Tool(or use a toothpick instead) and draw a small red heart next to the anchor.

4. Take a small piece, sponge with tweezers and dip it into the white paint (you should pour some nail polish on a piece of foil beforehand). Gently dab the sponge along the tip of the nail.

5. Using the white nail polish and the thin brush, paint the base circle of a lifebuoy.

6. Take the dotting tool (toothpick) again and make some red highlights. It's easier if you make a small dot first and then spread the paint gradually.

7. Now it would be a good idea to clean the skin around the nail. Simply take your flat brush, dip it in nail polish remover and work on your finger.

8. The next two nails, the ring and little fingers, are painted in a striped look. Take thatGlue strips with tweezersand arrange them parallel on the nail surface.

9. Now paint the nail with the red nail polish. While the nail polish is still wet, immediately remove the streaks using the tweezers.

10. Repeat the process of gluing the strips to the second nail. Then apply red and blue to create a beautiful two-tone design. The dividing line should lie exactly on one of the decorative strips.

11. Remove the strips. Use a toothpick or a thin brush to make dots. This way you can hide even small mistakes.

12. Finally, simply apply topcoat and let it dry. Complete!

This manicure is actually very pretty and not too flashy. You can wear it with any type of clothing. The coolest thing about this nail design is that it will harmonize with all other nautical motifs. Try it with boats, ropes, shells, etc. The overall picture still remains beautiful!

By the way, nail stickers are a great way to conjure up nautical motifs on your nails! No painting required! These self-adhesive nail stickers are very easy to use and can be easily removed with nail polish remover. Apply your desired design to dry nail polish or over cured gel/shellac and seal with a top coat for a longer lasting look.

Browse through our image gallery to find more inspiration and great nail designs!

More ideas for inspiration