Make nails grow faster: With these home remedies and tips you can get naturally beautiful fingernails!

A healthy condition of your fingernails and toenails gives you an impressive appearance. On the other hand, dirty, discolored or broken nails reflect poorly on a lady's overall hygiene and personality. In addition, this type of negligence can further delay the development of nails. If you're wondering how to grow your nails fast, there are ways to make your dreams come true. With proper care, you can contribute to better nail growth. Below you will find tips and home remedies that can help you get naturally beautiful fingernails.

Long and healthy nails are always in trend, but getting them that way is not always easy. Try these natural remedies!

Fresh oranges for long fingernails

This is a nail and cuticle treatment that is both nourishing and relaxing.

What you need:

  • Freshly squeezed orange juice
  • Grated orange peel
  • olive oil
  • Coconut beer


  1. First grate the peel of an orange very finely and then squeeze the juice from an orange. In a bowl, add one tablespoon of freshly squeezed orange juice and two tablespoons of grated orange peel.
  2. Now add a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of heated coconut oil to the previous mixture and stir together until fully incorporated. First, wash your hands to remove any dirt, then dab your fingers in the homemade nail growth serum. Leave them in this solution for at least ten minutes before removing them. Then remove the nail serum with water and moisten your hands with a rich cream.

Grow nails faster with coconut oil

This highly nutrient-rich product gives the nails the loving care they need for their development, which is absolutely necessary.

What you need:

  • Coconut beer
  • Honig
  • Rosemary


  1. Add a quarter cup of organic coconut oil, a quarter cup of honey, and four drops of rosemary essential oil to a bowl. Mix all ingredients well.
  2. Heat the ingredients together in the microwave for about twenty seconds. Once the mixture has cooled, soak your nail beds in it for fifteen minutes. For best results, perform these steps once or twice a week.

Get beautiful fingernails in a week - use olive oil

This DIY method is really easy and will help you get shiny, sturdy and break-resistant nails. Before you go to bed, apply warm olive oil to your cuticles and nails and leave it on overnight. You can do this every day to speed up the growth process of your nails.

Make nails grow faster with horsetail

The horsetail plant is rich in a variety of minerals, including silica and calcium, all of which contribute to overall improvement in nail health. The instructions for use suggest bringing 500ml of water to the boil and then soaking three quarters of a teaspoon of dried horsetail stems in the hot water for ten to fifteen minutes. After straining, allow the liquid to cool. Soak your fingernails and toenails in this solution for twenty minutes.

Make a baking soda and sugar scrub for your nails

Regular exfoliation is necessary because just like your skin, the dead cells that form around the cuticles also need to be removed regularly. You can do this easily by applying a paste of baking soda or brown sugar to the area around your fingernails and gently massaging them in circular motions. This loosens and removes dead skin. After peeling you shouldYour fingernailsWash to remove any residue or product residue, then moisturize.

More tips to promote nail growth

Making some of the following changes to your normal routine can go a long way toward keeping your fingernails healthy and growing.

Take vitamins

To maintain the health of your nails, you need a large amount of vitamin B9, often referred to as folic acid. Although it can be obtained naturally through consumption of foods such as legumes and whole grains, be sure to seek your doctor's approval if you also want to start taking supplements.

Folic acid has been proven to stimulate faster nail growth, making fingernails stronger and more resilient and reducing the likelihood of them breaking.

Get some kind of nail hardener

If you're trying to speed up the growth of your fingernails, the most important thing you should do is make sure they don't break. You could invest in a nail hardener that contains keratin, which will both slow the rate of breakage of your nails and speed up their growth. Using nail strengtheners is especially beneficial for those of us whose fingernails are brittle and lack thickness.

Use keratin supplements

Not only is keratin beneficial for your hair, but it can also promote the growth of long and strong nails. Keratin preparations workour nailsin a similar way to our hair, giving it strength and resilience. It can be taken either externally in the form of oil or internally in the form of tablets.