Nail design with a wow effect: inspiring picture ideas

In keeping with the spirit of today, the currently popular nail art is presented, which Hollywood stars such as Rihanna, Katy Perry, Blake Lively, Rita Ora and others have discovered as a fashion statement for themselves. The famous ladies demonstrate a unique sense of fashion and show how stylish nail designs can now be worn. The following applies to the nail polish trends for 2014: playing with colors, shapes and textures is the order of the day. Here you can take a look at chic nail design creations with a WoW effect and let your imagination run wild.

Cool effects on the fingers can be achieved with nail stickers and nail jewelry such as rhinestones, glitter and stones. A golden edge gives the fingernails an elegant finish. However, if you want to approach the nail project a little more professionally - there are appropriate products for special effects. For example, the magnetic nail polish, available in various colors - due to the magnetic beads contained in the nail polish, you can form small, precise stripes using a small magnet. If you like a fashionable, sugary finish - there is a special Suger Crush nail polish for that.

Nail styling with a gold edge

Let your fingertips shine in a soft turquoise tone and pattern highlights. Thefashionable nail polishis glittering, playful, unusual and a little crazy.