Today, life without a computer and without the Internet is hard to imagine. However, the long working day in front of the screen often results in back and shoulder pain, headaches and burning eyes. These problems can be prevented or at least the risk can be reduced. In this context, we talk about ergonomics in the workplace. In this article we will give you some practical tips.
The aim is to improve the working environment by optimizing ergonomics. This brings the employee a healthier way of working and the employer – increased employee performance and reduced sickness-related absences.
A very important prerequisite for this isthe user-friendlinessof the workplace. Make sure that your office furnishings are of a high quality standard, but this alone is no guarantee that you will be able to work without any problems. The correct adjustment of the office furniture, the positioning of the devices and sufficient lighting are also important factors for a healthy working atmosphere. Protect yourself from fluctuating temperatures and drafts, as they increase the risk of illness.
Make sure you have a work area of at least 4.5 m2 per person. The work areas should be designed to be as barrier-free as possible and the noise level when using machines should be kept as low as possible.
You must place the work table and screen parallel to the window so that the light comes in from the side. (Screen at a 90° angle to the window). Additional lighting fixtures should also be aligned parallel to the line of sight.
It is best to choose a height-adjustable table. The height of the work surface should be between 680 and 840 mm. The table top requires a minimum width of 1200, a length of 800 mm and a maximum thickness of 30mm.
An outdated office chair that does not adapt to the user can cause significant health damage. Aergonomic chairhas a height and tilt-adjustable backrest with lumbar support and armrests, rocker mechanism and wheels that ensure optimal comfort and mobility when sitting. The seat should not be too soft and have no sharp edges as they can cause swollen legs and poor circulation.
You must adjust the seat height of the office chair so that your thighs are at an angle of at least 90° to your lower leg and torso. Your thighs must rest completely on the seat and your feet must be in full contact with the floor. If you sit correctly, you change your position frequently.
The height of the chair can be adjusted correctly by keeping the elbow height as the table height. A footrest with an angle of inclination of 30-45° is useful for small people.
By adjusting the height of the office chair, you can optimally prevent your legs from cramping. Individually adjustable armrests help to relieve the strain on your arms. An office chair can be found in any shape imaginable.
Place the screen and keyboard parallel to the edge of the table, straight in front of you. This avoids reflections on the screen and excessively bright light. The use of blinds is recommended in very bright work rooms.
If you use paper documents at work, it is best to get a slanted document rest that is positioned between the keyboard and the screen.
You should position the top edge of the screen so that it is at least 10 cm below eye level. The viewing distance to the screen is 60 to 80 cm, although a little more is allowed for larger screens.
It is extremely important that you ensure enough movement while working. Here are a few simple tips:
– Change your sitting position as often as possible when working!
– Adjust the resistance of the backrest optimally so that it swings comfortably when you lean back!
– Consciously take short stretching breaks and movements.