The right oneRing sizechoosing is a delicate matter. Because often a ring gift should have oneSurpriseand if the ring doesn't fit perfectly, it can be a problem otherwisemagical momentalready a little cloudy.What you can doIf the ring doesn't fit well, we'll tell you about ring sizes in this article.
How experts determine ring size
There are several methods to correctly measure ring size. For example, you cansee a professional, which uses special measuring rings to determine your size. Try different sizes, leave the ring on your finger for a while, and give yourself time to consider your options. You will be much more confident in your choice. You can also see how good the ring isslides over your knuckles. Especially if you have larger ankles, it's important to choose a ring that fits comfortably without being too loose. We advise you to change your ring size if possibleto be measured more often, as the ring size may vary a little depending on the time of day and temperature.
How to secretly determine the right ring size
The easiest way is to have the ring size determined directly by a specialist. However, if you have a ring asGiftbuy or maybe even after oneengagement ringthere are other options too.
Ideally, you should bring a ring that you knowsits well. It is important to take into account that the ringon the same fingeris worn like the one you want to give as a gift. In the case of an engagement ring, this is usually the caseRing finger of the left hand.If you can only “steal” a ring for a short time, the easiest way is toinner diameter with a rulerto eat. If you can keep the ring away for longer, it's best to take it to a jeweler who will resize it with aRingdorncan determine exactly.
However, if you are completely on your own without rings, then try to come up with a clever excuse to increase the circumference of your finger with onePiece cord,Papier or even dental flossto measure. Also take the size of your knuckles into account so that the ring fits perfectly in the end. If you likemore detailed informationfor determining the size of rings, then the KLENOTA jewelry studio has a detailed oneArticleon their website for you.
The most common ring sizes for men and women
Ring sizes are generally determined according to theInner diameter or the inner circumference of the ringstated. The latter is the circumference of the finger (alsoEU sizecalled). Atwedding rings(worn on the left ring finger) are the most common sizes52 and 53 in womenand59 to 61 in men.
InGreat BritainRing sizes are given in the letters E to U. The most common women's size is thisM, while men are most commonTcarry. In the USA, a numerical scale based on finger thickness is used:Womenmost often wear the size6andMena size off9. Wear based on the same scaleWomen in Asiamost commonly a ring of size4-5and the most common sizesin menare7-8.
And if you didn't choose the right size?
You don't have to worry if you don't choose the right size. Simply take the ring to a jeweler whothe size of the ring as needed adjust can. Most jewelers will be able to do this, howeverIt's best to ask again in advance– especially if the ring is custom-made, it’s worth playing it safe. This will keep you going with every ring purchasecalm and relaxed.
We hope our article was helpful. Now you should be able toto determine the correct size of a ring. So nothing stands in your way of finding the right ring! Read alsoour article about the latest trendsfor engagement rings.