Sneakers – the right mix of sports and leisure shoes

However, a series of scientific studies on athletes led to the realization that classic sneakers, as they were previously common, only have semi-professional properties. In addition, they no longer appear visually contemporary. Their wide body and heavy materials increasingly tire your feet. After a while the body needs a break and it is not uncommon for joint pain to occur with regular use. Thankfully, innovative shoe manufacturers have brought a new type of sneaker to the market: the sneaker.

Sneakers bring a certain lightness with them at first sight. Manufacturers avoid unnecessary features and concentrate solely on the technical advantages of the shoes, the health of the feet and of course on the shoe design. Above all, there are the needs of people in the 21st century. They want to be dynamic, they know the importance of movement in everyday life, they want vitality and these types of shoes are intended to support them in exactly these projects. If you want to get a new pair, you'll find some great onesSports shoes at RENO– for women, men and children.

The features of the newfangled shoes

The first highlight is the shape of the shoes. They look just as supple and slim as they also offer space for larger foot shapes. Sleek models with a textile and therefore flexible upper material can be found as well as classic shoe models with a harder surface. Here everyone chooses their pair of shoes based on their personal comfort. Most shoes have a closure for the laces. The latest models do not require a closure. They have an elastic band that releases automatically and adapts to the shape of the foot. Just slip in and go. No more pressure points, no more endless lacing.

But the manufacturer promises even more. There are certainly sneakers with commercially available soles. In the higher price segment, shoe lovers can look forward to gel soles. They relax the footbed and relieve the strain on the spine when walking. It has to absorb fewer shocks, which has a positive effect on the intervertebral discs. These shoes are therefore also suitable for people with difficulties in the musculoskeletal system and anyone who wants to prevent painful sensations in the spine area should also rely on the quality.

The shoe for all situations

Sneakers to a more elegant wardrobe? That doesn't work at all! What about sneakers?

Although such sports shoes have a sporty shape, they impress with their fashionable and stylistically appropriate look. They can shine, glitter or look completely neutral. This means they are not only suitable as a final accessory for a sporty outfit. More and more men are wearing sneakers under jeans and a suit jacket. They love the style and of course it is well received.

If you want to take a short walk in the evening after work, these shoes are also recommended. The light shoes don't make your feet too tired. Due to their closed shape, no moisture penetrates, so walking across the lawn doesn't become an unpleasant experience. Models with white soles are also permitted in gyms, but black shoes leave unsightly streaks. When buying a new pair of shoes, be sure to look for an anti-slip sole that has integrated abrasion protection. This means that the shoes last for a long time and accompany you in every life situation.