Compass tattoo – meaning of the motifs, images and cool designs

The compass tattoo is profound and can still be used in many ways today. The maritime symbol was a classic tattoo for sailors and was intended to protect them as they sailed in rough waters so they could return home safely. Below you will find out what the particular symbolism of the motif is and what meanings the compass has today.

What does a compass tattoo mean?

The compass is an instrument with which one can orientate oneself and this meaning can also be achievedtransferred to tattoos. Anyone who wants to wear a compass on their skin knows exactly where they want to go in life and has clear goals in mind. But there are many more meanings that make the motif so popular.

What does that stand for?Reason?

General meaning of compass tattoos:

  • Determined action – you have clear goals and know exactly where you want to go in life
  • Hope – when the wearer has lost his way
  • Protection during travel – for military and sailors
  • Strong faith in God - the compass shows the right path with the help of hidden power
  • Home as a goal in life
  • Love of the sea

The direction of the needle

In contrast to the real compass, which always points north in an unimaginative way, this can be adjusted on your own skin because the tattoo should have a different goal for everyone. For this reason, the direction in which the compass needle points can have meaning.

What fitsin addition?

The compass is a universal motif that is just as suitable for women as it is for men. It is represented differently on the skin - as an antique pocket compass with 3D details, as the star of the north, the physical representation of which is the compass, or just the compass rose with needle. Sometimes the compass is drawn in a very abstract way using simple lines.

Watercolor effects

The motif can be combined very well with other maritime figures such as ship, lighthouse, sea, anchor and rope, but other options are also available: world map, island, flowers, stars, hourglass, feather, swallows, etc.


Icelandic singer and actress Björk has a nice symbolic tattoo on her upper left arm that has a deep meaning. TheSymbol Vegvisiris a Nordic protective symbol and means signpost in Icelandic. According to legend, Vegvisir was drawn with blood on the forehead so that the wearer would not get lost on his way.

The tattoo by Justin Bieber

In early 2014, pop star Justin Bieber debuted his twenty-sixth tattoo on Instagram. A black and white compass tattoo could be seen on his left bicep - the needle pointing an uncertain direction between south and southeast. At the time, the tattoo sparked rumors that the singer was finding his direction in life.

Flower ofLisSymbol also appears often

Fleur-de-lis motif represents a stylized flower of the iris and used to be a symbol of the monarchy. The symbol has many variations and meanings such as monarchy, fame, honor, faith, Mother Mary and the Holy Trinity.

CelticSymbolwith compass

The Celtic knot symbol is still called the triqueta and consists of three connected circular arcs. The knot has no beginning and no end, so it is intended to remind us of the infinite nature of our minds. The symbol shows the infinite cycles - birth and rebirth - and symbolizes eternity.


The motif is often combined with red roses, which represent undying love and something perfect. The different colors of the rose petals play an important role. Withered roses, for example, are a sign of the transience of life.


One of the sailors' most popular motifs are anchors, which symbolize a special feeling of home. It still symbolizes support and security. Very popular saying for the compass anchor tattoo is “I'll be the one to guide you, but never hold you down.” – I will be the one to guide you but not drag you down.

ancientCompass roseson the wrist

It was only in the late 13th century that sailors combined the unstable floating needle with the compass rose, still called the compass rose. It is used to display the cardinal direction on the compass and is generally divided into circular sectors of equal size. In the nautical line, the circle is divided into 32 segments and one line is equal to 1/6400 full angle = 0.05625 degrees.

Moon, sun andSterneas orientation

Even before the compass was invented, the sun and stars were the most important guide for sailors. During the day they could determine the direction of the compass with a sun compass, while at night the North Star showed them the way to the north. The Polar Star does not change its position and is almost exactly above the North Pole.

Matching sayings

Quotes in Latin and English look good and can be ideally combined with the tattoo design. Depending on the meaning you want the tattoo to have, you can choose different quotes on topics such as path, orientation, travel, achieving goals, time and others.


Below are a few examples of sayings:

  • “Follow the dream – Usque ad finem” (in Latin it means “Until the end”)
  • “Give up the life you planned for the life that is waiting for you” – Abschied/Neuanfang
  • “Even a long journey begins with the first step.” – Travel/wanderlust
  • “Not all that wander are lost.” – Aus “The Fellowship of the Ring” von Tolkien
  • “If you never get lost, you never get found” – Hoffnung

compass with clock,Arrowand eye

If you want a little color, you can add a few color accents such as a red point, compass needle, arrow or other elements that should emphasize the desired direction. If you like it colorful, you can embellish all elements of the tattoo with color.

colorfulTattooon the forearm

Colorful tattoos are becoming increasingly popular because they are particularly eye-catching and simply cannot go unnoticed. However, a larger, colorful tattoo is only suitable for the brave, especially if it is done on a visible part of the body.

WithRoses and lighthouse

Colorful tattoos that are only outlined appear much more inconspicuous. It is always advisable to start with just the contours and then fill the individual elements with color as desired. This will give you a better idea of ​​whether the tattoo would look better in full color or just outlined.

Anchor, world mapandIsland

If you would like to combine the motif with another maritime symbol, then you have many ideas to choose from. Anchors that are wrapped with a rope have a particularly nautical look. The combination with a world map or an island is also perfect for people who travel a lot. These beautiful tattoos fit well with any avid traveler.

Mini landscape

However, compasses are not only used as a guide in the sea, but also in nature. That's why you can also combine this tattoo motif with a landscape. You decide for yourself whether a mountain landscape, a forest landscape or a pasture landscape.

also as a couple tattooforbest friends

If you want to get engraved together with your best friends, then you can choose this symbol. Suitable parts of the body for this are the forearm, the shoulder blade or the wrist. For friends, this tattoo can mean that no matter what happens and where each of them goes, they would always find each other again.

small compass instead of wedding rings

A new trend in finger tattoos are tattoos on the ring fingers that replace wedding rings. This original idea can be implemented with many different motifs and is becoming increasingly popular, especially among young married couples. A small compass rose is suitable as a ring finger tattoo and marks the beginning of the couple's life together.

SkullCompassin red and black

The tattoo design for men can be combined with a skull for a spooky design. The skull can be depicted both on the compass rose and outside of it. For a more eye-catching look, the tattoo can be engraved with color and designed as a highlight on the skin.

antiquePocket compasswith feathers and roses

Old school compasses are often chosen for a tattoo because they have a very special look. They speak of a bygone era and are perfect for those who want to get tattooed with a vintage motif. The antique pocket compass looks really good in combination with roses and feathers.

WithPocket watch on the upper arm

Pocket compasses and pocket watches have a similar look and can therefore be easily combined in tattoo design. With a watch on your skin you can record time and immortalize a specific moment of your life. The pocket compass in this case can mean that from this time onwards you have found a new direction and have hope for the future.

Because of their similar appearance, both motifs can also be included in a common design. Half of the case can be designed as a clock and the other half as a compass rose. Tattoo sayings that are written with beautiful lettering and successfully integrated into the design also go well with this.

more openPocket compasssurrounded by flowers

If you want to get tattooed with a very special motif, then you can consider 3D tattoos. They look very realistic and never go unnoticed. Here's a cool idea for an open 3D pocket compass that looks like it's pointing its pointer toward north at any moment.

Tattoo on upper arm with shipperfectfor sailors

Tattoo idea for people who travel a lot

Wolf tattoo with minimalist compass as an eye

Compass tattoo with earth globe and airplane

nice tattoo idea with rose on the compass rose for the ribs

Tattoo for women – open pocket compass in combination with roses