Symbols played an important role in Viking culture. The Nordic warriors even wore these on their skin as tattoos. Whether to appeal to their gods for protection in battle or to instill fear in their enemies, Norse people used different symbols for different purposes. Scandinavian tattoos are therefore characterized by a large number of mysterious symbols that are intended to protect the wearer with their magical power.
These vary from runic writings to depictions of the gods themselves. If you are curious and want to know more about Viking symbols, check out our short list. Here are the most important Nordic symbols that you can also use as inspiration for your next tattoo.
Odin's Knot Valknut
Without a doubt, Valknut is one of the most famous and popular Viking symbols. Also known as Odin's Knot and Hrungnir Heart, the three intertwined triangles are considered the symbol of Odin. The word “Valknut” is derived from two different words: “Valr” meaning “slain warrior” and “Knut” meaning “knot”.
According to Norse belief, Odin, the god of death and war in Norse mythology, would welcome the fallen warriors to Valhalla (the Hall of the Slain). That's why the Valknut symbolizes life after death. Sometimes it represents the power and strength of the soul when fighting with death gods or other terrible circumstances. The three triangles give the impression of order, continuity and immortal will.
50 Viking tattoo ideas and interesting symbols from Nordic mythology
Yggdrasil Tree of Life
Yggdrasil is not only one of the most distinctive Viking symbols, but also an important element of Nordic belief. According to Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is the world ash tree that connects the nine worlds, namely Asgard, Midgard, Muspelheim, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Niflheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Helheim. That's why Yggdrasil is considered a symbol of the interconnectedness of all things in the entire universe.
According to Norse mythology, the world will end with Ragnarök, the battle between gods. Only one man and one woman will survive the end of the gods by hiding in a tree hollow. The couple will leave the tree to bring life back into the world. So the tree will protect life from Ragnarök. This is one of the reasons why Yggdrasil is called the Tree of Life.
Aegishjalmur/Aegishjalmr – The Helm of Awe, Dread Helm
Aegishjalmur (also known as the Helm of Awe and Terror) is an ancient Icelandic rune known asViking protection symbol is known. The word Aegishjalmr is made up of two different words in the Old Norse language: Aegis meaning “shield” and hjalmr meaning “helmet”.
In fact, Viking warriors painted the Aegishjalmr mark on their foreheads to protect themselves from their enemies and to instill fear in them. As a tattoo, Aegishjalmur is now used as a protective symbol.
Vegvisir, the Viking compass
The Vegvisir is another Viking symbol made up of runes. He is often associated with, or sometimes even confused with, Aegishjalmr. TheVegvisir, also known as the Runic Compass, should provide guidance for a person who might become lost. It was also drawn on Viking ships before they set sail.
The triple horn of Odin
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Great love is expressed with a wedding ring tattoo - but which motifs are suitable for the fingers, what meaning they have and how the tattoo really lasts for a long time on such a sensitive place as the fingers - you will find out this and much more in the article. Also, 30 wedding ring ideas are tattoos
The Triple Horn of Odin is a Viking symbol consisting of three interlocking drinking horns. The symbol goes back to the myth about Odin and his search for the magical elixir of poetry - Odrörir.
According to belief, two dwarves named Fjalar and Galar killed Kvasir - a being who knew everything and could answer any question. The dwarves mixed Kvasir's blood with honey and poured it into three horns.
According to the myth, Odin used his ingenuity to negotiate with the giantess Gunnlöð. She allowed him to drink one sip of mead for three days. So he drank all the elixir of poetry and managed to escape by turning into an eagle.
Today the Triple Horn of Odin is also understood as a symbol of wisdom and inspiration, especially poetic inspiration.
Mjolnir, Der Hammer des Thor
Thor's hammer is certainly one of the most important Viking symbols (if not the most important). According to Norse mythology, Mjölnir was not just a weapon, but a tool that Thor used for many purposes. He was also believed to have used Mjölnir to bless marriages.
Thor protected humans from Chaos by blessing them with Mjölnir and he guarded the cosmos against the giants. That's why Thor's hammer is considered a symbol of protection. In fact, Viking warriors wore Thor's hammer as an amulet during battle.
Flower tattoo – different motifs and many designs!
“Svefnthorn” – The Sleep Thorns
Finally, here comes Svefnthorn, one of the most authentic Viking symbols, which has been mentioned several times in several Norse sagas, including “The Tale of the Völsungen” and “The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki”.
Although the appearance and magical properties of Svefnthorn vary from story to story, they all have one thing in common: the symbol was used by Vikings (and gods) to put their opponents into a deep and long sleep.
Huginn and Muninn – Odin's two ravens
Huginn and Muninn are a pair of ravens who served as Odin's messengers. In several works of art, the two ravens were depicted directly next to Odin or sitting on his shoulders.
Huginn and Muninn flew around the world during the day and returned in the evening to tell Odin everything they saw. It was believed that thanks to the abilities given to them by Odin, Huginn and Muninn were keen observers and could travel all of Midgard (the world) in a day. They also understood the language of the people and could speak to them themselves.
Some experts suggest that Huginn and Muninn may actually be projections of Odin's consciousness. The fact that the words “Huginn” and “Muninn” literally mean “thought” and “memory” strengthens this theory. In this sense, Huginn and Muninn are consideredSymbols of Odin and his powers.
Ravens were highly revered in Nordic culture. Many Viking kings includingRagnar Lothbrok, had ravens on their flags. Vikings also used ravens to find land when sailing into unknown waters. They kept ravens in cages and periodically released them to explore the area around the ship and search for land. If they didn't find anything, they would fly straight back to the ship.
The Web of Wyrd – The Web of Fate
One of the lesser known Viking symbols is the Web of Wyrd. It is a symbol from Norse mythology that represents the interconnectedness of the past, present and future. According to the myth, the fate of all people was woven into this web by the Norns.
The nine-line symbol contains all the runes and thus symbolizes all the “possibilities” that the past, present and future have brought and could bring. It is also called “Skuld's Net” because Skuld was considered one of the three Norns who wove the net.
Gungnir, the magical spear of Odin
Gungnir was the name of Odin's magical spear, forged by the dwarves (the most talented blacksmiths). Gungnir never missed his target and always made it back to Odin. Just like Mjölnir returns to Thor every time it is thrown by him.
According to myth, Odin began the war between the two groups of gods in Norse mythology, Aesir and Vanir, by hurling Gungnir upon his enemies. This gesture was later repeated by Viking warriors before battle, hoping to gain Odin's protection and aid during battle.
The troll cross – symbol of protection
The Troll Cross (Trollkor) is a twisted piece of metal worn as an amulet to ward off malevolent magic. The troll cross is a significant part of Swedish folklore and is worn by Scandinavian peoples as protection against trolls and elves. The symbol takes the form of an Othala rune in the Old Futhark. Iron and the Othala symbol were believed to ward off evil creatures.
Viking runes
Viking runes are a system of signs and writings of the Nordic peoples. The ancient runic alphabet is called “Futhark” and consists of 24 characters. Runes were used both as writing and as a system of magical signs. According to legend, gods sacrificed themselves to obtain runes.
If you are looking for inspiration for oneTiny-Tattooare, familiarize yourself with the runes.
Ansuz– Odin, divine knowledge, the spiritual power of life
Reasonable– Birth, fertility, growth, motherhood
Kenaz– Torch, fire, uncovering
Dagaz– Awakening, clarity and transformation
Ehwaz– Horse, loyalty, trust, cooperation
Question– Success, goals achieved
Gebo– Gift or gift, connection between people
Hagalaz– Wrath of nature, uncontrolled forces
List– the wheel of time, fertility of the earth, harmony
Isa– Ice, icicles, challenge, psychological and physical blockages.
Laguz– Water, dreams, the power of renewal
Mannaz– Man/person, importance of one's own social position and that of other people, chosen families
Nauthiz– Emergency situation, problem solving, coercion
Othala/ Othila– inheritance, family property, roots,Family, Origin
Perthro– Birth, rebirth, self-determined fate, something secret
Ingwaz– Symbol of patient growth, a maturation process through which one acquires wisdom. growth and maturity
Raidho– Journey, the realization of a goal
Sovilo– Sun, rune of victory, health and success.
Tiwaz– Fame or courage, honor
Wunjo– Joy, comfort, happiness, harmony
Thursday– represents the power of giants, defense
Ehwaz– Eibenbaum, the exchange and journey between worlds
Algiz– Protection from enemies and evil, horns of the elk
Uruz– physical strength, speed, untamed instincts
Inguz – “where there is a will, there is a way”