Red tattoos are popular, but also controversial: learn more about this tattoo color

More and more people choose this extravagant choice of colors, combine with black, use them as an accent or choose a design in red. The latter in particular is a real eye and makes the white tattoo that was the hit a few years ago , Great competition. Nevertheless, there are some things you should know before you get red tattoos stab. Because what is often called myth about the red tattoo color is a truth, which should also be informed by your tattoo artist. Here are some useful information, followed by a photo gallery made of interesting designs.

Red tattoos and what you should know about it

Allergy trigger

Red tattoos come into their own, especially on bright skin, provided that a strong color nuance is used. Although the color is very attractive, it is not uncommon for it. It has a bad reputation and one of the reasons why it is the color that most often triggers allergies. The reason for this is the ingredients that can occur in the tattoo color. The allergies are caused by Zinnober (mercury sulfide). Sometimes pure mercury is also used in the red color. As a pigment, the cadmium even contains metals that are now prohibited for the production of car paints and plastics, but not for tattoo paint.

Typical symptoms of an allergy are inflammation and eczema, redness, itching, burning and the formation of bubbles to nausea and fever. The symptoms appear either during healing or only after a few years. This can lead to a light allergy whose episodes are burns. Incidentally, an allergy test for tattoos can be carried out at the dermatologist and is highly recommended before stinging.

Slower healing

Red tattoos or the areas that have been tattooed usually heal more slowly. This is not a problem for health, provided the care after the jump -off is carried out long enough. The reason for the slower healing is that the red color or the pigments it contains are thicker. This makes it more difficult for the tattoo artist to bring the color under the skin. In order for this to become opaque, it must be re -stabbed more often, which of course is also more stressful for the skin.

Surious edges

Correct edges and clear lines are not possible with a red tattoo. For this reason, the red tattoo color is also suitable for watercolor tattoos, where an even transition from one color to the other is the goal. If you want red tattoos with precise limits, better combine it with a different color for this purpose.

Are red tattoos less durable?

Although you often hear this claim, you cannot say that red tattoos have a lower shelf life. They do not fade faster than different colors as long as they are properly maintained. You can find some tips below. However, if the red tattoos are frequently and permanently exposed to the sun, this leads to a fading of the color. If you have found a quick fading, this is probably due to the fact that the tattoo was not properly maintained and not the color itself.

Vegan, or not?

Perhaps you are pushing at first and wondering why this question is in connection with the red tattoo color. The reason for this is actually very interesting. To make color for the red tattoo, dead lice are very often used. The color that is obtained from them (shellac) makes the red tone more intense. Wollwachs, called Lanolin, can also appear in the ink for red tattoos. If you place value on a vegan lifestyle, you should find out more about the composition of the ink used by your tattoo artist before stinging.

Motive ideas for such tattoos

In principle, you have free choice in terms of the motif. We remind you again that the red color tends to blur what you should consider when choosing your motif. You can and should also get advice on this in the tattoo studio. Otherwise you can say that a red dragon is particularly popular as a tattoo. Anyone who has ever seen pictures of the Chinese dragon has certainly found that this is mostly red. Of course, this makes the red color ideal for a dragon tattoo.

Red roses as a tattoo are also very popular. In principle, however, this applies to all types of flowers, including the beautiful poppy flower. With floral motifs, not only the flower itself can be red, but the entire design. Or you can combine with other colors at will. AddVogel Tattoos, Snakes, geometric motifs and mandalas or other Buddhist motifs.

Lettering andSmall symbolsare another popular variant. Above all, hearts, stars or the like are frequently chosen and appear particularly interesting and cute in the form of a micro tattoo. In the case of lettering or other fine motifs there is a risk that the tattoo will no longer be readable so well after a while if the tattoo color blurs too much.

Suitable color combinations

Combine according to your taste and the effect you want to achieve. The classic black is a wonderful opportunity toMinimalist black and red tattoosto design. At aSuch variantThe shades stand out mutually and that interesting effects can be designed. You can also find a few interesting examples of the tattoo in black and red in the gallery below. Of course, all other colors can also be selected as a combination for red tattoos. The white color is particularly popular.

The right care

Every tattoo needs the right care to look beautiful and fresh for a long time. This applies particularly to colored tattoos. Care begins right after the jump -off and should last for a lifetime. But don't worry, if the tattoo has healed well, the need for care is no longer so big afterwards.

  • The fresh tattoo is cleaned with antibacterial soap. Then let it dry for 15 minutes without rubbing with towels. At most, it can be dabbed with a clean cloth, but should be avoided as far as possible.
  • As soon as the skin around the tattoo has dried, it is treated with petroleum jelly and this up to ten times a day. This applies to the first two weeks of the healing phase. In this way, the wound, which the tattoo is currently still, is kept damp, the healing encourages and it is prevented that the color already begins to fade.
  • You should completely avoid sun during the healing phase. After that you can sunbathe, but you must always use sunscreen when you expose red tattoos to the sun. The sun not only bleaches out the red color, but also makes it look pink over time.
  • Daily skin care is important! Apply moisturizer every day to protect your tattoo.

Tattoo ideas

Flowers tattoo - different motifs and many designs!

Would you like a new tattoo? But you don't know what you want? A flower tattoo is timeless, just looks beautiful and tender and can be stung in infinite variants. No matter whether a rose, a lily or rather a romantic orchid - we have the most beautiful tattoo designs for you!