Abstract, delicate and minimalist – this is how you could describe the latest tattoo trends. This year the fine works of art are all about nature. Do you feel like putting yourself under the needle again, but you don't know what you want? Mandala, butterflies or something else? We have a suggestion for you: Flower tattoos are timeless, quite versatile and are one of the most current trends for this year! Depending on which plant you choose, there can be very different meanings behind the motif. You can find out what symbolism lies behind a delicate rose, a lily, etc. and the most beautiful motifs for inspiration in our article!
Flower tattoo – colored or black and white?
As with all other tattoos, whether you choose to have your tattoo done in colors or in black and white is purely a matter of taste. However, many people prefer the black and white version because it is a little more subtle and highlights the tattoo motif better. They also fade much more slowly. But if you're a bit bored but don't want a color that's too saturated, then watercolor tattoos are right for you. The only downside is that these fade quicker than the brightly colored ones. If you yourCare for your tattoo conscientiouslyand of course have it done by an experienced tattoo artist, you will enjoy it for much longer!
Colored flower tattoos look vibrant and allow you unlimited creativity and color combinations. But be careful: certain colors don't look good on some skin tones. It is important to first consult with your artist about which colors will create the right contrast for your skin. Colored tattoos are rather unsuitable for people who spend a lot of time in the sun. Unfortunately, sunlight causes the colors to fade and the tattoo begins to blend. Either way: All flower tattoos look unique and really pretty in both color and black and white!
Arm, leg or neck – the right part of the body
When choosing a tattoo, in addition to the motif itself, the appropriate part of the body is also important. For example, if you choose a flower tendril, it will certainly not look the same when hung horizontally across your back as it does vertically on your arm. Ultimately, the position is also a matter of taste, but it might make sense if you talk to your tattoo artist about the desired spot beforehand. This could inform you about where the stinging hurts the most and where the pain is usually easy to bear. The tattoos are considered to be most painful in the areas where the skin is thinnest and lies directly over the bones. This includes the cleavage, ribs, armpits, knee bends, armpits andthe feet. There is usually a layer of fat on the thighs that limits the pain. Basically, the upper and lower arms, shoulders and neck are considered the least sensitive areas and are therefore best suited for all beginners.
The meaning and the 6 most searched flower motifs
The flower language was invented in England in the 18th century. At that time, it was very popular there to convey various messages by giving flowers. To add even more depth to your flower tattoo, you can also choose a flower based on its meaning that matches your personality.
Get a rose tattoo
When it comes to a beautiful flower tattoo, the rose is probably the classic. Depending on the color nuance, it gives your tattoo a completely different meaning. For example, red roses are a symbol of love and passion. A white or yellow rose symbolizes purity, innocence and happiness in life. A purple or blue rose does not occur in nature. This means that they represent something unattainable and unnatural, which is not necessarily meant in a negative way. The motif can therefore also represent dreams or a fascination for something. Black is considered the color of mourning. A black rose as a motif can symbolize the survival of tragic experiences, sacrifices made and the resulting courage. The thorny rose represents a life full of adversity.
Lotus flower tattoo
Along with the rose, the lotus is one of the most popular motifs for a flower tattoo. This is due not only to the beauty of the plant, but also to the fact that it is considered a sacred flower and is highly valued in many religions. The lotus flower represents harmony, love, loyalty and purity. It is also a symbol of the Buddhist faith, especially of the path from the human to the divine.
Lilies in color
The lily is one of the oldest cultivated plants and there are numerous types of lilies and color combinations. Therefore, choosing the motif for your flower tattoo is not that easy. The flower represents femininity and love or also farewell or transience.
Get a tattoo of orchids
The orchid is one of the most beautiful and fascinating houseplants. So it's no wonder that it is one of the most popular motifs for a flower tattoo. The plant represents grace, uniqueness and youth.
Tulips symbolize success
With their magnificent and bright colors, tulips offer an extraordinary design for a flower tattoo. They stand for beauty, closeness to nature or the pursuit of success.
Peony for a particularly romantic tattoo motif
If you find a rose too conventional or an orchid too playful, then perhaps a peony is just the thing for you! The plant is particularly popular in Asian culture. During the Qing Dynasty in China, it was even made a national symbol. The peony is considered a symbol of beauty, wisdom, luck, prosperity and honor.
The most popular styles for a flower tattoo
X-Ray tattoos are among the lastTattoo Trendsthis year. This is a tattoo motif that looks like an x-ray. This style makes the flowers appear particularly delicate and transparent.
Apply 3D flower tattoo to the skin
A 3D design looks beautiful and is one of the most popular tattoo trends at the moment. But since this design is very complex in terms of color and graphics, it is important to choose a really good tattoo artist.
Small flower tattoo with white ink
After the black and colored tattoos, there is now a completely new and rather unusual style and these are white tattoos. These have the advantage that they are very discreet and do not immediately catch the eye. The white color makes your flower tattoo really shine and looks simply beautiful.
Small motifs for subtle tattoos
The minimalist tattoo trend is very simple, but it is precisely this simplicity that makes your flower tattoo so endearing and unique. The small floral motifs look particularly delicate and feminine. A small motif on the upper or lower arm even looks very elegant and grown-up.
Embroidery look
Undoubtedly, small, tiny tattoos look very delicate and adorable, but many people want a floral motif that has a little more impact. If you also belong to this group, then this embroidery look tattoo trend might be something for you. A little startling at first, these tattoos create the illusion of a three-dimensional image, as if they had been stitched directly onto your skin. The result is an incredibly beautiful and unique flower tattoo where every single stitch creates a thread effect.
We all know the good old cross stitch from grandma's tablecloths or from craft lessons. But now these fine embroideries also inspire us under our skin and create a quite interesting and unusual motif.
Beautiful flower tattoos with red ink
Are the black and white tattoos too boring for you? Then get a flower tattoo in red! It's a nice change from traditional tattoo motifs and is clearly one of the most popular trends this year!