There are many elements that make a tattoo very special. Design, placement and theTattoo Trendscertainly play an important role, but one must not forget the most important thing, namely the body. Tattoos are literally body art and our skin is used as a canvas on which we express our ideas, stories and passions. Be it any sayings or motifs full of meaning, tattoos are sometimes the best possible way to show off our feelings and thoughts. With body shaming being a widespread problem, topics such as body positivity and self-acceptance have been coming into greater focus lately. So why not show and experience this new philosophy of life to the outside world by getting a pretty self-love tattoo? But what is suitable for a body positive tattoo and what exactly is behind the new movement? We'll tell you all of this below!
Loving our own bodies is the most important thing to grow and be happy and we all need a little reminder that we must love and respect ourselves first. Always be perfect? We actually don't feel like doing that anymore! Have you ever wondered why all those fitness influencers on Instagram and the other platforms look so perfect? Well the answer is usually: cleverly staged and well thought out poses and Photoshop! However, in recent years the significant shift in the way bodies are represented in society has become important. We must treat ourselves and others with love, forgiveness, understanding and respect and accept ourselves as we are. Because let’s be honest – everyone has their flaws and no one is perfect. Whether you've been on a self-love journey your whole life or are just starting to realize how important it is, body positive tattoos are ideal for daily reminders to honor ourselves and our bodies.
Self-love tattoo: What exactly does body positivity mean?
Of course, a toned stomach and a firm bottom look beautiful. But is it vital to have the perfect body and always be in top shape? And who decides what the perfect body should look like? Us or others? According to a survey, around 20 percent of women in Germany allow their body image to be influenced by social media and fitness influencers and strive to be slim and wrinkle-free. Yes, we also know what it means to constantly compare ourselves with others and how difficult it can be to overlook our supposed “flaws”. But luckily that has slowly changed and self-love without compromise is the new trend that is currently flooding social media.
On Instagram alone there are more than 5.5 million contributions under the hashtag #bodypositivity and the self-love tattoo is the latest rage among all tattoo fans. However, body positivity is not a new phenomenon - as early as the 1960s there were initiatives such as “Health at every size”, or in German - “Health at every size”, and several campaigns call for fatter bodies to no longer be seen as unhealthy ugly to see. Now it's more about seeing our bodies as something that is completely wonderful and that we shouldn't be ashamed of our shapes. Whether a saying or rather aHope tattoo– no matter which design you choose, body positive tattoos mean treating every body with respect and represent the realization that all body types are equally valuable. After all, a person's body tells us nothing about their character.
We are not respectful of other people's bodies and we are not particularly kind to our own bodies. How often have you tormented yourself with various diets and fast cures just to lose those last 2-3 kilos? However, in the worst case scenario, striving for perfection can end in a serious mental or eating disorder. The self-love tattoo is the perfect way to celebrate acceptance and our bodies and to transform supposed weakness into strength.
Body positive tattoos are trendy
How important is the weight that the scale shows us? Weight is just a number and we shouldn't pay too much attention to it. Of course it's nice to be slim and muscular, but that should definitely not become our life maxim. Body positive tattoos expressly advocate for social justice, diversity and acceptance. Whether fat, slim, disabled, etc. - every person must be treated with respect. And that's exactly what the self-love tattoo celebrates - the loving and benevolent view of ourselves.
We all want freedom and we all need self-love. You have to earn more money, you have to always look good and slim - most of us feel constantly pressured by society and at some point this affects our psyche and our self-esteem. “I am enough” – such a small sentence with such a deep meaning. This self-love tattoo is perfect for anyone who has ever been told that they need to change in order to contribute to society. It serves as a wonderful reminder that we should focus on who we are and not what we are not or what we don't have.
Every person is beautiful
Your friend is slimmer than you and you want to look like her so much? Really? Have you perhaps thought that this particular friend would like to have your cute freckles? Who says whether we are too fat, too thin or too slim? We all have to learn not to constantly compare ourselves with others. Because the truth is that everyone is beautiful in their own way - no matter what everyone else says.
Choose a self-love tattoo design that has a deep meaning to you
Beautiful and slim at any price? No thanks! The price of striving for the ideal of beauty can sometimes have serious consequences and, according to a study by the Robert Koch Institute, around 35 percent of young girls show signs of an eating disorder. Unfortunately, this topic is still considered taboo. But anyone who has ever had to struggle with this knows how difficult it is to defeat this “inner devil”. But once you've managed to recover from it, there's nothing you want more than to celebrate your achievement. A self-love tattoo with the National Eating Disorder Association symbol is ideal for reminding you of what you've been through and why you did it. It symbolizes newfound freedom and gives us the strength and motivation not to give up, day after day.
Self-love tattoo: The most beautiful ideas and motifs for your body positive tattoo
All curves and body shapes are beautiful and we don't have to change at any cost
In order for others to respect us, we must first learn to love and honor ourselves
Be kind to yourself and accept your body as it is
Self-love tattoos encourage us to come to terms with ourselves and make peace
Weight is just a number and does not indicate a person's character
Loving yourself – that is true beauty
Body positive tattoos as a reminder that the body changes and that is completely okay
The effect of a self-love tattoo can sometimes be life-changing
We should always treat each other with love, understanding and respect
“Self Love Club” as a friendship tattoo for you and your best friend
Leave all the bad thoughts and memories in the past and focus on your future instead
Most body positive tattoos are simple and simple, but are still full of meaning
All body shapes are beautiful
At the end of the day, it's your body and your life and that's exactly what a self-love tattoo is all about