Symbol of strength as a tattoo: ideas for signs from different cultures

Tattoos can consist of a wide variety of elements and symbols that are intended to represent character, certain experiences, friendly and similar connections or dreams. A very popular symbol is that of strength, although it comes in different variations.

Creative design options with fonts

The word can, for example, simply be spelled out pretty. Symbols for strength from other languages ​​are also often chosen, the most popular being the Chinese language. We would like to introduce you to a selection of different ideas for the tattoo symbol for strength to give you a little insight into the diversity of the symbol variants.

If you simply want to spell out the word instead of a specific motif, you can also use different languages. Whether English, French or even Russian, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you like it. The difference to the characters is that a majority of people can understand the word written out. So decide for yourself whether you want your strength tattoo to be mysterious or whether you want everyone to understand it.

The spelled out word can have any design. Aside from the fact that you can use any fonts and even your own handwriting, you can also design the tattoo with colors, patterns or other motifs as you wish. The watercolor effect is particularly popular for tattoos. Colors are distributed in such a way that the impression is created as if they were watercolors. You can see an example of this above.

But even a simple, monochrome design is anything but boring. Minimalist designs can look very attractive and stylish and attract everyone's attention in a special way.

If you have decided to use writing in another language, you can also combine it with your native language or another widely spoken language to make it more understandable for everyone. This is also how this tattoo was done. Braille was used to represent the word “strength.” In addition, the English word was also added.

Combination with other motifs and symbols

You can also make your strength symbol or word more interesting by combining it with other motifs. This idea is very diverse. The word, together with a feather, forms the infinity sign, which is also equipped with an arrow, a dream catcher and some birds. This allows you to combine different meanings in just one tattoo.

You can also use the word in a specific group of words, a sentence, motto or a combination of other symbols in the form of words such as family, happiness, hope and so on. The word does not have to be used directly either. A message can also express strength indirectly, as in this example. “Trust your struggle/effort” also indirectly means that you have to be strong. In addition, there is the open eagle wing with a similar look.

Symbolism through animals and natural elements

There are some animals that symbolize power and strength. You can see two of them in these finger tattoos. These are the wolf and the lion. Depending on your beliefs or culture, other animals can also be chosen. Ultimately it depends on your imagination. We have introduced a few more further down in the article. We also find the part of the body that was chosen very original. How visible the tattoo can be depends, among other things, on your job, no matter how small the motif is.

Depending on the culture, different animals are considered symbols of strength. With such a tattoo you can combine your love or respect for animals with a message. Animals are also perfect if you're considering a more elaborate tattoo. We would like to introduce you to the animals that represent strength depending on the culture and country.

In Buddhism, the lion is seen as a symbol of strength. The bear symbolizes strength in various cultures, including Chinese. But this also sees other animals as such symbols. The horse, for example, is a symbol of strength and speed; you get a symbol of strength and power with the eagle or elephant. Don't forget the snake either.

Compared to the size of the ship, the anchor is quite small. Nevertheless, he has the strength to keep a powerful ship at sea. Therefore the anchor is also very suitable for this. The variations here are diverse. Use a given one, come up with something yourself, or work with your tattoo artist to think about which design would suit you best.

Everyone knows that water has incredible power. So why not use this element for the tattoo? Water can be represented particularly well in the form of a wave. This symbol of strength also represents Mother Nature and can easily be combined with other designs or simply stand alone.

Nothing can probably represent strength better than a fist. If it is designed in the form of a tattoo in such a way that it breaks through something, the symbol is even reinforced. This motif is often tattooed on the chest. The tattoo can also be easily displayed on other parts of the body.

Meaningful symbols from different cultures

Although Chinese symbols seem to be the most popular, characters from other cultures are increasingly becoming the first choice when it comes to getting an original tattoo. An African symbol of strength, for example, not only looks unique, but also symbolizes exactly what you want: your strong character.

If strength isn't enough of a message for you, you can of course also combine several symbols in one tattoo. How about, for example, symbols of freedom and strength close together. Or you can design the motif on one arm and the symbol of success, for example, on the other. The possibilities are countless!

If you are a believer and would like to represent this on your body, you can also do this with the so-called horn instead of the classic cross. This symbol is also of Nordic origin. It symbolizes the power of God and is therefore perfect as a symbol of strength. In principle, it is made up of three intertwined horns, which can be designed in any way in the form of a tattoo. They also offer the possibility to combine. Praying hands, the Virgin Mary or Jesus are also suitable.

When you talk about Nordic tribes, the Vikings usually immediately come to mind. This first thought alone shows what influence they have had in history and proves the power and strength that they still radiate today. A very attractive motif in terms ofa Nordic tattoois the sunstone, a Viking compass. But the Viking himself is also a perfect motif that radiates strength, power and courage.

Since there are many different tribes among the Indians, the motifs are different. The color red is suitable. This was used in wars. The hand is also often used as a symbol and at the same time represents protection, spiritual strength, power and dominance. The bear and eagle are another variant to decorate the body and represent strength. The feather headdress, which is typical of the Indians, is also suitable.

The intertwining lines of the Celtic symbol of strength look extremely attractive, as ancient signs often do. The symbol for strength can be used again as a single tattoo or incorporated into a larger tattoo. A very popular area for the individual tattoo is the wrist. The Celts also used the oak as a symbol of strength, which also works very well as a tattoo. The sword means physical strength.

The Celtic strength tattoo comes in different versions and can also be changed in color as desired. The motif will appear rather mystical on your body, because without a more detailed explanation hardly anyone will know what is meant by the Celtic symbol, unless you add a lettering to it. If you want to combine the sign with the oak, you can also do this in an interesting way. If you don't have the imagination for this, you can also work on a design together with your tattoo artist.

In Buddhism there are many motifs that represent strength, most notably some animals. The Zen circle is also a simple but meaningful symbol. This is a circle that is not completely closed, but rather open at one point. This symbolizes particularly well the strength that we all have within us and reminds yourself and everyone else of this fact.

The Djed pillar is aEgyptian symbol, which also represents strength. It represents the backbone of the human body and was depicted on the sarcophagi of mummies to give the deceased power and strength for the afterlife. This motif is best suited for the back. As an alternative, the breast can also be chosen.

The Chinese characters hardly seem to be losing popularity. Once you have chosen this design, you can use the top symbol for strength to decorate your body. It can be wonderfully combined with other symbols, so you can also create longer messages. The meaning is often spelled out next to the Chinese character.

Maori symbols also offer unique designs for tattoos. The meanings are numerous, each of them elaborate and attractive. The so-called Hei Matua can be chosen for this. Its shape is reminiscent of a hook, the inside of which can be designed as desired. Each pattern has its own meaning so that different messages can be integrated.

The Arabic script is characterized by a unique overall look and is becoming increasingly popular for designing tattoos. If you have decided on such a lettering, you can use the upper tattoo as a template. It means “strength” and is the perfect variant for a symbol of strength.

This tattoo idea is a little more playful. It is the so-called Triforce, which is known from the Nintendo game “The Legend of Zelda” and is also called “The Golden Force” and represents the three Golden Goddesses. Whether such a playful design is something for you is your decision. The triangle can also be used as a basis for other motifs.