Art Nouveau wallpaper - The washable Lincrusta design with vintage flair

It's no secret that there are many different types of wall coverings. In principle, everything can be used, from PVC to wood to wallpaper or simple paint. Today we would like to introduce you to a special type of Art Nouveau wallpaper, the so-called Lincrusta wallpaper, which was very popular not only in the 19th and 20th centuries. It is still one of the most popular designs today and is often the first choice when it comes to wall design.

Lincrusta wallpapers were created in the 19th century. The jewelry officially came onto the market in 1877, with the inventor being the chemist Frederick Walton. ThisArt Nouveau wallpaperquickly won everyone's hearts and became one of the most popular wall coverings at that time. It can be found in the White House and also adorned the most luxurious cabins on the Titanic.

The material is not quite the same as the wallpaper. It has an attractive relief made of a solid material that creates three-dimensional patterns that make it a real eye-catcher. The look is actually reminiscent of stucco, in which equally attractive patterns and shapes are created using mortar. But Lincrusta has nothing in common with that either.

Relief is a good keyword because it is also where the name comes from, more precisely from “linium”, which means linen, and “crusta”, the Latin word for relief. Lincrusta wall wallpapers are made of a similar composition to linoleum, which is no wonder because the inventor of both products is one and the same.

Sturdy paper, linen, cotton or jute serves as the basis. This so-called carrier material represents the substrate for the later patterning. This is applied in the form of a mass that contains oxidized linseed oil, also called linoxin, rosin, copal resin and wood flour. In order to obtain a specific color, dyes may also be added to this mass.

This Lincrusta compound is used for the wallpaper when it is hot. It is applied to the carrier material using rollers that have the respective pattern. As soon as the mixture dries, the wallpaper is ready for further processing. The wallpaper roll also has a standard size of 10×0.53 meters. One difference from wallpaper is that the corners are not simply glued. Instead, they are mitred.

The result is a solid wall covering that becomes even stronger over time. The pattern cannot be dented or otherwise unintentionally deformed. In addition, the Lincrusta Art Nouveau wallpaper can be further designed as desired. The wall can be painted or varnished in any color. The patterns also look particularly pretty when they are designed with gold leaf.

Another special feature that was particularly well received by citizens was that they could be easily washed without damaging them. It was a hygienic wall covering that was quickly used for wall decoration in public buildings. In addition to those mentioned above, these also include London's Café Royal, Carnegie Hall in New York and luxury carriages from some railways.

While the product was initially called “Linoleum Muralis”, the inventor Walton quickly changed this when he noticed that Art Nouveau wallpaper was becoming increasingly popular. The new name was now “Lincrusta-Walton”. His goal was to prevent other companies from using the same product name. This ultimately led to Lincrusta being a protected brand name today.

Just a few years after the wallpaper came onto the market, several factories were founded. The first in Germany was created in 1884 in the city of Hanover. Even though this factory no longer exists today, the Lincrusta wall wallpaper is still manufactured in London and according to the traditional recipe.

The Lincrusta wall wallpaper is a luxury material for a reason. Aside from the fact that it is incredibly attractive, the manufacturing process is also very complex. If you want wallpaper of this type, you should expect a price of 60 euros or more per square meter. Friezes are even up to twice as expensive. For this reason, the wallpapers are mostly used for the restoration of old buildings.

But if you have fallen in love with this variant, you can inquire in various shops that offer the wallpaper. These include the Tores brothers and Schulze's paint and wallpaper house. Both stores are in Berlin. Lincrusta wallpapers are also available in Cologne in 5 square meter sizes. A cheaper alternative to Lincrusta are so-called Anagylpta wallpapers. These are made of embossed paper and cellulose fleece.

The wall wallpaper can decorate the entire wall or only be used in certain areas. This type of wallpaper is particularly suitable as a replacement for wood paneling. Their robust material easily takes on the role of a wall panel. Since it is also easy to clean, it is perfect for this purpose.

Even in the kitchen and even in the bathroom, wallpaper is no problem. Their waterproof properties make them resistant to moisture, which is particularly high in the bathroom. In principle, it works very well in absolutely every room - as a romantic wall design in the bedroom, for a more comfortable design in the hallway or for a varied everyday life in the living room.

You can also create any atmosphere with a specific color. Gold makes the interior more elegant, while strong colors such as pink, red or blue add pep to the room. On a white model, the pattern comes into its own particularly well thanks to the shadow effects. White is also preferable in a dark hallway.

The Lancrusta wallpapers undoubtedly have a special charm and are another example of how old things can quickly become fashionable again. No matter whether you use the Art Nouveau wallpaper to decorate entire walls or just add certain accents, whether you choose a simple color with a lavish pattern or a striking color with a simple pattern - the ambience will definitely be something very special.